Md Anower Hussain, PhD
It is my pleasure to welcome you to the Faculty of Public Health at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS). The faculty runs 8 graduate (MPH) and 5 undergraduate (BPH) course through its 8 independent departments (see weblink for departments name). Since we are trusted and dependable public health faculty in the country, in each of our program we strive to achieve three distinct attributes; we are students centered, community focused and real world-tested. ... From its inception the faculty of public health is dedicated to contributing to public health by creating public health leaders and innovative solutions through cutting edge and experiential education, training and research. One of the most important advantages of the faculty is its close link with the parent organization, BADAS, which has more than 120 hospitals and health care centers spread all over the country. Thus, students of this faculty can potentially access any of these facilities and also the local communities for their field research experience. Our highly qualified and dedicated faculties are the engine of our success and we always try to further enhance our capabilities. The profiles of our faculty can be accessed on our website and you can reach them for potential partnerships and other engagements. To our students, we would like to see you grow into critical thinkers who can generate solutions to our continuously evolving and growing public health challenges. Inspired by our three core responsibilities of training in public health, research and service delivery, our vision is to be a center of excellence providing leadership in Public Health. Over the years, the faculty has made a tremendous contribution to public health training, research, and to the development of public health policies of Bangladesh. The faculty works with close collaboration with its partner organization/institution/ university in Bangladesh and beyond for the cause of public health education, training and research. We value our partners and strive to achieve meaningful and mutually beneficial partnerships. Please join us to advance our goal of enhancing the health of our communities. The challenges to public health are greater than ever before, with emerging and reemerging infectious diseases, endemic neglected tropical diseases in our backyard, and a rapidly growing burden of non-communicable diseases. We can only overcome these challenges through strong partnerships and united efforts. Let’s contribute to promote the growth and development of a healthier nation and healthful living. We welcome and value your feedback. Please contact us at deanph@buhs.ac.bd Md Anower Hussain, PhD
Prof and Dean
Faculty of Public Health
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Department of Community Nutrition

Department of Noncommunicable Diseases

Department of Occupational & Environmental Health

Department of Reproductive & Child Health

Department of Epidemiology

Department of Community Medicine

Department of Health Promotion & Health Education

Department of Community Dentistry

BPH in Community Nutrition

MPH in Community Nutrition

BPH in Occupational & Environmental Health & Safety

Master of Public Health in Noncommunicable Disease (MPH in NCD)

MPH in Occupational Health & Safety

MPH in Environmental Health & Safety

BPH in Epidemiology and Biostatistics

MPH in Epidemiology

MPH in Occupational Health & Safety

BPH in Health Promotion & Health Education

MPH in Environmental Health & Safety

MPH in Health Promotion & Health Education

BPH in Reproductive & Child Health

MPH in Reproductive & Child Health

MPH in Health Promotion & Health Education

MPH in Epidemiology

Master of Public Health in Noncommunicable Disease (MPH in NCD)

MPH in Community Medicine

MPH in Health Promotion & Health Education

MPH in Community Dentistry

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