Rahelee Zinnat
M Phil (Medical Biochemistry)
- Prof & Head of the Dept in BUHS (2014…)
- Associate Professor in BIRDEM (2008 -2013)
- Assistant Professor in BIRDEM (2002 – 2008)
- Research Fellow in BIRDEM (1996 – 2002)
- Medical Officer in Metropolitan Medical Centre Ltd (1996-1997)
- Clinical experiences in various departments (with Medicine and Gynecology as major subjects) of the Chittagong Medical College Hospital, from April 15, 1993 to April 14, 1994.
- M Shahjahan, M Ranzu Ahmed, M M Rahman, A Afroz (2011). Factors affecting newborn care practices in Bangladesh (published in Journal of Pediatric and Prenatal Epidemiology), doi: 10.1111/j.1365-3016.2011.01239.
- Hemayet Hossain, Abdullah-Al-Mamun, Sanjida Akter Umme Sara, and Md. Ranzu Ahmed (2014), Evaluation of anti-inflammatory activity and total tannin content from the leaves of bacopa monnieri (linn.) (IJPSR/RA-3267/11-13, Vol. 5, Issue 04; April, 2014 Issue of International Journal of Pharmaceutical sciences and Research (An Official Publication of Society of Pharmaceutical sciences and Research). http://dx.doi.org/10.13040/IJPSR.0975-8232.5(4).1246-52
- Md Ranzu Ahmed, Begum Rokeya, AK Azad Khan, Md. Rausan Zamir, M Abu Sayeed and M Mosihuzzaman (2015), Efficacy Appraisal of Some Antidiabetic Herbal Preparations Available in Bangladesh. British Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, 8(3): 1-6, 2015, Article no.BJPR.19870 ISSN: 2231-2919; SCIENCEDOMAIN international
- Ismet Ara Jahan, Proity Nayeeb Akbar, Mohammad Enayetullah, Nazir Ahmmad, Mohammad Nuruddin and Md Ranzu Ahmed (2015), Elemental And Fatty Acid Content Of Four Medicinal Plants: Kaiempferia Rotunda, Cuscuta Reflexa, Centella Asiatica And Asparagus Racemosus published in European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 10(4): 1-10, 2015, Article no.EJMP.20312, ISSN: 2231-0894, NLM ID: 101583475, SCIENCEDOMAIN international
- Md. Ranzu Ahmed, S. M. Z. H. Asna, M. S. H. Khan, Begum Rokeya, M. Mosihuzzaman and M. Abu Sayeed (2016), Microbial Contamination of Some Antidiabetic Herbal Preparations Available in Bangladesh, European Journal of Medicinal Plants, 13(1): 01-05, 2016, Article no.EJMP.23556 ISSN: 2231-0894, NLM ID: 101583475, SCIENCEDOMAIN international
- Md Ranzu Ahmed, Tania Sultana , Rayesha Routary , Md Shahinul Haque Khan , Khozirah Shaari , M Abu Sayeed , M Mosihuzzaman and Begum Rokeya (2016), Chemistry and Antidiabetic Effects of Phlogacanthus thyrsiflorus Nees Flowers, Natural Products Chemistry & Research, Ahmed et al., Nat Prod Chem Res 2016, 4:5 http://dx.doi.org/10.4172/2329-6836.1000229.
- Md Ranzu Ahmed, Ismet Ara Jahan, Khondoker Shahin Ahmed, Hemayet Hossain, M Abu Sayeed, Begum Rokeya, and M Mosihuzzaman (2016), Evaluation of antioxidant activity of seven antidiabetic herbal preparations, Journal of Bangladesh Chemical Society, Vol. 28(1 & 2), 1-8, 2016.
- Israt Jahan, Md Ranzu Ahmed, M H Faruque, Dipak Lal Banik, Sk Akhtar Ahmad (2018), Knowledge, Attitude and Practices on Bio Medical Waste Management among the Health Care Personnel of Selected Hospitals in Dhaka City, International Journal of Advancements in Research & Technology, Volume 7, Issue 2, ISSN 2278-7763.
- M.A. Nisha, Israt Jahan, Md Ranzu Ahmed (2018), Behavior characteristics of Patients with Type 2 Diabetic Mellitus attending in a selected tertiary care hospital in Dhaka, Bangladesh, Global Scientific Journal, Volume 6, Issue 2, ISSN 2320-9186.
- Israt Jahan, SM Muraduzzaman, TK Dev and Md Ranzu Ahmed, (2019), Assessment the Factors Related to Low Birth Weight on Tertiary Hospitals of Sylhet City in Bangladesh , International Journal of Scientific & Engineering Research Volume 10, Issue 1, January-2019, ISSN 2229-5518 IJSER © 2019 http://www.ijser.org… 11.Shamim-Ara Sarkar, Habibur Rahman, Israt Jahan and Md. Ranzu Ahmed, (2019);The Effects of Antiepileptic Drugs (AED) on Serum Copper Level in Children with Epileps Journal of Pharmaceutical Research International 27(2): 1-7, Article no.JPRI.48415 ISSN: 2456-9119. DOI https://doi.org/10.9734/jpri/2019/v27i230166….
- Shamim-Ara-Sarkar, Habibur Rahman, Israt Jahan, Sharmin Parveen and Md Ranzu Ahmed, Assessment of serum zinc level in childhood epilepsy treated with long-term Anti Epileptic Drug (AED), International Medical Science Research Journal, Vol. 1(1), pp., 1-9, May 2019, Fair East Publishers.
- Poly Immaculata Costa, Fatema Akter, Md Ranzu Ahmed, Rabeya Yasmin, MH Faruquee, (2019), Maternal Health Status and Birth Weight of the Newborn, Acta Scientific Paediatrics, Volume 2 Issue 8, ISSN: 2581-883X.Md Aynul Islam Khan, Israt Jahan, Masuda Islam Khan, S M Shahidul Islam, S M Muraduzzaman, Md. Jahangir Alam Sarker, Md Ranzu Ahmed, Kap Study of Tobacco Users among the Garment Workers at Dhaka City in Bangladesh, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 30(10): 1-12, 2019; Article no.JAMMR.52118 ISSN: 2456-8899, NLM ID: 101570965. DOI: 10.9734/jammr/2019/v30i1030244
- Tania Sultana , Israt Jahan , Md Jahangir Alam Sarker , Khaleda Ferdous , Abul Kalam Shamsuddin and Md Ranzu Ahmed*, Assessment of Knowledge about Iron Deficiency Anemia among the Adult Women in Selected Hospitals of Dhaka City, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 33(2): 78-84, 2021; Article no.JAMMR.65047 ISSN: 2456-8899.
- Tania Islam Chowdhury , Israt Jahan , Md. Ranzu Ahmed , Sk Akhtar Ahmad , Nazneen Ara Begum , Sanchita Bhowmik , Khairun Nessa, Cervical Effacement & Dilatation on Admission and Subsequent Outcome of Labour among Primigravidae: A Prospective Study, European Modern Studies Journal, journal-ems.com, Vol 6 No 5,2022, ISSN 2522-9400.
- Md Ranzu Ahmed, Mousumi Karmaker, Maliha Tabassum Rashid, Israt Jahan, Md. Forhadul Islam Chowdhury, M. Safiur Rahman, M.S.H. Khan, S.M.Z.H. Asna, Md. Shoeb, Begum Rokeya, Nilufar Nahar and M. Mosihuzzaman, Genetic Characterization of Microbial Agents Isolated from Hepatoprotective Herbal Preparations Available in Bangladesh, accepted (acceptance letter received) for publication in the journal named Journal of Nature Science and Sustainable Technology (JNSST), (Nova Science Publishers), Volume 16 Issue 4, 2022 Q4. ISSN: 1933-0324.
- Dr Sharmin Haque Prima, Md. Istiakur Rahman, Fariha Ifrit, Mabud Uz Zaman, Dr Syeda Farzana, Sajia Afrin, Israt Jahan, Tasmim Nisa, & Dr Md Ranzu Ahmed. Association between Tuberculosis & COVID-19 in the Context of Dhaka City. Review of Medicine Surgery and Dentistry, Volume 2 Issue 1, 2023. https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7601660
- Book
- Israt Jahan & Md Ranzu Ahmed, Knowledge on Bio Medical Waste Management among the Health Care Persons (2019), LAP Lambert Academic Publishing, ISBN 978-613-9-98544-9.
- Md Ranzu Ahmed, S. M. Z. H. Asna, Begum Rokeya, M. Abu Sayeed and M. Mosihuzzaman, Microbial Contamination of Some Antidiabetic Herbal Preparations Available in Bangladesh one of the book chapters of Recent Advances in Biological Research.Vol.6, (2019), Journal of European Journal of Medicinal Plants, DOI:10.9734/bpi/rabr/v6; ISBN: 9789389562323 (Print ISBN Number: 978-93-89246-06-3, E ISBN Number: 978-93-89246-50-6). https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9Cf7MxYBUBU
- Md. Aynul Islam Khan, Masuda Islam Khan, Israt Jahan, S. M. Muraduzzaman, Mohammad Jahangir Alam Sarker, and Md. Ranzu Ahmed, “Tobacco Consumption among the Garment Workers at Dhaka City in Bangladesh” Research Trends and Challenges in Medical Science, Journal of Advances in Medicine and Medical Research, 30(10): 1-12, 2020, Chapter 1, Vol 6, Print ISBN: 978-93-90206-91-9, eBook ISBN: 978-93-90206-92-6, DOI: 10.9734/bpi/rtcms/v6.
- Postdoctoral Fellowship award received from the Honorable Prime Minister H.E. Sheikh Hasina, Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh on 04 March 2018 at the Osmani Memorial Auditorium, Dhaka.
- Abdur Rob Medal award received from Tibbya Unani Medical College for best marks in the final exam.
- Chemical and Biological evaluation of Natural Products (like safety, efficacy, documentation and standardization of single plants and finished products).
- Toxicity study of medicinal plants, herbal drugs and other plant extracts.
- Methods development for routine analysis of herbal products and herbal medicines which are directly related to Public Health.
- Worked in a project member entitled “Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of some antidiabetic herbal products” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2011-2012.
- Worked as a Research Project Member, IPICS-BUHS-BAN-05 (Project Title: Chemical studies of beneficial and harmful chemical constituents, involving food, nutraceuticals and herbal medicinal products and their health effect); 2012-2013, from International Science Proramme (ISP) Uppsala University, Sweden.
- Worked as an Associate Investigator in a project “Evaluation of Safety and Efficacy of some antidiabetic herbal products” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2013-2014
- Worked as a Supervisor in a project “Smoking And Disease Complain among the Adult Student: a Kap Study in Dhaka City” under the Bangladesh Tobacco Control Grant Programme (BCCP), implements a Research Grant Program on Tobacco Control in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA. Year 2012-2013.
- Worked as a Supervisor in a project “Expenditure and Knowledge about Tobacco Use among Rickshaw Pullers in Dhaka City” under the Bangladesh Tobacco Control Grant Programme (BCCP), implements a Research Grant Program on Tobacco Control in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA. Year 2013-2014.
- Worked as a Supervisor in a project “Relationship between Oral Diseases and Tobacco Chewing Among Slum Dwellers in Dhaka City” under the Bangladesh Tobacco Control Grant Programme (BCCP), implements a Research Grant Program on Tobacco Control in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA. Year 2013-2014
- Worked as a Team Member in a project “Knowledge, attitude & perception of Tobacco Users among Garment Workers at Dhaka City in Bangladesh” under the Bangladesh Tobacco Control Grant Programme (BCCP), implements a Research Grant Program on Tobacco Control in collaboration with the Institute for Global Tobacco Control based at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, USA. Year 2013-2014. [expand title=”Read More…” swaptitle=”…Read Less”]
- Worked as a Research Student for PhD at University Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia from 13 April 2014 – 12 July 2014.
- Worked as an Associate Investigator in a project “Evaluation of Harmful Chemical Ingredients in Herbal Drugs” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2014-2015.
- Worked as Principal Investigator in a project “Chemical analysis of some active antidiabetic herbal preparations available in Bangladesh” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2017-2018
- Worked as Principal Investigator in a project “Chemical analysis of some active antidiabetic herbal preparations available in Bangladesh” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2018-2019.
- Worked as Principal Investigator in a project “Scientific Evaluation of Some Hepatoprotective Herbal Medicines Available in Bangladesh” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2019-2020.
- Worked as Principal Investigator in a project “Scientific Evaluation of Some Hepatoprotective Herbal Medicines Available in Bangladesh” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2020-2021.
- Worked as Principal Investigator in a project “Scientific assessment of safety and efficacy of some antidiabetic herbal medicines” under consideration of the Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC), The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2021-2022, Amount
- Working as Principal Investigator in a project “Chemistry and Biology of Glinus oppositifolius and some locally available Poly Herbal Formulations in Bangladesh” (Part of the main Project “Establishment of International Centre for Natural Product Research (ICNPR)” under consideration of the Ministry of Science & Technology, The People’s Republic of Government of Bangladesh); Year 2022-2023. [/expand]
- Life Member, (LM-1298) Bangladesh Chemical Society (BCS)
- Member, Asian Network of Research on Antidiabetic Plants (ANRAP)
- Life Member, (LM-51), Network of Instrument Technical personnel and user Scientists of Bangladesh (NITUB).
- Member, International Diabetic Federation (IDF)
- Member (GM-36), Bangladesh Endocrine Society
- Member, (GM-38), Bangladesh Public Health Society (BPHS)
- Member, Bangladesh Association for the Advancement of Science (BAAS)
- Member, Bangladeshi Alumni and Students Association in Malaysia.
- Honorary Rosalind Member of London Journals Press. Membership ID, #AJ53763
- Life Member, (LM-373), Public Health Association of Bangladesh (PHAB).