Md Mojibur Rahman
MPH in Epidemiology- National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Dhaka, Bangladesh -1996
DPH-NIPSOM, Dhaka, Bangladesh -1992
MBBS– Rajshahi Medical College & Hospital-1976 held in 1978
Teaching experiences:
- Teaching experiences: i) : i)Assistant Professor of Epidemiology, NIPSOM for about 2 years- took classes on Epidemiology and Research Methodology, and guided in preparing their dissertations ii) Associate Professor of Epidemiology, BUHS, Dhaka for 5 years 5 months: taking classes on Basics of epidemiology, Field Epidemiology, Applied Epidemiology, Basics of research methodology, Epidemiology and control of communicable diseases, and supervising students for preparing their dissertations/thesis iii) Others: Pallichikitsak Training course (2 batches of one year duration each), Junior Nursing course (one batch of one and half year duration), Nursing Assistant Training course for Ansar VDP organization (3 batches)
- Training experiences:i) worked as resource persons for various training courses and workshops including workshop on “Emerging and re-emerging diseases” under CDC program of DGHS, Dhaka ii) worked as core training team member for Bangladesh Integrated Nutrition Project (BINP).
- While posted at Ansar Academy, Shafipur, Gazipur as Medical officer: i) developed training plan, strategy and training modules for the 3-month long Nursing Assistant Training courses organized for battalion ansars ii) worked as training coordinator as well as resources person for six such training courses each course having 16 participants. After successfully completion of such training those Ansars were appointed as Nursing Assistant for 24 Ansar Battalions on regular basis covering the whole country.
- Epidemiologist, Institute of Public Health (IPH) , Mohakhali, Dhaka from 5/6/97 to 3/1/99
- Senior Scientific Officer, IEDCR, Mohakhali, Dhaka from- 4/1/99 to 2/7/2020
- National Consultant, Epidemiology & Surveillance, WHO for National TB Control Program (NTP), DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka from 15/6/06 to 30/11/08
- National Program Consultant, NTP, DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka from 01/12/08 to 30/6/15
- National Program Coordinator, NTP, DGHS, Mohakhali, Dhaka from 01/7/15 to 31/12/17
- Upazila Health and Family Planning Officer (UHPO) at different Upazila Health complexes for more than 5 years
- Worked as National Level Supervisor for the 7th NID
- Worked as drawing and disbursing officer while working as Senior Scientific Officer, IEDCR, Mohakhali, Dhakafor more than 1.5 years.
- Worked as Project Manager of SAARC Regional TB and HIV/AIDS Project, a CIDA funded Project: from 2 July 2002 to 11 April 2003.
- Have been working as program coordinator, MPH in Epidemiology program at BUHS for more than 4 years
as author/co-author: 17original scientific papers*, 3 review articles , 11 abstracts, 4 topics on 4 diseases in a historical year book published by IEDCR, 2 chapters in 2 books, 1 disease survey report and 2 booklets have been published. List are given below:
- Mohammad Shahidul Islam1*, M. Mojibur Rahman1, Pradip Kumar Sen Gupta1,TurnaTribenee Mithila2. Disease pattern and satisfaction about health care services among patients attending a selected geriatric hospital in Dhaka city. International journal of Scientific Reports, 2023 May; 9(5): 145-152.
- Rahman MM. Chapter: Mycobacterial diseases (TB and Leprosy). Rashid, Khabir and Hyder’s Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health; 6th edition, 2022
- *Rabeya Sultana1, Mojibur Rahman2, Mahmudur Rahman1. Epidemiology and factors of tuberculosis treatment outcome, Bangladesh, 2012-13. International Journal of Community Med and Public Health. 2022 Jan; 9(1):100-104.
- *HaqRouseli, Bichha R.P., Uddin Md. Ashraf, ModKPronab Kumar , Rahman Md. Mojibur. Study on challenges in diagnosis of TB and MDR-TB by GeneXpert in Bangladesh. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. XV, No. 2. year 2017.
- Banu S, Rahman MT, Ahmed S, Khatun R, Ferdous SS, Hosen B, Rahman MM, Ahmed T, Cavanaugh JS, Heffelfinger JD. Multidrug-resistant Tuberculosis in Bangladesh: results from a sentinel surveillance system. The international Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease. 2017 Jan 1;21(1):12-7.
- *E. Gospodarevskaya, O. Tulloch, C. Bunga, S. Ferdous, A. Jonas, S. Islam, M. Rahman, M. A. Hussain, M.N. Haque, S. Egwaga, E. Gardiner, G. PrayGod, M. A. Islam, G. H. Mann, W. A. Wells, S. B. Squire. Patient costs during tuberculosis treatment in Bangladesh and Tanzania: the potential of shorter regimens. INT J TUBERC LUNG DIS 18(7):810–817. 2014. The Union.
- Banu S, Rahman MT, Uddin MK, , Khatun R, Khan MS, Rahman MM, Uddin SI, Ahmed T, Heffelfinger JD. Effect of active case finding on prevalence and transmission of pulmonary tuberculosis in Dhaka central jail, Bangladesh. . PloS one. 2015 May 1; 10(5);e0124976.
- *Banu S, Rahman MT, Uddin MK, , Khatun R, Ahmed T , Rahman MM, Husain MA, Van Leth F. Epidemiology of tuberculosis in an urban slum of Dhaka City, Bangladesh. PloS one. 2013 October 21; 8(10);e77721.
- Rahman MM. Chapter: Mycobacterial diseases (TB and Leprosy). Rashid, Khabir and Hyder’s Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health; 5th edition, 2012.
- Rijal B, Rahman MM. Jha K.K. Quality Assurance of Sputum Smear Microscopy in Private Laboratories in Nepal. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. III, No. 1. year 2006.
- *Kashi KanthJha, Lochana Shrestha, Kailash B. Karki, Rano Mal Piryani and Md. M. Rahman. HIV prevalence among diagnosed TB patients- A cross Sectional Study in Nepal. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. III, No. 1. year 2006.
- *B.P. Rijal, K.K.Jha, Rano Mal Piryani, M. Rahman, C.N. Paramasivan, A Laszlo and Paul Alexander. First Panel Testing in SAARC Regional Networks of TB reference Laboratories. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. II, No. 2. year 2005.
- M.M. Rahman, K. K. Jha, R. M. Piryani, B. P. Rijal. Socio-demographic characteristics of families with and without TB suspects: findings from a community based survey in Kathmandu Valley, Nepal. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. II, No. 1. year 2005.
- R. M. Samaratunga, D.S. Bam , R. M. Piryani, Md. M Rahman, B. P. RijalGender Issue in TB Control- SAARC Region. SAARC Journal of Tuberculosis, Lung diseases and HIV/AIDS. Vol. I, No. 1. year 2004.
- *Md. AminulHaqueBhuyan, NazmaShaheen, Md. Akhtaruzzaman, ShamsunNahar, Shah Md. Mahfuzur Rahman, Md. Abdul Wahed and Md. Mojibur Rahman. Nutritional Status and Biochemical Profile of Under- five Children of Slum Areas of Dhaka City. Northern Medical journal, 2003; 12(1): 17-29.
- Rahman MM. Chapter 13: Immunological Products and Vaccines. Bangladesh National Formulary (BDNF), 2001, Published by Directorate of Drug Administration, BangladeshMedical Association and Bangladesh Pharmaceutical Society, P- 299-316.
- Rahman MM, HussainA. M. Zakir.Rabies. Yearly Health Situation Report 2000. Edited by Dr. Zakir Hossain and Published by IEDCR, DGHS, Bangladesh. Chapter 6.a.2.3.P-141-149.
- Rahman MM, Nahar K, AlamgirASM.Japanese Encephalitis. Yearly Health Situation Report 2000. Edited by Dr. Zakir Hossain and Published by IEDCR, DGHS, Bangladesh. Chapter 6.a.2.4.P-150-151.
- SuraiyaAkter, Rahman MM. Prevention and Control of Nutritional Disorders. Yearly Health Situation Report 2000. Edited by Dr. Zakir Hossain and Published by IEDCR, DGHS, Bangladesh. Chapter 7. P-199-209
- Rahman MM, Basit MA, Ahmed F, Nahar K, Alamgir ASM. Vaccine Preventable Diseases. Yearly Health Situation Report 2000. Edited by Dr. Zakir Hossain and Published by IEDCR, DGHS, Bangladesh. Chapter 9. P-219-229.
- *Rahman MM, Rahman SMM, Presenting features of leprosy patients attending a selected hospital. Northern Medical journal, March 1999; 8(1). 34-39.
- *M. Shahidulla, MA Hafez, MMRahman, MM Hossain. Hepatitis-B Surface Antigen among Non-professional Blood Donors. JOPSOM, Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine. June-December 1998; 7(2). 116-20.
- *Mannan M. A., PC BaruaNaher A, Rahman MM, S Islam and Tofael Ahmed. Selected epidemiological aspects of Tetanus Neonatorum. Bangladesh Journal of Medicine, .1996; 7(1). 34-36.
- *ATMM Alam, T Islam, PC Barua, MMRahman. Socio-demographic characteristics and selected management aspects of patients attending emergency dept. of Begumganj Thana Health Complex, Noakhali, Bangladesh. Mymensingh Medical Journal, Jan. 1996; 5(1). 36-40.
- *Md. Mojibur Rahman and Mahmudur Rahman. Socio-demographic characteristics of tetanus patients, admitted in Infectious Disease Hospital, Mohakhali, Dhaka, Bangladesh. JOPSOM, Journal of Preventive and Social Medicine. June-December 1994: 13(2-4). 89-92.
- DS Bam, MM Rahman, M Samaratunga. Involving Medical colleges in Tuberculosis and HIV Control (Special review article) . STC News Letter. Vol. XII, No. 1, Jan-June 2002.9-10.
- MM Rahman, M Samaratunga, B Rijal. Migration: a regional Challenge for TB control and HIV Prevention (Special review article). STC News Letter. Vol. XII, No. 1, Jan-June 2002.11-12.
- B Rijal MM Rahman, DS Bam. Multi-drug Resistant Tuberculosis: and overview of the SAARC Region (Special review article). STC News Letter. Vol. XII, No. 1, Jan-June 2002.13-14.
List of Publications (cont’d)
- Epidemiological report on TB situation in the SAARC Region, Annual Report 2003
- Epidemiological report on TB situation in the SAARC Region, an Update 2004 and 2005
- Epidemiological report on HIV/AIDS situation in the SAARC Region, Annual Report 2003
- Epidemiological report on HIV/AIDS situation in the SAARC Region, an Update 2004 and 2005
- Epidemiological report on TB/HIV co-epidemic in the SAARC Region, 2003
Contributor of Books/Booklets/guidelines
- HIV/AIDS: What everyone should know about it? A special publication on the occasion of SAARC Awareness Year (2004) for TB and HIV/AIDS
- What is TB? What we should know about it? A special document published on the occasion of SAARC Awareness Year (2004) for TB and HIV/AIDS
- Collection of Articles on TB and HIV/AIDS in SAARC Region, Vol. 1
- Collection of Articles on TB and HIV/AIDS in SAARC Region, Vol. 2
- History of TB Control Program in the SAARC Region
- National Guidelines and Operational Manual for Tuberculosis Control (5th edition 2013 and reprint 2015), NTP, Bangladesh
- National Guidelines for the Management of Tuberculosis in Children (2nd edition 2016),NTP, Bangladesh
- Handbook on Tuberculosis for Medical Students (1st edition 2013), NTP, Bangladesh
- Handbook on Tuberculosis for Medical Students and Physicians (2nd edition 2017), NTP, Bangladesh
- National Guidelines on TB/HIV Management and Program Collaboration & Implementation Manual ( 2nd edition 2015) NTP, Bangladesh
- National Guidelines and operational manual for programmatic management of drug resistant TB (PMDT) 2nd edition, April 2013, NTP, Bangladesh
- National strategic plan for TB control 2015-20, NTP, Bangladesh
- Update National Strategic Plan for TB control 2018-22 , NTP, Bangladesh
- Study Tour on GO-NGO related survey in Srilanka, Sponsored by BINP, MOH&FW, Bangladesh- duration one week
- Study Tour on management of Epidemic and Disease Control, NICD, Delhi, India-WHO Fellowship- duration 4 weeks
- IELTS course from British Council, Dhaka- duration 2 months
Research Experiences: Worked as Principal Investigator and Co-investigator for several research works. As for example the following may be mentioned:
While working at BUHS:
- worked as Co-Investigator for the study: “Status of graduates after completion of MPH program from different universities of Bangladesh finance by BMRC, Bangladesh”
- “Pattern of Diseases among the people living alonga polluted river of Dhaka city”. Both funded by BMRC, Bangladesh
- While posted at Institute of Epidemiology, Disease Control & Research (IEDCR), Mohakhali, Dhaka as Senior Scientific Officer:
- Worked as Co-investigator for the study “Development of Methodology for Surveillance of Emerging and Re-emerging Infectious Diseases”.
- Worked as coordinator for the study “Periodic Disease Survey – 2000”.
- Worked as co-investigator the study “National Disease Incidence Survey for Childhood Diseases”.
- As a principal Investigator conducted a study entitled “ Impact of disaster on Health and Nutritional status of the vulnerable community”
- While posted at NIPSOM, Dhaka worked as
- Co-investigator of Community Based Primary prevention of Non Communicable diseases : a pilot study funded by WHO
- Co-investigator of “Shifts in Health Sector” in collaboration with European Union.
- Project Coordinator of the study “ Tobacco Usage in Bangladesh: Trends and Behaviour” jointly organized by department of Epidemiology, NIPSOM and Cambridge University, UK.
Membership of professional body:
- Life Member, Public Health Association, Bangladesh
- Life Member, Bangladesh Medical association
- Life Member, AndhakalyanSamity, Bangladesh
- Life Member, Bangladesh PobinHitoishiShanga
- Life Member JamiatulAbrarRahmania Madrasa, Basila Road Mohammadpur, Dhaka
- Life Member, New Muslim Development Association, Mohammadpur, Dhaka
- Acted as member, Task Force, site selection for community clinics in Bangladesh
- Editor, “AasankramokRoag: Karon O Pratirodh” Community based primary prevention of non-communicable diseases by NIPSOM: 2001.
- Acted as Member, Editorial Board, News Letter, IEDCR, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- Acted as Member, Editorial Board, News Letter, SAARC TB centre
- Member, Editorial Board, SAARC Journal of TB, Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS
- Reviewer, SAARC Journal of TB, Tuberculosis, Lung Diseases and HIV/AIDS
- Acted as Member TB Technical Working Group of National TB Control Program
- Acted as Member HIV/AIDS Technical Working Group of National AIDS and STD Control Program
- Participated as temporary adviser to Regional Director, SEARO , in Inter-country Workshop on TB Surveillance, Monitoring and Evaluation, WHO/SEARO, New Delhi, 21-24 September 2004
- Participated as a member inNational Tuberculosis Control Program evaluation of Nepal (once) and Bangladesh (thrice).
- Participated as a member inMidterm Evaluation (March-May 2021) and Final Evaluation (June 2022) of TB-Leprosy Program of Damien Foundation Bangladesh.
- Moreover attended several national and international seminars, conferences as coordinator and//or scientific paper presenter.