Mst. Nadira Parvin
Assistant Professor
Ph.D. (Fellow), Department of Human Resource Development and Management University of Rajshahi
Master of Disability Management and Rehabilitation Bangladesh Open University
M.Phil in Epidemiology& Biostatistics, NOMA Grant
BIHS, Awarded from BSMMU 2015
Master of Public Health in Epidemiology& Biostatistics Northern University Bangladesh 2014
B.Sc (Hon’s) in Physiotherapy GonoBishwabidyalay 2004
HSC SayeedAltafunessa Degree College 1998
SSC Kalai MU High School 1996
- 01/07/2018 Till date BUHS, Department of Epidemiology, Faculty of Public Health Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator (BPH) 20/09/2016
- 31/01/2018 Uni.SA, Department of Public Health & Food and Nutrition Science, Senior Lecturer and Course Coordinator 16/5/2014
- 20/01/2016 NUB , Department of Public Health Lecturer and Course Coordinator 31/01/2008
- 30/06/2018 FIU, Department of Public Health Visiting Assistant Professor
Administrative: Seven Years’ experience (from 2016 to till date) as course coordinator.
- Saleh F, Ismail GK, Khatun T, Nahar N, Parvin MN, Mian MA. Disordered eating attitude among male Somali students in Bangladesh: A cross-sectional study. Human Nutrition & Metabolism. 2023 Jun 1;32:200196.
- Parvin N, Rahman M, Islam MJ, Haque SE, Sarkar P, Mondal MN. Socioeconomic inequalities in the continuum of care across women’s reproductive life cycle in Bangladesh. Scientific Reports. 2022 Sep 16;12(1):15618.
- Banu MN, Atique T, Parvin MN, Numan SM, Rahman MH, Hossain MM, Islam MK. Social Functioning and Mental Health Status during COVID-19 Pandemic. Global Journal of Health Science. 2022;14(7):1-69.
- Khatun N, Mondal MN, Islam MR, Hossain MK, Parvin MN, Hossen MS, Haque N, Karim MR, Islam MS. Factors associated with infertility among married women in Rajshahi City, Bangladesh.
- M.N. Parvin, M. Rahman, and N. I. Mondal,Prevalence of antenatal care use and the factors that influence it: a population-based study in Bangladesh, Human Biology Review, Original scientific paper ,(ISSN 2277 4424) 11(3) 2022.
- Barua R, Alam M, Parvin N, Chowdhury R. Prevalence of hypertension and its risk factors among school teachers in Dhaka, Bangladesh. International Journal of Research in Medical Sciences. 2018 Sep;6(9):2902.
- Parvin N, Parvin B, Haque MM, Islam MS. Knowledge on Menstruation Among Adolescent School Girls in A Selected Area of Dhaka City. ChattagramMaa-O-Shishu Hospital Medical College Journal. 2016 Jul 17;15(1):31-4.
- Parvin N, Haque MM, Bhuiyan MR, Haqe M, Saha PK, Islam AM. Knowledge on care of autistic child among the mother s attending Protibondhi Foundation, Dhaka. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Science. 2015 Apr 18;14(2):179-82.
NOMA Grant, University of Oslo, Norway for MPhil
Socioeconomic inequalities in the continuum of care across women’s reproductive life cycle in Bangladesh
- Bangladesh Physiotherapy Association (BPA ) member
- Bangladesh Public Health Association (BPHA) member
- Japan Epidemiology Society member