S. M. Shamiul Hoque Chowdhury
Assistant Professor and Head (In-Charge)
MS in Applied Statistics East West University, Dhaka 2021
MSc in Statistics Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh 2001
BSc (Hon’s) Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet, Bangladesh 2000
- Working as an Assistant Professor (CC) and Head (In-Charge), Dept. of Biostatistics, BUHS (2019 to till now).
- Working as an Assistant Professor (CC), Dept. of Biostatistics, BUHS (March-August’2019).
- Working as a Senior Lecturer, Dept. of Biostatistics, BUHS (2017 -2019).
- Working as a Lecturer, Dept. of Biostatistics, BUHS (2013-2017).
1. Md Abul Hossain, S. C. R., Md Nazmul Haque, Muhammad Al-Amin, S. M. Shamiul Hoque Chowdhury, Muhammad Tareque Hasan, Most Rokshana Pervin. Isolation of Associated Microorganisms among the Urinary Tract Infections (UTI). The Journal of Macro Trends in Applied Science. 2017; 5(1): 47-53.
2. Subal Chandra Roy, M. N. H., S. M. Shamiul Hoque Chowdhury, Muhammad Tareque Hasan, Muhammad Al-Amin, Most Rokshana Pervin, Md Abul Hossain. Level of Haemoglobin of Unhealthy Adolescence Girls in Mirpur of Dhaka, Bangladesh. The Journal of Macro Trends in Applied Science. 2017; 5(1): 40-46.
3. Hasan, M. T., Sujan, M. A. J., Sah, B. C., Khan, M. A. A., Chowdhury, I., Taswir, S. R. A., Pavel, M. S. A., & Chowdhury, S. S. H. Pattern of Morbidities of Under -5-year Children and Health Seeking Behaviour of their mother in rural community of Bangladesh. International Journal of Perceptions in Public Health. 2018; 2(2): 88-93.
4. Md. Abul Hossain; Sheuly Sultana; Md. Abdul Awal; Dulali Rahi Saha; Md. Badiuzzaman; Mohammad Al-Amin; S. M. Shamiul Hoque Chowdhury. Hygiene Practices among Toddlers in Rural Area of Bangladesh. European Academic Research. 2021; VIII (10): 6500-6510.
5. Amena Ferdoucy; Iffat Ara Begum; Md. Mamun Ur Rashid; S. M. Shamiul Hoque Chowdhury; Md. Abul Hossain. European Academic Research. Ultrasound in Prenatal Period of Mothers and Their Concepts of Coming Baby. 2021; VIII (10): 6511-6518.
Merit Scholarship, Dept. of Statistics, Shah Jalal University of Science and Technology (SUST) and Merit Scholarship, Dept. of Applied Statistics (Now under the Dept. of Mathematical & Physical Sciences), East West University (EWU).
Interest: Survival Data Analysis, Epidemiological Data Analysis
Consultant Biostatistics, Baseline survey of the Capacity Building of Nursing Services Phase 2 Project, Funding Agency: JICA