Shah Md Zahurul Haque Asna
Professor & Head
MPhil – Institute of Postgraduate Medicne & Research 1988 (IPGM&R) under Dhaka University 1988
MBBS – Rajshahi University 1978
HSC – Carmichael College, Rangpur 1971(held in 1972)
SSC – Pirganj High School, Rangpur 1969
- Asstt Surgeon/Medical Officer 16-03-79 to 17-11-92 RMCH, Rajshahi; THC,Chilmari, Kurigram,; RMCH, Rangpur; RMC, Rangpur;IPGRMR, Dhaka,
- Asstt.Prof.(cc),/Asstt.prof.18-11-92 to14-09-93 MMC, Mymensingh; NIPSOM,Dhaka
- Assoc. Prof. (CC),Microbiology 20-09-93 to 05-02-07 CMC,Chittagong; CoMC Comilla, ICMH Matuail,Dhaka.
- Professor & Head,Department of Microbiology 06-02-07 to31-08-08 FMC, Faridpur
- Self Retirement : LPR: 01-09-08 to 30-08-09 From FMC, Faridpur
- Professor & Head, Dept. of Microbiology & Coordinator,Laboratory Sciences 01.09.09 to30.06.17 Bangladesh Institute of Health Sciences(BIHS)
- Professor & Head, Dept. of Microbiology, Dean, Faculty of Basic Sciences, Chief Program Coordinator. 01.07.13- 30.06.2018 Bangladesh University of health Sciences(BUHS)
- Professor & Head 01.07.2018 BUHS Dept. of Microbiology
Asna SMZH, Rahman KM, Miah MRA & Hussain T. “Trypticase soy broth versus bile salt broth: A comparative study for isolation of Salmonella from blood.” Journal of BCPS. 1989;7(1):11-14.
Chowdhury MZU, Rahman KM, Miah MRA, Hussain T, Asna ZH, Khan WA. “Evaluation of Co-agglutination (COA), Counter immunoelectrophoresis (CIE), Culture and Direct Microscopic (DM) examination of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) for detection of Meningitis caused by common bacterial pathogens.” Bangladesh Med. Res. Counc. Bull. 1990; XVI (1): 34 – 41.
Hossain MA, Rahman KM, Amin II, Asna SMZH, Rahim Z, Hoque M, Miah MRA, Hussain T & Nahar N. “Childhood Gastroenteritis: Aeromonas and other infective agents.” Bangladesh Medical Journal. 1991; 20 (1): 13-16.
Lutfor AB, Rouf MA, Hassan MMM, Rahman KM, Asna SMZH, Haque KMHSS & Moazzem N. “Prevention of beta-haemolytic streptococci in children with acute pharyngitis.” Proceedings of the First National Scientific Conference On Rheumatic Fever and Rheumatic Heart Disease May 4-5, 1992; 18-20.
Malek MA, Miah MRA, Rahman KM, Asna SMZH, Hossain T, Nahar N, Chowdhury MAQ & Hossain M. “Incidence of syphilis among prostitutes, blood donors and prisoners in Dhaka.” Bangladesh Medical Journal. 1992; 21 (1&2): 12-15.
Hossain MA, Rahman KM, Asna SMZH, Rahim Z, Hussain T, Miah MRA. “Incidence of Aeromonas isolated from diarrhoeal children and study of some Virulence Factors in the isolates.” Bangladesh Med. Res. Counc. Bull. 1992; 18 (2): 61-67.
Muazzam N, Rahman KM, Miah RA & Asna SMZH. “Indirect Fluorescent Antibody Test in Serodiagnosis of Visceral Leishmaniasis in Bangladesh.” Bangladesh Med. Res. Counc. Bull. 1992; 18 (2): 77–81.
Alam S, Akram K, Asna ZH, Bennish M, Bern C, Chowdhury AY, Chowdhury AK, Chowdhury AM, Glass R, Hossain A, Hossain Z, Huq JA, Islam K, Mathbor GM, Nasem SMA, O’Brien P, Rahman O, Monica S, Ronsmans C, Saddique MS, Smiezak J. “Health effects of the 1991 Bangladesh cyclone: Report of a UNICEF Evaluation team.” DISASTERS. 1993; 17 (2): 153–165.
Mamun KZ & Asna SMZH. “AIDS without HIV.” PHAB Journal. 1993; IV (II): 45-47.
Salam KMA, Banu NA, Nabi TIMN & Asna SMZH. “Multidrug resistant Salmonella typhi causing fever in Children: A study of fifty blood culture positive cases.” Ann Med Pract. 1994; 5 (1&2): 6–13.
Hasan Z, Alam MN, Afroza A, Asna ZH, Hossain M, Chowdhury SF, Khaleque KA, Rahman KM. “Evaluation of drug sensitivity of Salmonella typhi and Paratyphi A by disc diffusion and agar dilution method.” BJM. 1995; 6 (1): 17–20.
- Asna SMZH, Husain MA, Akhter N. Vibrio cholerae O139: is another pandemic forth coming? JCMCTA. 1995; 6 (1): 58 – 64.
- Hasan Z, Rahman KM, Alam MN, Afroza A, Asna ZH, Ghosh PK, Alam N. Role of a large plasmid in mediation of Multiple Drug Resistance in Salmonella typhi and Paratyphi A in Bangladesh. Bangladesh Med. Res. Counc. Bull. 1995; 21 (1): 50 – 54.
- Akhter N, Haque R, Asna SMZH, Hussain MA, Rahman KM. Study on Zymodemes of Entamoeba histolytica. JCMCTA. 1996; 6 (2):17 - 22.
- Husain MA, Rahman KM, Haq JA, Asna SMZH. Studies on the Campylobacter jejuni isolated from diarrhoeal children. JCMCTA. 1996; 7 (1): 7-16.
- Asna SMZH, Salam KMA, Hussain MA, Akhter N, Malek A, Hussain M,Mamun KZ, Hasan Z. Multidrug resistant Salmonella in paediatric population. JCMCTA. 1996; 7 (1): 23 – 27.
- Asna SMZH, Alam AKMS. Parasitological aspect of malaria. JCMCTA.1996; 7 (S3): 98 – 106.
- Rahman MR, Faiz MA, Das JC, Yunus EB, Ahsan MQ, Hossain MA, Ahmed K, Dutta PK, Ahmed I, Karim SA, Mamun AA, Mollah AS, Das KK, Chowdhury D, Hoq AJMM, Chowdhury MK, Asna ZH, Hussain A, Jalil MA. A prospective documentation of prognostic factors of severe malaria among adults patients in Chittagong Medical College Hospital, Bangladesh. JCMCTA.1996; 7 (S3):32-45.
- Rahman MR, Faiz MA, Yunus EB, Das JC, Hossain A, Mollah AS, Mamun AA, Dutta PK, Ahmed K, Ahmed I, Karim SA, Das KK, Chowdhury D, Hoq AJMM, Chowdhury MK, Hussain A Asna ZH, Begum Z, Jalil MA. A randomised controlled trial on the comparative efficacy of “Seven days quinine (parenteral plus oral) versus parenteral followed by three days oral quinine plus single dose sulpfadoxin / pyrimethamine” in adult cerebral malaria in Chittagong Medical College Hospital. JCMCTA.1996; 7 (S3):46-53.
- Faiz MA, Rahman MR, Das KK, Box S, Das JC, Mollah AS, Mamun AA, Hossain A, Yunus EB, Chowdhury D, Hoq AJMM, Asna SMZH, Hussain A, Jalil MA. Smear negative cerebral malaria: Are these malaria cases? JCMCTA.1996; 7 (S3): 54-62.
- Hasan Z, Asna SMZH, Hussain M, Afroza A, Jhora ST, Shanaz S & Rahman KM. Results of blood culture in different weeks of illness with or without prior antibiotic therapy in Enteric Fever. Bangladesh Medical Journal. 1997; 26 (1 &2): 17-19.
- Mamun KZ, Tabassum S & Asna SMZH. Salmonella paratyphi A : An emerging public health concern. Bangaldesh J Pathol.1997;12 (1) :18-19.
- Asna SMZH, Hussain T & Rahman KM. Interpretation of Widal Test: A Review. Bangladesh Medical Journal.1997; 26 (3 & 4): 48- 50.
- Asna SMZH, HIV / AIDS : Bombay perspective. JCMCTA. 1998; 9 (1): 59-67.
- Asna SMZH,Malek MA & Alam AMMS. Introducing viral oncogenesis. JCMCTA. 1999; 10 (S4): 50-55.
- Asna SMZH, Alam AMMS, Majumder K, Husain MA &. Chowdhury MJH. Tumour immunity- an overview. JCMCTA.1999; 10 (2): 32-38.
- Asna SMZH & Huq JA.. Decrease of antibiotic resistance in Salmonella typhi isolated from patients attending hospitals of Dhaka city over a 3 years period. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agents.2000;16:249-251.
- Asna SMZH & Husain MA. Blood culture by conventional method: study of 1000 cases. Bangladesh J Pathol.2000; 15(1) : 3-7.
- Asna SMZH, Haq JA & Rahman MM. Nalidixic acid resistant Salmonella enterica serovar Typhi with decreased susceptibility to ciprofloxacin caused treatment failure : A report from Bangladesh. Jpn. J. Infect. Dis. 2003; 56 (1) :32-33
- Asna SMZH.Foiz MA,Hossain MA,Younus EB & Rahman MR. Diagnosis of malaria by blood film microscopy – A review. Bangladesh J Pathol.2002;17(2) :12-15.
- Husain MA, Asna SMZH, Akhter N, Ahmed MS. Drug resistance of Escherichia coli – Experience in Chittagong Medical College. OMTAJ.2002;1(2):55-56.
- Husain MA,Asna SMZH, Akhter N & Uddin J. Methicillin resistant staphylococcus aureus in Chittagong Medical College. JCMCTA.2002;13(2):4-8.
- Husain MA,Asna SMZH, Uddin J, Majed MA & Alam KM. Diagnosis of Malaria by Newer Immunochromatographic Technique. The healer.2004;11(1):2-6.
- Mamun KZ,Tabassum S , Asna SMZH & Hart CA. Molecular analysis of Multi-drug Resistant Salmonella typhi from Urban Paediatric Population of Bangladesh.Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull.2004;30(3):81-86.
- Huq JA, Rahman MM,Asna SMZH,Hossain MA, et al. Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus in Bangladesh - A Multicentre study. International Journal of Antimicrobial Agent. 2005;25:276-277.
- Husain Ma,Asna SMZH,Majed MA,Alam KM& Uddin MJ.Widal test and it’s interpretation.The Healer.2006;13(1):38-41.
- Hossain MA, Afroz S, Rahman MR, Yunus EB,Samad R, Asna ZH, Akhter S, Foiz MA. Evaluation of alternative diagnostic techniques for diagnosis of cerebral malaria in a tertiary referral hospital in Bangladesh. Mymensingh Med J. 2008;17(2) :180-185.
- Akhter S, Asna SMZH and Rahman MM. Inducible Clindamycin Resistance Among Staphylococci Isolated from Clinical Samples in an Urban Hospital of Dhaka city. Ibrahim Med. Coll. J.2011;5(1):6-8.
- Akhter S,Asna ZH and Rahman MM.Prevalence and Antimicrobial Susceptibility of Enterococcus species Isolated from Clinical Specimens. Mymensingh Med J. 2011 Oct;20(4):694-699.
- Akhter S, Sattar H, Miah MRA, Saleh AA, Ahmed S, Asna SMZH, Rahman MM. Isolation,identification and susceptibility pattern of Gardnerella vaginalis in bacterial vaginosis. Bangladesh J Med Microbiol. 2011;05(01):8-11.
- Akhter S, Asna SMZH, Rahman MM and Hafez MA.Study of bacterial infection and antimicrobial sensitivity pattern in diabetic foot lesion.Bangladesh J Med Microbiol.2012;06(02):20-23.
- Asna SMZH, Akhter S, Rahman MM. ESBL positive organisms: Method of Routine Reporting and Prevalence in Health Care settings. Bangladesh J Med Microbiol. 2014;08(02):23-27
- Asna SMZH, Akhter S, Rahman MM, Mohammad N,& Hafez MA. Frequency and Sensitivity of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase Positive Organisms in a secondary and tertiary level Hospital Network in Dhaka . J Enam Med Col.2015;5(2):80-87
- Hossain MS,Hasan MM, Islam MS,[…]Asna SMZH[…], Chikungunya outbreak (2017) in Bangladesh: Clinical profile, economic impact and quality of life during the acute phase of the disease. PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases.2018. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pntd.0006561
- Ahmed MR, Asna SMZH, Khan MSH, Rokeya B,Mosihuzzaman M and Sayed MA. Microbial Contamination of Some Antidiabetic Herbal Preparations Available in Bangladesh. European Journal of Medicinal Plants 2016; 13(1): 1-5. Article no.EJMP.23556
- Asna SMZH,Karmaker M,and Sarker UJ. Brain Heart Infusion Agar: A surrogate of blood agar.Bangladesh J Med Microbiology.2019;11(2):1-8.
- Lotifur Rahman , Asna SMZH , Aziz MA. Article Antibiogram of Extended Spectrum Beta-Lactamase and AmpC BetaLactamase Producing Escherichia coli among the Patients Attending a Selected Tertiary Health Care Hospital. J Enam Med Col 2020;10(3):179-185
- Akhter S, Jung JH, Munkhbileg B, Jeong JH, Is- lam J, Rahman MM, Asna SM, Kim HJ, Seok SH, Seong SY, Seo SU. Detection of Salmonella genes in stool samples of children aged 5 years and younger in urban and rural areas of Bangla- desh. The Journal of Infection in Developing Countries. 2021 Apr 30;15(04):506-15
- Karmaker M , Khair MA , Una Jessica Sarker UJ, Ferdous RN , Tasnim S , Moniruzzaman M and Asna SMZH. Pseudomonas aeruginosa Infection and Antibiotic Sensitivity Pattern Isolated from a TertiaryCare Hospital in Dhaka City. Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases 2021;8(2):23-29.
- Toma MS, Asna SMZH,Karmaker M. Prevalence of Multidrug resistance in Primary, Secondary and Tertiary health care level. Ann Clin Med Microbiol 2021;15(2): 1029.
- Ferdous RN, Mohamud BA,Asna SMZH and MoniruzzamanM. Determination of Seroprevalence and Associated Factors of Helicobacter Pylori Infection among Bangladeshi and somalian Students. Asian Journal of Research in Infectious Diseases 2022;9(2):32-40.
- Quayum A, Karmaker M, Yasmin Ananna T, Asna SMZH. Prevalence of MRSA, ESBL, and AMPC –beta-lactamase-producing bacterial Profile in Pus sample. Indian J Microbiol Res 2022;9(4):272-278.
- List of books
- MutiJudder Golpo shono. Zahurul Haque Asna. Februay,2020
- Biological Father. Zahurul Haque Asna. March,2021
- The Last Train. Zahurul Haque Asna. March,2022
Working in various fields of Microbiology
- Member, Bangladesh Medical Associatio(BMA)
- Life member, Bangladesh Society of Medical Microbiologists
- Executive Editor, BUHS Journal of Health & Allied Sciences(BJHAS).