Sharmin Hossain
Assistant Professor & Head
MPH – American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB) – 2013
MSc in Food & Nutrition– University of Dhaka – 2005
BSc in Food & Nutrition – University of Dhaka – 2003
- Senior Lecturer Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Dhaka, Bangladesh. From: July 2017 – till date
- Lecturer Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Dhaka, Bangladesh. From- July 2013- June 2017
- Lecturer Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) under BSMMU Dhaka, Bangladesh. From- July 2011 to June 2013.
- Senior Research Fellow Dept. of Health Promotion & Health Education Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) From- November 2008- June 2011
- Research Fellow Diabetic Association of Bangladesh (DAB) Dhaka, Bangladesh. From- December 2005 – October 2008
- Nuruzzaman M, Hossain S. Occupational stress of primary level health workers in COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Education, 2023; 14(2) DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/bjme.v14i2.67769 (In Press)
- Wahiduzzaman M, Islam MS, Hossain S, Iqbal HQM, Banning F, Lechner A. Prevalence and factors associated with diabetic retinopathy among type 2 diabetic patients in Bangladesh: a hospital based cross-sectional study. Int J Community Med Public Health 2023;10:xxx-xx (In press)
- Islam MR; Sheba NH; Islam MT; Rahman MM; Hossain S; Hussain MA; Islam S; Chowdhruy AA; Sikder T; Chowdhury M; Reuben RC; Muhammad F. Determinants of Hepatitis B Virus (HBV) Infection among University Students in Central Bangladesh. Journal of Community Health. Volume 47, pages136–142 (2022)
- Khanom H, Banu B, Islam MR, Khanom K, Chowdhury SH, Hossain S. Knowledge and practice of Gestyational Diabetes Mellitus Management Guideline among the Nurses of tertiary care hospitals in capital Bangladesh. Obstetrics and Gynecology Research- Vol. 5 No. 1– March 2022.
- Rahman MA, Ahmed KR, Hossain S, Jubayer S, Al-Mamun MA, Bhuiyan MR, Choudhury SR. Tobacco smoke exposed home in different urban settings in capital city of Bangladesh. Tob. Induc. Dis. 2021;19 (Suppl 1):A87. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18332/tid/141017
- Wahiduzzaman M, Hossain S, Islam SM, Banning F, Ali L, Lechner A. Knowledge on Diabetes and its Determinants among type 2 Diabetic subjects in a low resource setting: A cross sectional study in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. Journal of Diabetology (2021); 12(3):299-304. DOI: 10.4103/JOD.JOD_87_20
- Shahjahan M., Ahmed KR, Hadrami A, Islam MR, Hossain S, Khan MS. Factors influencing poor academic performance among urban university students in Bangladesh. International Journal of Evaluation and Research in Education, Vol. 10, No. 4, 2021, pp. 1140~1148, ISSN: 2252-8822, DOI: 10.11591/ijere.v10i4.21158 (Scopus indexed)
- Chowdhury M, Sheba NH, Hossain S, Khanom K, Hussain MA, Islam MR. Thalassaemia in Bangladesh: Current situation and prevention strategies. DIU Journal of Allied Health Sciences, Volume 6, Issue 1&2, 2021.
- Riaz BK, Ali L, Ahmad SkA, Islam MZ, Ahmed KR, Hossain S. Community clinics in Bangladesh: Heliyon 6 (Jun 2020) e03950. Available at: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.Heliyon.2020.e03950 R
- Shahjahan M, Hossain M.Z., Khatun T, Hossain S, Rashid HA and Ahmed KR. Soft Drink Consumption and its Influence on BMI and Academic Performance among Selected School Children in Dhaka City of Bangladesh. Current Research in Nutrition and Food Science. ISSN: 2347-467X, Vol. 07, No. (3) 2019, Pg. 791-799.
- Chowdhury HA, Fatema K, Hossain S, Natasha K, Akter J, Khan T, Ali L. Knowledge and self-care practice regarding diabetes among type 2 diabetics: experience from a non-profit hospital chain in Bangladesh. International Journal of Diabetes in Developing Countries (2017). ISSN 0973-3930. https://doi.org/10.1007/s13410-017-0597-7 (IF: 0.366).
- Ahmed KR, Jebunessa F, Hossain S and Chowdhury HA. Ocular knowledge and practice among type 2 diabetic patients in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. BMC Ophthalmology (2017). 17:171. doi 10.1186/s12886-017-0560-x (IF: 1.56).
- Fatema K, Hossain S, Natasha K, Chowdhury HA, Akter J, Khan T, Ali L. Knowledge attitude and practice regarding diabetes mellitus among Nondiabetic and diabetic study participants in Bangladesh. BMC Public Health (2017) 17:364.
- Munni US, Hossain S, Ahmed KR. Nutritional beliefs and practicesamong diabetic pregnant mothers in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. Diabetes& Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews. Available online 13 December 2016. Elsevier: Article Locator
- Chowdhury HA, Ahmed KR, Jebunessa F, Akter J, Hossain S, Shahjahan M. Factors associated with maternal anaemia among pregnant women in Dhaka city. BMC Women’s Health, Sep 2015;15:77.
- Hossain S, Ahmed KR, Ali L, Saleh F. Ramadan and Type 2 Diabetes in Bangladesh. Advances in Natural Science, Apr 2015; 8: 1.
- Haque M, Hossain S, Ahmed KR, Sultana T, Chowdhury HA, Akter J. A Comparative Study on Knowledge about Reproductive Health among Urban and Rural Women of Bangladesh. Journal of Family and Reproductive Health, Mar 2015; 9 (1): 35-40
- Islam R, Muktadir KM, Rizvi ZA, Hossain S, Banu B, Ahmed KR, Khanom K, Masud JHB. Educational Intervention on Hand washing among the School Children in a Rural area of Bangladesh. European Academic Research, Jan 2015; 2:10.
- Hossain S, Fatema K, Ahmed KR, Akter J, Chowdhury HA, Shahjahan M, Acharyya A, Rahim MA, Ali L. Prevalence and Determinants of Metabolic Syndrome among Newly Diagnosed Type 2 Diabetic Subjects according to Different Criteria. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2014; 7: 95–100.
- Akter J, Shahjahan M, Hossain S, Chowdhury HA, Ahmed KR, Fatema K, Begum Ara BR, Ali L. Determinants of overweight and obesity among Bangladeshi diabetic women of reproductive age. BMC Research Notes 2014; 7:513.
- Haquq MM, Akter J, Ahmed KR, Chowdhury HA, Hossain S, Tripura NB. Nutritional Status of Settlers and Indigenous Women of Reproductive Age Group in Khagrachari District, Bangladesh. Journal of Enam Medical College 2014; 4(2):98-101.
- Akter J, Ahmed KR, Chowdhury HA, Hossain S, Ara BR. Association of Socio-demographic Attributes with Mothers Knowledge regarding Childhood Diarrhea. International Journal of Child Health and Nutrition 2013, 2, 353-358.
- Karim MN, Ahmed KR, Bukht MS, Akter J, Chowdhury HA, Hossain S, Anwar N, Selim S, Chowdhury SH, Hossain F, Ali L. Pattern and Predictors of Dyslipidemia in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus. Diabetes & Metabolic Syndrome: Clinical Research & Reviews 2013; 7: 95–100.
- Saleh F, Mumu SJ, Ara F, Ali L, Hossain S, Ahmed KR. Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) of type 2 diabetic patients regarding obesity: study in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. JPH in Africa 2012, 3:29-32. PMID:28299081; PMCID: PMC5345452; DOI:10.4081/jphia.2012.e8
- Sharmin Hossain. Ramadan Fasting and Diabetes: Anthropometric, Clinical and Biochemical effects among Type 2 Diabetic Subjects. Lambert Academic Publishing. Germany. ISBN No. 978-3-8484-0356-1.
Conference Attended/ Reports
- Akter D, Khanom H, Hossain S, Islam MR. Knowledge and practice regarding exclusive breastfeeding of 6 months old infant among the slum dwelling mothers in an urban area of Dhaka city. 9th Regional Public Health Conference, Feb 2022, Dhaka. (Poster)
- Khanom H, Hossain S, Islam MR, Akter D. Knowledge and attitude on pelvic floor muscle exercise for reducing urinary incontinence among the postnatal multipara pregnant women’s at Maternal & Child Health Training Institute (MCHTI). 9th Regional Public Health Conference, Feb 2022, Dhaka. (Poster)
- Wahiduzzaman M, Hossain S, Islam SM, Banning F, Ali L, Lechner A. Factors affecting clinical outcome among type 2 diabetic subjects attending the outpatient department of a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. IDF Congress, Dec 2019, Busan, Korea.DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.12505.75362
- S. Hossain, K. Fatema, H.A. Chowdhury, K.R. Ahmed, L. Ali. Metabolic characteristics of newly diagnosed (early & usual onset) type 2 diabetic subjects in Bangladesh: A comparative study. 23rd Diabetes & Endocrine Conference. 25-27 January 2018, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Oral)
- Reserch Findings Dessimination Conference of BCCP, in collaboration with Johns Hopkins University, Dhaka. 22 January, 2018
- S. Hossain, K. Fatema, H.A. Chowdhury, K.R. Ahmed, L. Ali. Metabolic characteristics of newly diagnosed (early & usual onset) type 2 diabetic subjects in Bangladesh: A comparative study. 8th Regional Public Health Conference, 29-30 December 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Poster)
- S Sultana, S Hossain, L Ali. Knowledge, Attitude & Practice on Tuberculosis among Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital (BIRDEM). 8th Regional Public Health Conference, 29-30 December 2017, Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Poster)
- S. Hossain, K. Fatema, H.A. Chowdhury, K.R. Ahmed, L. Ali. Metabolic characteristics of newly diagnosed (early & usual onset) type 2 diabetic subjects in Bangladesh: A comparative study. World Diabetes Congress by IDF, 4-8 December 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (Poster)
- K Khanom, S Hossain, KR Ahmed, L Ali. Knowledge and Practice regarding type 2 diabetes among Geriatric patients in selected hospitals of Bangladesh. World Diabetes Congress by IDF, 4-8 December 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (Poster)
- S Sultana, S Hossain, L Ali. Knowledge, Attitude & Practice on Tuberculosis among Diabetic Patients in a Tertiary Care Hospital (BIRDEM). World Diabetes Congress by IDF, 4-8 December 2017, Abu Dhabi, UAE. (Poster)
- S Hossain, K Fatema, HA Chowdhury, L Ali. Characterization of Lipid profile among tobacco user and nonuser Bangladeshi Type 2 diabetic subjects” in 7th Regional Public Health Conference, 06- 07 December, 2016 Dhaka, Bangladesh. (Poster)
- Hossain S, Fatema K, Akter J, Chowdhury HA, Shahjahan M, Ali L. Characterization of lipid profile among tobacco user and nonuser Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic subjects World Diabetes Congress organized by IDF on 30 November - 4 December 2015, Vancouver, Canada. (Poster)
- Hossain S, Fatema K, Khurshid N, Chowdhury HA, Akter J, Munni US, Khan T, Ali L. Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding diabetes mellitus among nondiabetic and diabetic patients of Bangladesh. World Diabetes Congress organized by IDF on 30 November - 4 December 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
- Ahmed KR, Debnath P, Hossain S, Khanom K. ‘Knowledge and Practice regarding type 2 Diabetes among Geriatric Patients in Selected Hospitals of West Bengal, India’. World Diabetes Congress organized by IDF on 30 November to 4 December 2015, Vancouver, Canada.
- KR Ahmed, S Hossain, U Salma, T khan, L Ali, Nutritional beliefs and practices among diabetic pregnant mothers in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific Conference on Public Health, Seoul, South Korea, 10-11 April, 2014. (Oral)
- F Jasmine, S. Hossain, H Chowdhury. Prevalence of hypertension and its determinants among Bangladeshi type-2 diabetic subjects. Diabetologia 2013; 56 (suppl 1): S483. (Poster)
KR Ahmed, S Hossain, U Salma, T khan, L Ali, Nutritional beliefs and practices among diabetic pregnant mothers in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. The 21st IUHPE World Conference on Health Promotion, Pattaya, Thailand. 25-29 August, 2013. - S. Hossain, K Fatema, HA Chowdhury, US Munni, T Khan, L Ali. Knowledge, attitude and practice (KAP) about diabetes among nondiabetic and diabetic population of Bangladesh. South East Asia Regional Public Health Conference, Kolkata. 01-04 February, 2013. (Oral)
- S Hossain, T Khan, K Fatema, L Ali. Diabetic complications with disproportionately high intake of dietary carbohydrate in Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic subjects. 21st World Diabetes Congress of International Diabetes Foundation, Dubai, 04-08 December, 2011. P- 486. (Oral)
- S Hossain, T Khan, US Munny, K Fatema, L Ali. Association of complications with disproportionately high intake of carbohydrate among Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic subjects. 11th Asian Congress of Nutrition 2011 at Suntec International Convention Center, Singapore, 13-16 July 2011. P- 152. (Oral)
- Hossain S, Salma U, Khan T, Ahmed KR, Ali L. Nutritional beliefs and Practices among diabetic pregnant mothers in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. 10th SEARSM of International Epidemiolo gical Association Colombo, Srilanka, May 23-26, 2010. P- 138. (Poster)
- 1st Nepalese National Seminar on Plants in Diabetes: Prospects and Challenges, 06- 09 June 2009, Kathmandu, Nepal. (Oral)
- Dissemination Seminar on Evidence Based Nutritional Knowledge: Presentation Of Data From BMRG-BIRDEM. June 27, Dhaka, Bangladesh, 2008.
- US Munni, S Hossain, KR Ahmed, T Khan. Pregnancy related beliefs among diabetic pregnant mothers in a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. Diabetologia 2007; 49 (suppl 1): A 1082. (Poster)
- S Hossain, KR Ahmed, F Saleh, L Ali. Effect of Ramadan Fasting on some Anthropometric, Clinical and Biochemical effects among Type 2 Diabetic Subjects. National Seminar on “Antidiabetic Plant Materials” at Jorhat, Assam, India, November 13-14, 2007. (Oral)
- S Jahan, S Hossain, KR Ahmed, , S Akter, S Shahid, S Akter, A Hossain, L Ali. Changes in Dietary Practices of Type 2 Diabetic Subjects during Ramadan Fasting. Diabetologia 2006; 49 (suppl 1): A 882. (Poster)
- S Hossain, KR Ahmed, SJ Mumu, S Tasmeen, R Dass, I Jahan, F Saleh, L Ali: Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding obesity among Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetic Medicine 2006; 23 (Suppl 4): P 1607. (Poster)
- S. Akter, S. Hossain, KR Ahmed, S. Shahid, S. Akter, A. Hossain, AK Azad Khan Impact of ramadan fasting on some anthropometric and biomedical parameters in Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic subjects. Diabetologia 2005; 48 (suppl 1) (Poster)
- 2011 Young Academic Travel Grant by Asian Congress for Nutrition held on 11-13 July, 2011 at Singapore
- Talentpool Scholarship by the University of Dhaka for B.Sc. Honors academic result at 2004
- Worked as a ‘Co- Principal Investigator’ in a project entitled ˜Screen-based behaviors among adolescents in Dhaka City, Bangladesh at 2020 funded by Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC)
- Working as a ‘Core Work Group Member’ in the project entitled ‘Capacity development for combating NCD’s in Rohingya population, (WDF18-1579) 2018-2020 funded by World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) in collaboration with BADAS.
- Worked as a ‘Co- Principal Investigator’ in project entitled ‘A Research on Practice and treatment towards Diabetes Mellitus of Diabetic Patients in Bangladesh Perspective’ at 2017-18 funded by DGHS, Bangladesh.
- Worked as a ‘Co- Principal Investigator’ in a project entitled ˜Factors affecting clinical outcome among type 2 diabetic subjects attending OPD of a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh’ at 2017 funded by Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC)
- Work as ‘Co-Investigator’ at ˜Knowledge, Attitude & Practice on Tuberculosis among Diabetic patients attending a tertiary care hospital of Bangladesh’ at 2016 funded by BADAS- USAID TB Care Project.
- Work as ‘Co-Investigator’ at ‘Expenditure of smoking and food intake among rickshaw puller in Dhaka City’ at 2015 funded by Bangladesh Center for Communication Program (BCCP)
- Work as ‘Core Team Member-BCC’ at ‘Nationwide Health Education Campaign for the Prevention and Control of Heart Disease & Hypertension’ at 2013 funded by Grand Canada.
- Worked as a ‘Team Member’ in project entitled ‘Pattern and Determinants of Community Participation in Rural Bangladesh through the Community Clinic Approach’ from 2011-12 funded by United Nations Development Program (UNDP).
- Worked as a ‘Co-Investigator’ in the project entitled ‘Knowledge, Attitude & Practice related to Diabetes Mellitus among Geriatric populations of West Bengal, India at 2010 funded by NOMA program of the University of Oslo, Norway.
- Worked as a ‘Co-Investigator’ in the project entitled ‘Knowledge, Attitude and Practice of type 2 diabetic subjects attending a tertiary care diabetes center in Karachi’ at 2009 funded by NOMA program of the University of Oslo, Norway.
- Worked as a Deputy Team Leader in the project entitled ˜Improving Nutrition in Bangladeshi population: From Research to Practice’ from 2007- 2011 funded by World Diabetes Foundation (WDF) in collaboration with BMRG, DAB.
- Worked as a Principal Investigator in the project ‘Effect of Ramadan fasting on anthropometric, clinical and biochemical parameters among type 2 diabetic subjects’ at 2004 funded by Biomedical Research Group (BMRG), BIRDEM.
- Occupational stress of primary level health workers in COVID-19 pandemic in Bangladesh: A cross- sectional study. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Health Literacy Regarding Cardiovascular Disease among Adult People of Kanchanpur District of Nepal. (Worked as Supervisor)
- Lifestyle practice and chronic diseases among Healthcare Professionals at Selected Hospitals in Gazipur and Dhaka City, Bangladesh. (Worked as Supervisor)
- Knowledge and Practice of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Management Guideline among the Health Care Providers. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Prevalence of Tobacco Smoke Exposed Home in Dhaka City. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Health literacy on non-communicable disease (NCD) risk factors among selected school students of Dhaka city. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Knowledge on Dietary Salt Intake among Housewives in Selected Areas of Dhaka City. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Pattern of Tobacco use among Bangladeshi diabetic subjects. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Knowledge on Diabetes among Geriatric people in Old Home, Gazipur. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Educational Intervention on Menstrual Hygiene among School Children. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Educational intervention on oral health knowledge and oral hygiene practice among selected school children. (Worked as Co-Supervisor)
- Educational Intervention on Hand Washing among School Children in Sonargaon. (Worked as Co- Supervisor)
- Educational intervention on safe drinking water in a selected rural community. (Worked as Co- Supervisor)
- Expenditure of smoking and food intake among rickshaw puller in Dhaka City. (Worked as Co- Supervisor)
- Knowledge on breast feeding among female workers in selected garments factory of Dhaka city. (Worked as Field Supervisor)
- Pattern and Determinants of Community Participation in Rural Bangladesh through the Community Clinic Approach. (Worked as a Research Associate)
- Knowledge, attitude and practice regarding obesity among Bangladeshi type 2 diabetic subjects. (Worked as a Co-Investigator)
- Food Beliefs and Practices of Bangladeshi Diabetic Pregnant Mothers. (Worked as a Co-Investigator)
- Member, Epidemiology Foundation of India (EFI)
- Member, Public Health Association of Bangladesh (PHAB)
- Member, Bangladesh Tobacco Control Research Network (BTCRN)
- Member, Bangladesh Health Education Society (BHES)
- Member, Bangladesh Endocrine Society (BES)
- Member, International Diabetes Federation (IDF)