Shahnaj Begum
Assistant Professor & Head
MPhil – (2018) Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology Rajshahi University
MSc – (1994) Held in 1997 Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Dhaka Results: 1st Class
BSc – (Hons) (1993) held in 1995 Dept of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology University of Dhaka Results: 2nd Class (59.75%)
HSC (1990) – Dhaka Board, Science Group Results: First Division (80.5%marks)
SSC – (1988)Dhaka Board, Science Group Results: First Division (First Division, 75.9%marks)
- Assistant Professor, Dept of Applied Laboratory Sciences, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS). Feb2019-June2022
- Assistant Professor & Head, Dept of Applied Laboratory Sciences, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS), Sep2018- Feb2019
- Sr Lecturer, Dept of Applied Laboratory Sciences, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS)
- Lecturer, Dept of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences, Dhaka, Bangladesh & Senior Scientific Officer, Dept of Clinical Biochemistry, Bangladesh
- Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS), Mirpur-1, Dhaka-1216, 2005-2013
- Scientific Officer, National Health Network (an enterprise of Bangladesh Diabetic Association), Dhaka. 1999-2005.
- Teaching experience: Biochemistry for BSc in Health Technology students (Under Dhaka University, 2010-2014)
International (06)
- Muraduzzaman SM, Begum S, Ali S, Sultana S, Saiedullah M, Alam F. Association between Bone Mineral Density and Hypertension in Postmenopausal Women. European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences 2021;3(4): 116–120.
- Muraduzzaman SM, Begum S, Siddika A, Islam A, Sultana S, Mili US, Saiedullah M, Alam F. Association between Osteoporosis and Metabolic Syndrome in Postmenopausal Women. CLINICMED [Internet] 2021;2(6):15-8.
- Saiedullah M, Begum S, Muraduzzaman SM. Association of Vitamin B12 with Bone Mineral Density in Postmenopausal Women in Bangladesh. Saudi J Biomed Res 2021;6 (9):226-232.
- Begum S, Hayat S, Khan MMH, Saiedullah M, Faruque MO, Hassan Z, Ali L. Low circulating vaspin Level is not associated with insulinemic status in impaired glucose tolerant subjects. Int J Med Res Prof 2016; 2:45-49.
- Siddique MAH, Begum A, Begum S, Khan MH, Saiedullah M, Haque A, Rahman MN, Ali L. Comparison of antioxidative effects of Biguanides and Sulfonylureas monotherapy on total antioxidant status in newly-diagnosed patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Diabetes Case Rep 2016;1(104).
- Saiedullah M, Rahman MR, Khan MAH, Hayat S, Begum S. Comparison of GFR by creatinine clearance with estimated GFR by various prediction equations in a Bangladeshi population. J Life Sci, USA 2012; 6:330-334. http://www.davidpublishing.com/journals_show_abstract.html?5702-0
Regional and National (13)
- Begum S, Saiedullah M, Faruque MO, Khan MMH. Vaspin status in nonobese impaired glucose tolerant subjects of Bangladeshi origin.TMMC J 2017;2(2)
- Saiedullah M, Chowdhury N, Khan MAH, Hayat S, Begum S, Rahman MR. Comparison of regression equation and Friedewald’s formula with direct measurement of low-density lipoprotein cholesterol in Bangladeshi population. J Sci Res 2014; 6: 143-52.
- Saiedullah M, Begum S, Hayat S, Kamaluddin SM, Rahman MR, Khan MAH. Non-HDL cholesterol versus LDL cholesterol as a CVD risk factor in diabetic subjects. J Bangdesh Coll Phys Surg 2013; 31: 199-203.
- Saiedullah M, Hayat S, Kamaluddin SM, Begum S. Correlation of fasting and post prandial plasma glucose on hemoglobin glycation. Anwer Khan Modern Med Coll J 2013; 4: 28-30.
- Saiedullah M, Begum S, Rahman MR, Khan MAH, Hayat S, Kamaluddin SM, Shaheen MAH. Evaluation of CKD-EPI and MDRD prediction equations for estimation of GFR in lean and obese Bangladeshi subjects. J Sci Res 2013; 5(1): 207-213. doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jsr v5i1.8764.
- Saiedullah M, Hayat S, Kamaluddin SM, Begum S. Association of glycated minor hemoglobin fraction of A1 with microalbuminuria and glycemic status in diabetic subjects. Diab Endocr J 2012; 40(1): 14-16.
- Rahman MR, Saiedullah M, Shermin S, Begum S, Hayat S. Diagnostic efficacy of HbA1c in diagnosis of diabetes mellitus in a Bangladeshi population. Bang Med J 2012; 41(1): 53-54.
- Saiedullah M, Rahman MR, Begum S, Hayat S, Khan MAH. Association of high-density lipoprotein cholesterol with renal function in type 2 diabetic subjects in a Bangladeshi population. J Enam Med Col 2012; 2(1): 15-9. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/jemc.v2i1.11916
- Saiedullah M, Begum S, Rahman MR, Khan MAH, Hayat S, Shaha SS. Association of microalbuminuria with glycemic status. Medicine Today 2011; 23(2): 88-90.
- Saiedullah M, Sarkar A, Kamaluddin SM, Begum S, Hayat S, Rahman MR, Khan MAH. Friedewald’s formula is applicable up to serum triacylglycerol to total cholesterol ratio of two in Bangladeshi population. AKMMC J 2011; 2: 21-25.
- Saiedullah M, Begum S, Shermin S, Rahman MR, Khan MAH. Relationship of glycosylated hemoglobin with fasting and postprandial plasma glucose in nondiabetic, pre-diabetic and newly diagnosed diabetic subjects. Bangladesh Med J 2011; 40(1): 37-8. http://dx.doi.org/10.3329/bmj.v40i1.9961
- Saiedullah M, Rahman MR, Shaha SS, Begum S, Hayat S, Kamaluddin SM. Comparison of C-reactive protein among controlled, moderately controlled and uncontrolled diabetic subjects in a Bangladeshi population. Bang J Med Biochem 2011; 4(2): 17-9.
- Saiedullah M, Rahman MR, Rahman M, Khan MAH, Begum S. A simple modification of Friedewald’s formula to calculate low-density lipoprotein cholesterol up to serum triglyceride concentration of 1000 mg/dL. Bang J Med Biochem 2009; 2(2): 62-5.
- Fund from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) FY 2018-2019.
- Fund from Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST)) FY 2019-2020.
- Fund from BMRC FY 2022-2023.
To keep research interest alive I have been involved with different research projects where I worked with serum samples and used different techniques like enzymelinked immunosorbant assay (ELISA), enzyme immune assay (EIA), immunotubidimetric, nephelometric and chemoluminescence techniques, and quite frequently enzymatic colorimetric and colorimetric methods. During my whole research career I gained vast experience on biochemical experimentations.
During my BSc (Hons) and MS thesis works I have gained experiences in working using spectrophotometer, cell culture, colony identification and isolation of bacteria. Afterwards I joined National Diagnostic Network (NDN), an enterprise of Bangladesh Diabetic Samity which was previously known as Diabetic Association of Bangladesh (DAB) which later on renamed as National Healthcare Network (NHN). In 2005 I have joined as Senior Scientific Officer (SSO) in the Dept of Biochemistry in the Healthcare Development Project (HCDP) Hospital. During my job in NDN, NHN and later on in HCDP Hospital I worked using different state of art Autoanalyzers. I have also worked using semi-autoanalyzer to carryout biochemical test of clinical samples.
Member, Social Welfare Forum, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS).