Md Aminul Islam
Assistant Professor
MS – in Health Informatics- Karolinska Institutet, Sweden-2010-2012
MS – in Software Engineering of Distributed Systems(SEDS), Sweden—Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)-2008-2010
B.Sc – in Computer Science and Engineering-East West University, Bangladesh-2001-2005
- Assistant Professor, Department of Health Informatics, BUHS, 2015-Till Now
- Guest Faculty, Armed Forces Medical Institute (AFMI)-2018-Till Now
- Guest Faculty, Bangladesh Open University (BOU), 2017 till Now
- Digital Ambassador, Karolinska Intitutet, 2010-2012
- Health Informatician, Strengthening Operational Capabilities of BGB Hospitals through Digitalization, 2017-2022
- Project Consultant, Icddr,b, 2016 – 2017
- Assistant Principal Software Engineer, BroTecs Technologies Limited, 2016 – 2017
- Director of IT, eHealth Bangladesh Limited, 2014 – 2016
- Programmer, Energypac Power Generation Ltd, 2007 – 2008
- Programmer, Haas Tech Ltd, 2006 – 2007
- Md. Aminul Islam and Nusrat Jahan. Prediction of Onset Diabetes using Machine Learning Techniques. International Journal of Computer Applications 180(5):7-11, December 2017.
- Nusrat Jahan, Md. Aminul Islam, & al Mamun, Abdullah. (2020). Machine Learning With Factor Scoring To Predict Diabetes Risk Level In Bangladesh. 10.13140/RG.2.2.16010.41922.
- Yeong, C.H., Azhari, H., Parveen, S, Md. Aminul Islam. et al. Health management during COVID-19 pandemic—contribution of women health informaticians, medical physicists and veterinarians from Bangladesh and Malaysia during the world crisis. Health Technol. 11, 1149–1163 (2021).
- Written Book Chapter in Rashid, Khabir, Hyder’s Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health, Book Chapter Name: Health Informatics, Publisher Name: MAHS PUBLISHERS, Edition: Sixth Edition: 2022
Magna Cum Laude – Prestigious Medal in B.Sc.(Hons.)
Area of Research: Data Science, Big Data, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Deep Learning, IOMT, EHR, EMR, Telemedicine, M-Health
- Technical support to the DGHS/MIS for digital health and HIS strengthening project funded by The Global Fund Project and Implementing by AeHIN
- Evaluating the Effective Use of DHIS2 & Data to Improve Planning and Monitoring of Immunisation, HIV and AIDS, Malaria, and TB Programmes in Bangladesh Funded by GAVI, The Global Fund, Johns Hopkins University and Implementing by HealthEnabled and Progress Inc.
- Establishment and maintenance of patient & inventory management system in National Institute of Cancer Research and Hospital
- Shared Health Record and Hospital Automation, National Institute of Diseases of the Chest and Hospital (NIDCH)
- Shared Health Record and Implementation of Hospital Automation in Upazila Health Complex,Keraniganj, Dhaka
- Health Innovation challenge project on “Medical Outdoor Patient Appointment System” collaboration with MIS, DGHS and A2I
- Strengthening Operational Capabilities of BGB Hospitals through Digitalization, 2017-2022
- eLearning Platform for DHIS2 Tool. This project is funded by European Union shared health project and implemented by ICDDR,B