Prof. Dr Shahanaz Chowdhury
Professor & Head, Dept. of Community Medicine &
Director Operation, International Cooperation, Partnership & Research Center (ICP & RC), BUHS
SSC, Agrani Girls School, Azimpur, Dhaka, 1985
HSC, Begum Badrunnessa Girls College, Dhaka, 1987
MBBS, Sir Salimullah Medical College, 1996
MPH, NIPSOM, Dhaka University, 2003
MBGPH, American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), 2015
PhD (Bioethics and Global Public Health), American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), 2019
PhD (fellow), (End of life care), Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP), session-2018-2019, ongoing,
Academic Experience:
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Associate Professor Dept. of Community Medicine September 2017-Till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Assistant Professor Dept. of Community Medicine July 2013- September 2017
- Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) Assistant Professor Dept. of Community Medicine April 2011-June 2013
- American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) Faculty MPH program January 2010 – December 2010
- Northern University, Bangladesh Assistant Professor MPH program August 2007– August 2009
- Northern University, Bangladesh Senior Lecturer MPH program May 2006 – August 2007
- School of Public Health, State University of Bangladesh Lecturer MPH program January 2004 – April 2006
- Z.H Sikder Women’s Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh Lecturer Dept. of Community Medicine November 2000 –2002 May
Administrative Experience:
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Director Operation, International Cooperation, Partnership & Research Center (ICP & RC) April 2022 –till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Member Student Counselling Committee February 2021 – till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Member Secretary Complaint Committee for Sexual harassment July 2018- till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS Member Equivalence Committee February 2018 – till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Member, Canteen committee March 23 2023-till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Deputy program Coordinator All faculty of BUHS April 2017- September 2017
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Member Secretary Ethical Review Committee (ERC) September 2016- till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Head Dept. of Community Medicine, Faculty of Public Health August 2015- till date
- Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) Program Coordinator Dept. of Community Medicine, Faculty of Public Health July 2013- July 2015
- Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) Program Coordinator Dept. of Community Medicine, Faculty of Public Health April 2011-June 2013
- American International University Bangladesh (AIUB) Faculty & Co-Coordinator MPH program January 2010 – December 2010
- Northern University, Bangladesh Coordinator, MPH program May 2006 – August 2008
- School of Public Health, State University of Bangladesh Co-Coordinator, MPH program January 2004 – April 2006
- Z.H Sikder Women’s Medical College, Dhaka, Bangladesh Assistance to Head Dept. of Community Medicine November 2000 –2002 May
- Abdul Baset Khan, Maksudul Shadat Akash, Rashida Khatun, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Risk factors for cardiovascular diseases among drug abusers at a selected government mental hospital in Bangladesh, World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(02), 322–331 DOI:https://doi.org/10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.2.0517
- Akash, M. S., Islam, M. S., Gupta, P. K. S. and Chowdhury, S. (2024) “Preventive Practices among Young Adults toward COVID-19 during the Pandemic in a Selected Town of Bangladesh”, European Journal of Medical and Health Sciences, 6(6), pp. 55–59. doi: 10.24018/ejmed.2024.6.6.2195
- Mahbub MdR, Akash MS, Goni MdO, Chowdhury S. Chronic kidney disease and risk factors among Type 2 Diabetic patients in selected hospitals in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Health Sci Q. 2024;4(4):259-69.https://doi.org/10.26900/hsq.235
- Maksudul Shadat Akash, Md. Toufiqul Sharif, and Shahanaz Chowdhury, Dengue situation in Bangladesh: January to early August 2024, World Journal of Biology Pharmacy and Health Sciences, 2024, 19(03), 327–332. DOI: 10.30574/wjbphs.2024.19.3.0646
- Shahanaz Chowdhury, Moniruzzaman, Palash Chandra Banik, M.S.A. Mansur Ahmed, Maksudul Shadat Akash. Barriers to Physical Activity among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus. EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH Vol. X, Issue 4/ July 2022
- Khatun R, Chowdhury S, Goni O. Knowledge and attitudes towards cardiopulmonary resuscitation: A cross sectional survey on health care providers in clinical practice. Health Sci Q. 2021; 1(3): 87-93. https://doi.org/10.26900/hsq.1.3.01
- Ethical considerations on COVID-19 immunization and vaccines, Eubios Ethics Institute, World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee Statements. 10 May 2021
- Implications of COVID-19 for Education, Eubios Ethics Institute, World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics (WeCope) Committee Statements. 31 March 2021
- Md Rijwan Bhuiyan, Tandra Saha, Nazia Islam, Tamsila Taramun, Yousra Siddiquee, Maisha Ahsan Momo, Mahmuda Momtaj, Shahanaz Chowdhury, COVID19 and Challenges in vaccination programs in Bangladesh, EJAIBVol. 31 (2) February 2021. P 115-119. www.eubios.info ISSN 1173-2571 (Print) ISSN 2350-3106 (Online)
- Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH , Yasmin R , Sultana S , Chowdhury S, Department of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Among the Users of Improved Cooking Stove and Traditional Cooking Stove, Bangladesh Medical Res Counc Bull 2020; 46: 211-218. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/bmrcb.v46i3.52257
- Shahanaz Chowdhury, COVID19: Social Stigma and Public Health Dilemma, EJAIB Vol. 30 (3) April 2020, p. 122 www.eubios.info ISSN 1173-2571 (Print) ISSN 2350-3106 (Online)
- Shahanaz Chowdhury, Ethical issues of COVID19 for persons with disabilities, EJAIB Vol.30 (7) September 2020, www.eubios.info ISSN1173-2571(Print) ISSN2350-3106 (Online)
- Osman Gani, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Rashida Khatur, Knowledge on Alzheimer’s disease among diabetic patients in selected hospital in Dhaka City, European Academic Research, Vol VIII (6), September, 2020.
- Islam, T. M. M., Banik, P. C., Barua, L., Shariful Islam, S. M., Chowdhury, S., & Ahmed, M. S. A. M. (2020). Cardiovascular disease risk factors among school children of Bangladesh: a cross-sectional study. BMJ Open, 10(10). https://doi.org/10.1136/bmjopen-2020-038077.
- Hossain MS, Hasan MM, Islam MS, Islam S, Mozaffor M, et al. (2018) Chikungunya outbreak (2017) in Bangladesh: Clinical profile, economic impact and quality of life during the acute phase of the disease. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(6): e0006561. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006561
- Mahmuda Ansari, Md. Ziaul Islam, Khan Nasrin Jahan , Shahanaz Chowdhury, Cognitive capacity among elderly people in an urban community, International Journal of Biosciences, 2018, Vol. 13(1); p. 167- 187.
- Asaduzzaman M, Chowdhury S, Shahed J, et al. (January 26, 2018) Prevalence of Type 2 DiabetesMellitus Among Urban Bihari Communities in Dhaka, Bangladesh: A Cross-sectional Study in a Minor Ethnic Group. Cureus 10(1): e2116. DOI 10.7759/cureus.2116.Available from: https://www.researchgate.net/publication/322739460_Prevalence_of_Type_2_Diabetes_Mellitus_Among_Urban_Bihari_Communities_in_Dhaka_Bangladesh_A_Cross-sectional_Study_in_a_Minor_Ethnic_Group [accessed Apr 05 2018].
- Hossain MS, Hasan MM, Islam MS, Islam S, Mozaffor M, et al. (2018) Chikungunya outbreak (2017) in Bangladesh: Clinical profile, economic impact and quality of life during the acute phase of the disease. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases 12(6): e0006561. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006561 (Impact factor 8.22).
- Chowdhury Shahanaz, Moniruzzaman, , Ahmed M.S. A.Mansur, Impact Of Educational Intervention in Reducing NCD Risk Factors, European Academic Research, September, 2017, vol V(6); p 2580-2607.
- Ur Rashid MH, Ahmed MM, Chowdhury S, Ahmed S. Effectiveness of visual inspection with acetic acid as a test for cervical cancer screening. Int J Non-Commun Dis 2017;2:3-7
- Shahanaz Chowdhury. End-of-life care in the adult intensive care unit: Attitudes and practices of critical care physicians and nurses, Eubious Journal of Ethics of Asian and International Bioethics, September, 2015, vol 25(5); p170-187.
- Ahmed, MSAM Moniruzzaman, M. Chowdhury, S; Banik, PC, Cardiovascular Risk Assessment Among Urban Population of Bangladesh Using WHO/ISH Risk Prediction Chart, International Journal Of Epidemiology 2015, Vol 44(Suppl 1); p 202-202
- Farzana Khanom, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Sabrina Ahmed, Moniruzzaman, M.S.A.Ahmed. Association of autism spectrum disorder and gestational diabetes mellitus of mothers in Bangladesh, Indian Journal Of Community Health, Jul – Sep 2015, Vol 27 (3); p391-397.
- Sabiha Sultana, Nasreen Akther, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Khondokar Bulbul Sarwar, Meherunessa Begum, Nargis Momtaz Lata, Rokshana Sabnom, Nadia Begum. Intestinal Parasitic Infestation and Hygiene Practices among the Street Children, European Academic Reasearch, February, 2015, vol II (II),: p 14277-14299.
- MSA Mansur Ahmed, M Rezaul Karim, M Mahmudul Hoque, Shahanaz Chowdhury. Quality of Antenatal Care in Primary Health Care Centers of Bangladesh, Journal of Family and Reproductive Health 2014. 8(4):175-181
- Md Monoarul Haque, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Syeda Afrose Jahan Mousumi, Md Zakir Hossain, Suman Kumar Roy, Abdur Rashid, Mesbahuddin Ahmed, Sunny Shahriar, Md Ruhul Amin, Md Abul Hossain. Hemoglobin Status among Rural Population in Selected Area of Bangladesh: A Cross Sectional Observational Study, EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2014, Vol.II, Issue 8:10523-10530.
- Md Ruhul Amin, Md Monoarul Haque, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Mst Mostary Zannath, Mohammad Nasir Uddin, Md Zakir Hossain, Abdur Rashid, Yasin Arafat, Md Abul Hossain. Awareness on pulmonary tuberculosis among the fisherman selected costal area of Bangladesh, International Multidisciplinary Research Journal, 2014, Vol.I, Issue I, November: 27-42. (Available online at: www.researchthoughts.us).
- Zobaer Alam, Monoarul Haque, Rijwan Bhuiyan, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Farhana Huq, Mesbah Uddin Ahamed, Suman Kumar Roy and Monirul Haqe. Barriers Facing by Parents During Clubfoot Treatment of Children with Clubfoot Deformity, MOJ Orthopedics & Rheumatology, 2014; 1(2): 00008 (Online publication)
- Md alamgir Hossan, Md Ruhul Amin, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Pradip Kumar Saha,Syeda Nusrat Jahan, Monirul Haqe. Needle Sharing Practice among Injecting Drug User, EUROPEAN ACADEMIC RESEARCH, 2014;Vol. II, Issue 5/ August :6516-6528.
- Md Monoarul Haque, Md Rijwan Bhuiyan, Shahanaz Chowdhury,Khaleda Islam. Nutritional Status and Dietary Intake Pattern of Male Drug Addicts Undergoing Rehabilitation, Journal of Nutritional Health & Food Engineering, 2014; 1(1): 1-6.
- Monoarul Haque, Farah Kamal, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Moniruzzaman, Itrat Aziz, Non Obstetric Causes and Presentation of Acute Abdomen among the Pregnant Women, Journal of Family and Reproductive Health, 2014 3(8):117-122.
- MSA M Ahmed , S chowdhury, M moniruzzaman, P.C.Banik, S Ahmed, Awareness on Diabettic Retinopathy Among Patients of Diabetes Mellitus: Finding from a Tertiary level Hospital.Dabetes and Endocrine Journal, December 2014,Vol.42,Suppl.1:20-21
- Mossamat Afroza Chowdhury, Md Monoarul Haque, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Md Shafiullah Prodhania. Determinants of Infertility among Couples Seeking Treatment in A Selected Clinic in Dhaka City, Chattagram Maa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College Journal. 2014: 13(2):42-45.
- Shahanaz Chowdhury, Ethical Considerations In Research With Children, Bangladesh Journal of Bioethics 2014; 5(1):36-42.
- Kalyan Bhowmik, Moniruzzaman, Anjan Adhikari, Shahnaz Choudhury, MSA Mansur Ahmed. Prevalence of depression and its risk factors among patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in a tertiary level hospital in West Bengal, India, South East Asia Journal of Public Health 2012;2(2):34-40.
- Akther N, Begum N, Chowdhury S, Sultana S. Knowledge on Reproductive Health Issues among the Unmarried Adolescent Girls. Journal of Family and Reproductive Health. 2012: 6(4):169-176.
- Ahmed M. S. A. Mansur, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Karim M. Rezaul, Haque M. Mahmudul. Unmet Needs of Family Planning And Practice Of Family Planning In A Selected Urban to Rural Migrated Population Of Dhaka City. Journal of Family and Reproductive Health. 2012: 6(3):115-123.
- Md. Monoarul Haque, Sharmin Sultana, Md. Emdadul Haque, Mohammad Abu Naser, Shahanaz Chowdhury, Prevalence of Onychomycosis among Diabetic Patients in Bangladesh (JOPSOM), Journal of Preventive & Social Medicine (JOPSOM) 2011;1-2 (30): 24-30.
- Chowdhury S, Sultana S. Awareness on Breast Cancer among the Women of Reproductive Age. Journal of Family and Reproductive Health. 2011: 5(4).127-134.
- Khanam R, Chowdhury S, Ahsan GU, Yasmin N, Gender differences in treatment seeking behavior of Tuberculosis patients in rural community of Bangladesh, Trop Med, int (epi) Health,2005;12:51-55 (Special Issue)
Recent research works done (completed) at BUHS:
As Principal investigator:
- Perceptions of Health Insurance among Potential Consumers in Bangladesh funded by BRAC University for the financial year of 2015-16.
- Barriers to Physical Activity among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus, submitted to Bangladesh Medical Research Council for the financial year 2013-2014.
- Impact of Educational Intervention in Reducing NCD Risk Indicators. Sponsoring/collaborating Agencies: Bangladesh Medical Research Council. (2012-2013)
As Co-Investigator:
- Survey on prevalence and risk factors of diabetic retinopathy among diabetic patients attending different tertiary level health care facilities in Bangladesh, project between icddr,b and Noncommunicable Diseases Control Program (NCDCP) and Directorate General of Health Services (DGHS)
- Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Tobacco Consumption among Adults attending Outpatient Department of Public Hospitals funded by Bangladesh Center for Communication Program (BCCP) for the financial year of 2015.
- Cardiovascular Risk Assessment among Urban and Rural Population Aged 40-70 Years Using WHO/HIS Risk Prediction Chart, submitted to Ministry of Science and Technology, Bangladesh for the financial year 2013-2014.
- Cardiovascular Risk Assessment among Urban Population Aged 40-70 Years Using WHO/ISH Risk Prediction Chart. Sponsoring/collaborating Agencies: Ministry Of Science And Technology, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh. (2013)
- Awareness On Diabetic Retinopathy Among Patients Of Diabetes Mellitus: Findings From A Tertiary Level Hospital. Sponsoring/collaborating Agencies: Bangladesh Medical Research Council. (2013).
Recent research works done (completed) on projects at different organizations and programs:
As Co-Investigator:
- Chikungunya outbreak (2017) in Bangladesh: Analysis of clinical profile, post-disease consequences, financial and socio-environmental factors.
Sponsoring/collaborating Agencies: Biomedical Research Foundation, Bangladesh
As Quality Assurance Expert:
- Enhancing Cost Effectiveness and Improving Quality of Care. UPHCP project supported by donors and executed by the Local Government Division of the Ministry of Local Government, Rural Development and Cooperatives and awarded to study by Research Evaluation Associates for Development (READ). (2012)
As Field coordinator & Co-investigator:
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Transgender and MSM in Noakhali-Laxmipur Districts, Cluster no. 3 (3) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Migrant and trans port workers in Noakhali-Laxmipur Districts, Cluster no. 3 (4) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Sex Workers in Haluaghat Upazila of Mymensingh District, Cluster no. 1 (1) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Drug Users in Haluaghat Upazila of Mymensingh District, Cluster no. 1 (2) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Transgender and MSM in Haluaghat Upazila of Mymensingh District, Cluster no. 1 (3) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Migrant and trans port workers in Haluaghat Upazila of Mymensingh District, Cluster no. 1 (4) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Tribal Population in Haluaghat Upazila of Mymensingh District, Cluster no. 1 (4) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Sex Workers in Rangamati District, Cluster no. 2(1) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Drug Users in Haluaghat Upazila of Rangamati District, Cluster no. 2(2) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Transgenders and MSM in Rangamati District, Cluster no. 2 (3) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program,
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Migrant and trans port workers in Rangamati District, Cluster no. 2 (4) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Rapid Situation Assessment of HIV/AIDS among Tribal Population in Rangamati District, Cluster no. 2 (5) National Report of CARE Bangladesh HIV Program.
- Impact Evaluation of maternal and child welfare (MCWC) Program in Bangladesh.
- Gender Sensitive Intervention Tuberculosis control study in rural community of Bangladesh. (WHO/TDR Programs)
As Associate Researcher:
- Training need assessment survey, for doctor’s providing ESD services at upzilla level and below-2008
- Evaluation of imparted training for Doctors providing ESP services-June,2008
- Primary prevention of HIV & Risk reduction through work place intervention in Garments industries, February, 2008.
- Performance evaluation of Piloting of the Skilled Birth Attendant training program-January-April,2004
- Tutor, Post Graduate Diploma in Foundations of Global Health I & II, Faculty of Health, Medicine and Life Sciences, Maastricht University, Netherlands
- Adjunct faculty at Bangladesh University of Professionals (BUP)
- Co-Chair, Competency Sub-Committee of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)
- Visiting faculty at American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN, USA)
Highlights of Professional Experience and Accomplishments
Resource persons / Facilitator/ Trainer
- Member of CUGH 2022 Scientific Program Advisory Committee
- Participated as invited speaker on “Ethics for researchers: Successful research modeling within ethical boundaries in 2nd IBRO-APRC Associate School of Neuroscience organized by United International University, Dhaka, Bangladesh on 6 December, 2019
- Participated as resource person in Training on Research Methodology, organized by Planning, Monitoring and Research , DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka from 03-05, December, 2017.
- Invited as a resource person in ASA University Bangladesh as guest faculty for the course Health Policy, Law and Bioethics, 2016
- Participated as resource person in Training on Ethics from 26 June -28 June, 2016 organized by AUSN at Peridot Head Start School, San Carlos, Arizona, USA.
- Participated as resource person in the training program on ‘Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Diseases, COPD, Cancer, Arsenicosis, Thalassemia etc for Health Service Providers e.g.
- Medical Assistant/SACMO’ in the Department of NCD which is funded by NCDC Program of DGHS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- Participated as resource person in Training on Ethics and Informed Consent organized by Public Health Foundation of Bangladesh coordinated by IFMSA-Bangladesh on 1st April, 2016.
- Participated as resource person in the training program on ‘Diabetes, Hypertension, Heart Diseases, COPD, Cancer, Arsenicosis, Thalassemia etc for Health Service Providers e.g.
- Medical Assistant/SACMO’ in the Department of NCD which is funded by NCDC Program of DGHS, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare.
- Participated as a resource person to take class on Risks and Benefits, Research involving Persons at Risk for Impaired Decision making on 22nd October, 2014 at City Dental College, Dhaka arranged by Bangladesh Bioethics Society in collaboration with Department of Bioethics, NIH, USA.
- Training Programs on Public Health Issues organized by Institute of Public Health (IPH), 2009.
- External verifier, City & Guilds of United Kingdom, October 2010– December 2010.
Participation in National and International Conferences/Meetings/Seminars
- Participated in TropEd Global Health Sumer School 2024 (5 days online training)
- Participated at Sparkman Center for Global Health Summer Institute Implementation research for global health: focus on health equity at UAB campus in Birmingham from Thursday, July 18 – Wednesday, July 24, 2024
- Participated as presenter in the 1st International Public Health Ambassador Conference on ‘COVID19: Social Stigma and Public Health Dilemma; 26 March 2020
- Participated as presenter in the Fourth International Public Health Ambassador Conference on ‘Ethical issues of COVID19 for persons living with disability’9th May
- Participated as presenter in the Seventh International Public Health & Bioethics Ambassador Conference (IPHA7) on Challenges facing in vaccination program during COVID19
- pandemic in Bangladesh, Thursday, 16 July and Friday, 17 July 2020
- Participated as presenter in the Eighth International Public Health & Bioethics Ambassador Conference (IPHA8) on Public health in Bangladesh: Challenges and opportunities during COVID 19, 1, August 2020.
- Participated in the BIOLAW and Global Risks: Challenges to Autonomy and Dignity in Pandemic Times in UDDTV: Universidad del Desarrollo, 27 th August, 2020
Ethical Issues:
- Participated in the international conference on Academic Integrity in AI Technology, 11th December 2023 at BMRC Bhavan, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Participated in the Training on IRBs Management and Research Review” of ‘Bangladesh Bioethics Society’ held from 06 – 08 August 2023 in the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC), BMRC Bhaban, Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212 (Meeting Room-406, 4th floor), 01:00 PM to 04:00 PM.
- Participated in the International Seminar for Capacity Strengthen for IRB Members of Bangladesh on 12th January 2023 at 11.00 AM at Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC) BMRC Bhaban, (3rd Floor). Mohakhali, Dhaka-1212.
- Participated as Surveyor Trainee at Research Ethics Training, Hosted by Yenepoya Ethics Committee-1, Yenepoya, SIDCER-FERCAP Survey, 3-5 October 2022
- Research Ethics During Epidemics, 2nd–3rd December 2020EDCTP2 programme supported by the European Union
- Participated in the Intensive Bioethics training Course from 3rd -5 th August, 2018 by joint AUSN and Bangladesh Bioethics Society at National Heart Foundation.
- Participated in Parallel session on Conceptual Framework for Development of Ethical Guidelines of Data Sharing organized by Planning, Monitoring and Research, DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka on 03-05 December, 2017
- Participated at American International University of Bangladesh (AIUB) as presenter on ‘End of life Care: We should begin to think’ on 2nd December, 2017.
- Participated in the Workshop on Ethical Issues and Research Implementation organized by TDR International Postgraduate Training, JPG school of Public Health, BRAC University at SASAKAWA Auditorium Room from 1-2 August, 2017.
- Participated in the Intensive Bioethics training Course from 15-16 th July, 2017 by joint AUSN and Bangladesh Bioethics Society at Institute of Epidemiology and Research Centre (IEDCR), Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Presented in Public Defense for proposal Defense of Thesis of PhD in Bioethics and Global Public Health on ‘Improving end-of-life care in hospitals: a qualitative analysis of health care providers and bereaved families’ experiences and suggestions’ at American University of Sovereign Nations (AUSN), USA on 25th June, 2016.
- Participated in Public Defense for Master thesis of Masters in Bioethics and Global Public Health on End-of-life care in the adult intensive care unit: Attitudes and practices of critical care physicians and nurses in 16th ASIAN BIOETHICS CONFERENCE held in November from 3rd -8th in Quezon City, Manila, Philippines, 2015.
- Participated in the Intensive Bioethics training Course on 11 February, 2016 at Press Institute of Bangladesh, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Participated in the “Ethics Teachers Training course” organized by Department of Public Health & Informatics, Jahangirnagar University in collaboration with United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) from 4th-8th October, 2015.
- Participated in the course on “Guidelines for Ethical Research with Human Subjects” organized by Bangladesh Bioethics Society from 20-21 March & 27-28 March, 2015.
- Participated in the seminar on “Practicing Bioethics in Bangladesh” on 4th June, 2014 at Bangladesh Bureau of Statistics auditorium, Agargoan, Dhaka.
- Participated in the educational activity of Ethical and Regulatory Aspects of Clinical Research at The Clinical Center Lipsett Auditorium, National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, Maryland on September 25, 2013 through November 11, 2013.
- Participated in ‘A month Long courses on Bioethics: Education and Research’ organized by Bangladesh Bioethics Society in collaboration with National Academy for Educational Management (NAEM) from 5 June-4 July, 2010.
Universal Health Coverage (UHC)
- Participated as presenter at dissemination seminar on small scale competitive research grant by CoE-HS&UHC, 29th January , 2018, 9:30 to 1 PM at Sasakawa Auditorium, icddr,b
Participated in event on Realizing Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Bangladesh: Time for action held in Ikebana Hall, Lakeshore Hotel Gulshan on 14 December, 2017. - Participated in Consultation Workshop on Updating UHC Communication Strategy at CIRDAP, Dhaka organized by Health Economics Unit (HEU), Health Services Division, MoHFW on 17 October, 2017.
- Participated in workshop on Building Awareness for Universal Health Coverage (UHC) in Bangladesh, Advancing the Agenda Forward in 2016 on 6 September, 2016 at BMA Bhavan, Topkhana Road, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Participated in National consultation on Sustainable Development Goals and role of Universal Health Coverage on 31 August, 2016 at Radisson Blue Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Completed course on ‘Bangladesh Flagship course on Health Systems Strengthing and Universal Health Coverage’ from May 8-12, 2016 in Cox Bazar, Bangladesh.
- Participated in the ‘ Introductory Course on Universal Health Coverage’ organized by the Centre of Excellence of Universal Health Coverage, James P. Grant School of Public Health, BIGH, BRAC University and ICDDR, B from 21-25 September, 2014.
- 10th Annual Symposium on Global Cancer Research (ASGCR), March 23-24, 2022
- Participated in the Eighth International Public Health & Bioethics Ambassador virtual Conference, 2nd August 2020: Public health in Bangladesh: Challenges and opportunities during COVID 19.
- Participated in the Seventh International Public Health & Bioethics Ambassador virtual Conference, 17 July 2020: Challenges facing in immunization program during COVID19 pandemic in Bangladesh.
- Participated in the Fourth International Public Health Ambassador virtual Conference on 9 May 2020: Ethical issues of COVID19 for persons living with disability
- Participated in Three Days Workshop on Fundamental of Qualitative Research: Thinking Qulaitatively’ held on 25-27 February 2020 organized by organized by Center for Professional Skills Developemtent on Public Health (CPSD), BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University.
- Participated in Orientation on implementation Research (IR) held on 18 January 2020 organized by Center for Professional Skills Developemtent on Public Health (CPSD), BRAC James P Grant School of Public Health, BRAC University, supported by UNICEF, Bangladesh.
- Participated in International conference on Cardiocare arranged by Universal Cardiac Hospital on 18 August, 2016, at Radisson Blue Hotel, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Presentation on ‘Teaching Public Health in home and school: Reflections from Bangladesh’ organized by AUSN at the Peridot Head start School, San Carlos, Arizona, USA on 26 June, 2016.
- Participated as trainee in the Short Course on Strategic Communication for Public Health from 10th April to 12th April, 2016.
- Participated as Co-chairperson in the Free Paper Session on 21st December, 2015 in the 6th Regional Public Health Conference.
- Participated in 3rd Public Health Foundation Day Celebration and Scientific Seminar from 7-8 December 2015 at Sasakawa Auditorium, icddr,b Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Participated in National Conference on Health Professions Education (HPE) from 27-28 November, 2015 at IPH Conference Hall, Mohakhali, Dhaka.
- Participated as “Free paper presenter” on Impact of Educational Intervention in Reducing NCD Risk Factors in the 5th Regional Public Health seminar held in December 17-18, 2014, at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Participated as “Free paper presenter” on Barriers to Physical Activity among Patients with Diabetes Mellitus in the 5th Regional Public Health seminar held in December 17-18, 2014, at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- 4th Regional Public Health seminar held in March 2-3, 2014, at Bangladesh University of Health Sciences (BUHS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh where chaired scientific session(s).
- Participated in the training of cardiovascular survey method organized by Epidemiological association of Bangladesh (EPAB) supported by WHO from 1st June-5th June, 2013.
- Participated in the 3rd Regional Public Health seminar held in December 13-14, 2012, at Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Participated in the International Conference on Woman in Science, Engineering and Technology, Local and Global Perspective (ICWSET-2012), 2-4 February 2012 as Oral presenter on “Post abortion care knowledge among the adolescent and young married girls working in the garment factories” at Nabab Nawab Ali Chowdhury (NNAC) Senate Bhaban, Dhaka University, Bangladesh.
- Participated in the 17th Diabetes and Endocrine seminar in December 2012, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Participated in the 2nd Regional Public Health meeting Ist Regional Public Health meeting held in December, 2011, at Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Participated in the 16th Diabetes and Endocrine seminar in December 2011, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Participated 13th Annual Scientific Conference of ICDDR, B, which was being held at the Pan Pacific Sonargaon Dhaka, Bangladesh, from 14 to 17 March 2011 as poster presenter on Awareness of Preventive Practices against Malaria among Women of Reproductive Age & Preventive Awareness on HIV/AIDS among Rickshaw Puller of Narayanganj Town, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- 1st Regional Public Health meeting Ist Regional Public Health meeting held in December,2010, at Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences (BIHS) in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Participated in the 15th Diabetes and Endocrine seminar in December 2010, held in Dhaka, Bangladesh - Participated in The TWOWS 4th General Assembly & International Conference: Women Scientists in a Changing World, Beijing, China 27-30 June 2010 as paper presenter on “Awareness on Breast Cancer among the Women of Reproductive Age”.
- Attended the Introductory Course on Epidemiology and Biostatistics held during 10th May-4th June, 2009. at ICDDR, B, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Attended “Bi-ennial Pediatric Conference Sylhet on 29th to 1st May,2009 held at Sylhet MAG Osmani Medical College
- Attended One Day Work shop on “Stress Management: An Orientation Training on 14th March,2009, Jointly organized by Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association (BCPA) & Department of Clinical Psychology University of Dhaka.
- Participated as “Free paper presenter” in the 20th ANNUAL CONVNTION AND SCIENTIFIC SESSIONS OF APB held in Dhaka on March 15-16, 2009.
- Attended in the Scientific Sessions of the First SAARC ENT Congress (February 09-12, 1998) held at Bangladesh College of Physicians and Surgeons (BCPS) Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- Attended One Day Work shop in “An Orientation to Social Skills Training Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An orientation Social Skills Training” on 13th March,2009, Jointly organized by Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association (BCPA) & Department of Clinical Psychology University of Dhaka.
- Attended One Day Work shop in “Cognitive Behavioral Therapy: An orientation Training” on 1st November, 2008, jointly organized by Bangladesh Clinical Psychology Association (BCPA) & Department of Clinical Psychology University of Dhaka
- Member Secretary of Ethical Review Committee (ERC), BUHS
- Member, Competency Sub-Committee of the Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)
- Member of the Academic Partnership Program Initiative (APPI) (CUGH)
- Member, Sub-Committee of the World Emergency COVID19 Pandemic Ethics Committee (WeCope)
- Team Leader, Disease Characterization Working Group, The Global Health Network (TGHN)
- Member of Organization for Women in Science in Developing World (OWSD), Trieste – Italy
- Member of Asian Bioethics Society
- Life membership from Bangladesh Endocrine Society.
- Member of Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA)
- Life Member of Bangladesh Bioethics Society (BBS)
- Member of Springboard
Computer skills:
- Operating system- windows 2007/XP and Microsoft Office management- MS word, MS excel, MS access, Power point and Internet browsing.
Language known:
- Bengali (Read, Write and Speak) Excellent,
- English (Read, Write and Speak) Excellent,
- Malay (Read, Write and Speak) Excellent,
- Hindi (Speak) Excellent