Shuhana Sultana
Assistant Professor (Part-time)
MPhil in International Community Health – University of Oslo, Norway – 2010
MSc in Food & Nutrition– University of Dhaka – 2004
BSc in Food & Nutrition – University of Dhaka – 2001
- Assistant Professor Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education,Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Dhaka, Bangladesh. From- July 01, 2016 to till date.
- Assistant Professor (cc) Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Dhaka, Bangladesh. From- July 01, 2013 to June 30, 2016
- Senior Lecturer Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Dhaka, Bangladesh. From- July 01, 2011 to June 30, 2013.
- Lecture Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) From- January 01, 2011 to June 30, 2011
- Senior Research Fellow Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) From- July 15, 2010 to December 31, 2010
- Research Fellow Diabetic Association of Bangladesh (DAB) Dhaka, Bangladesh. From- January 01, 2002 to December 31, 2008
- A Khan, R Uddin, S Sultana, N Alam, M Alam, R Ahmed. Psychometric properties of the Bangla version of the Kessler Psychological Distress Scale (K6). Journal of Global Psychiatry (2019), Volume 2, Issue 2, 2019.
- M S Bukht, K R Ahmed, S Hossain, P Masud, S Sultana, R Khanam. Association between physical activity and diabetic complications among Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic patients. Journal of Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews (2019), Volume 13, Issue 1, January–February 2019, Pages 806-809
- S Sultana, F Saleh, L Ali. Childhood obesity in primary school children of middle and upper-middle income group Sciences, in the capital city of Bangladesh. Journal of Food and Nutrition Sciences. Food and Nutrition 2015, 6, 1185-1192
- KM Muktadir, MM Hoque, S Sultana, N Usmani, NS Saymum, M Jannat. Nutritional status and causes of anterior cruciate ligament injury in relation with exercise habit among patients of a tertiary care hospital. J of Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College. Vol. 13, No. 3, Sept. 2014.
- F Saleh, KB Biswas, R Helal, S Sultana, F Jebunnesa, N Nahar, S Akther, K Jahan, L Ali. Phytoestrogen intake in Bangladeshi type 2 Diabetic Postmenopausal Women J Tr Med Plants 2006 (Procedings of wmen’s Health & Traditional Medicine); 257-63.
Conference Attended/Reports
- Attendeng in Seminar on “2018 Public Health Approach for Reducing Health Inequality in Taiwan” 21 January – 28 January 2019 at Taiwan.
- Attendeng in Reserch Findings Dessimination Conference of BCCP, in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, 22 January, 2018. (As a participant).
- S Sultana, S Hossain, L Ali. Knowledge, Attitude & Practice on Tuberculosis among Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital (BIRDEM). World Diabetes Congress by IDF, 4-8 December 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (Poster)
- S.Sultana, A.Hussain, L. Ali. Association of Television Viewing and Dietary Behavior with Overweight and Obesity in Primary School Children of Dhaka City Regional public Health Conference, 06-07 December 2016, at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS). (Oral)
- S.Sultana, A.Hussain, L. Ali. Association of Television Viewing and Dietary Behavior with Overweight and Obesity in Primary School Children of Dhaka City. World Diabetes Congress, IDF, 30 November- 04 December at Vancouver, Canada 2015. (Poster)
- S.Sultana, A.Hussain, L. Ali. Association of Television Viewing and Dietary Behavior with Overweight and Obesity in Primary School Children of Dhaka City.The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Pattaya, Thailand, 25-29 August, 2013. (Poster)
- S.Sultana, A.Hussain, L. Ali. Association of Television Viewing and Dietary Behavior with Overweight and Obesity in Primary School Children of Dhaka City. South East Asia Regional Public Health Conference & 57th Annual Conference of IPHA on 01-03 February, 2013, Kolkata, India. (Poster)
- Regional Conference on Breastfeeding and Complementary Feeding on 28 – 30 April, 2012, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (As a participant).
- S Sultana, B Bhowmik, A Hussain, Liaquat Ali. Prevalence and associated risk determinants of Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Primary School Children in Bangladesh. World Diabetes Congress, IDF, 4-8 December 2011 at Dubai. (Oral)
- Prevalence and associated risk determinants of Childhood Overweight and Obesity in Primary School Children in Bangladesh. EASD 47th Annual Meeting, 12-16 September 2011 at Lisbon, Portugal. (Poster)
- S. Sultana, A.Hussain, L. Ali. Association of Television Viewing and Dietary Behavior with Overweight and Obesity in Primary School Children of Dhaka City. XI Asian Congress of Nutrition, 13th – 16th July 2011 at Singapore. (Poster)
- 9th South East Asia Regional Scientific Meeting, 9-12 February 2008, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (As a participant).
- S Sultana, F Saleh, L Ali. Childhood obesity in primary school children of middle and upper-middle income group Sciences, in the capital city of Bangladesh 10th Asian Congress of Nutrition. September 9-13, 2007, Taipei, Taiwan. (Poster)
- Research Protocol
- Prevalence of childhood obesity in Dhaka city
- Research Protocol
- Prevalence of childhood obesity in Dhaka city
- S Sultana, F Saleh, L Ali. Prevalence of Childhood Overweight in Dhaka City. 5th Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP) International Seminar on “Reality and Challenges in Antldiabetic Research” Malaysia, November 08-10, 2006. (Poster)
- 32nd Annual Conference of the Association of Clinical Biochemists of India, Dec 18-21, 2005. (As a participant).
- The Eastern Zone ACBI Conference, 29 April – 01 May 2005, Kolkata, India. (As a participant).
- Awarded NOMA Scholarship for MPhil inin International Community Health from the University of Oslo, Norway
- Grant for a support to attend The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Pattaya, Thailand, 25-29 August, 2013, as a Rapporteur.
- 2011 Young Academic Travel Grant by Asian Congress for Nutrition held on 11-13 July, 2011 at Singapore.
- Travel Grant for a support to attend the 47th Annual Meeting of the EASD at Lisbon, Portugal to be held on 12-16 September 2011
- Travel Grant for a support to attend World Diabetes Congress, IDF, 4-8 December 2011 at Dubai.
- Assessment of knowledge regarding nosocomial infection among nurses working at a selected hospital in Bangladesh. (Work as Supervisor).
- Assessment of relationship between doctor and patient in a selected Hospital: Patient’s perspective. (Work as Supervisor).
- Working as a ‘Core Work Group Member’ in the project entitled ‘Capacity development for combating NCD’s in Rohingya population, (WDF18-1579) 2018-2020 funded by World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) in collaboration with BADAS.
- Worked as a ‘Co- Principal Investigator’ in project entitled ‘A Research on Practice and treatment towards Diabetes Mellitus of Diabetic Patients in Bangladesh Perspective’ at 2017-18 funded by DGHS, Bangladesh.
- Worked as a ‘Co- Principal Investigator’ in a project entitled ˜Factors affecting clinical outcome among type 2 diabetic subjects attending OPD of a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh’ at 2017 funded by Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC)
- Work as ‘Co-Investigator’ at ˜Knowledge, Attitude & Practice on Tuberculosis among Diabetic patients attending a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh’ at 2016 funded by BADAS- USAID TB Care Project.
- Work as ‘Co-Investigator’ at ‘Expenditure of smoking and food intake among rickshaw puller in Dhaka City’ at 2015 funded by Bangladesh Center for Communication Program (BCCP)
- Work as ‘Core Team Member-BCC’ at ‘Nationwide Health Education Campaign for the Prevention and Control of Heart Disease & Hypertension’ at 2013 funded by Grand Canada.
Worked as a ‘Team Member’ in project entitled ‘Pattern and Determinants of Community - Participation in Rural Bangladesh through the Community Clinic Approach’ from 2011-12 funded by United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
- Worked as a ‘Co-Investigator’ in the project entitled ‘Knowledge, Attitude & Practice related to Diabetes Mellitus among Geriatric populations of West Bengal, India at 2010 funded by NOMA program of the University of Oslo, Norway.
- Worked as a ‘Co-Investigator’ in the project entitled ‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of type 2 diabetic subjects attending a tertiary care diabetes center in Karachi’ at 2009 funded by NOMA program of the University of Oslo, Norway.
- Worked as a Deputy Team Leader in the project entitled ˜Improving Nutrition in Bangladeshi population: From Research to Practice’ from 2007- 2011 funded by World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) in collaboration with BMRG, DAB.
- Knowledge and Practice of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Management Guideline among the Health Care Providers. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Prevalence of Tobacco Smoke Exposed Home in Dhaka City. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Health literacy on non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors among selected school students of Dhaka city. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Knowledge on Dietary Salt Intake among Housewives in Selected Areas of Dhaka City. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Pattern of Tobacco use among Bangladeshi diabetic subjects. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Knowledge on Diabetes among Geriatric people in Old Home, Gazipur. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Educational Intervention on Menstrual Hygiene among School Children. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Educational intervention on oral health knowledge and oral hygiene practice among selected school children. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Educational Intervention on Hand Washing among School Children in Sonargaon. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Educational intervention on safe drinking water in a selected rural community. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Expenditure of smoking and food intake among rickshaw puller in Dhaka City. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Knowledge on breast feeding among female workers in selected garments factory of Dhaka city.(Worked as Co- Supervisor)
- Member, International Union for Health Promotion & Education (IUHPE)
- Member, Bangladesh Health Education Society (BHES)
- Member, European Association for the Study of Diabetes (EASD)
- Member, Nutrition Society of Bangladesh (NSB).
- Member, Endocrine Society of Bangladesh, (BES)
- Member, Asian Network of Research on Anti-diabetic Plants (ANRAP)
- Member, Nordic Alumni Association of Bangladesh (NAAB)
- Member, International Diabetes Federation (IDF)