- 2021 – 2021 Executive and Continuing Professional Education, Conflict, Feedback and Negotiation for Leadership in Academic Health Centers, Harvard T.H Chan School of Public Health, the U.S.A
- 2020 – 2020 Teaching Adult Learners Online, Ryerson University, Canada
- 2014 – 2016 Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), MBA Global Healthcare Management, Ryerson MBA – Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University, Canada, Supervisor: Prof. Dale Carl, PhD
- 2001 – 2005 Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.) in Human Sciences, Osaka University, Japan, Supervisor: Prof. Yasuhide Nakamura, MD, PhD
- 1999 – 2000 Master’s in public health (MPH) major in Urban Health, Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Thailand, Supervisor: Professor Jareyporn Suparp, MD, MPH, PhD
- 1986 – 1992 Bachelor of Medicine and Bachelor of Surgery (M.B.B.S), University of Dhaka, Bangladesh Supervisor: Prof. ProbhakorPurkaystha, MD, FCPS
Qualifications 2013
- Professional Writing (School of Continuing Studies), U of T, Canada 2012
- Project Management (Continuing Education), Ryerson University, Canada 1992 – Present
- Registered Medical Practitioner, Bangladesh Medical and Dental Council (BMDC), License #: A 22818
Primary Academic Appointments 2021- Present:
- 2021- Present Visiting Professor, Faculty of Public Health, The University of Indonesia
- 2021 – Present New School of Medicine Planning Committee Member : Curriculum objective committee, Admissions Committee, Senior Medical Advisory Committee – IEHP Working group Ryerson School of Medicine (proposed), Ontario, Canada
- 2019 – Present Visiting Professor, Global Public, Bangladesh University of Health Sciences, Bangladesh
- 2013 – 2016 Distinguished Visiting professor, Ryerson University, Ontario, Canada
- 2012 – Present Assistant Professor, Global Health Emphasis, Clinical Public Health (CPH), and Social and Behavioral Health Sciences (SBHS), Dalla Lana School of Public Health, University of Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 2013 – Present Distinguished Visiting Scholar/Research Fellow, Adjunct Professor and Academic Director Internationally Trained Medical Doctors (ITMD) Post- Graduate Program/Faculty of Community Services, The Chang School of Continuing Education, Ryerson University, Toronto, Ontario, Canada
- 2009 – 2010 Visiting Professor/Scholar, International Collaboration Division, Osaka University, Japan
- 2007 – 2009 Post-Doctoral Fellow Researcher & Visiting Scholar/Faculty, Faculty of Human Sciences International Collaboration in Health, Osaka University, Japan
- 2005 – 2007 Professor/Faculty Member & Technical Expert ASEN Institute for Health Development (AIHD), Mahidol University, Thailand
Executive Positions in International and National Organizations 2021 – 2022:
- 2021 – 2022 Chair of 13th MCH Handbook International Conference (2022) in Toronto, Canada
- 2021 – Present Interim Board of Directors, The Canadian Association for Global Health (CAGH) (formerly known as CCGHR), Canada
- 2021 – Present Advisor, Education, Research and Training Programs, MedicAlert Foundation, Canada
- 2018- Present Chair, ITMDs Canada Network [iCaN]
- 2013 – Present Member, World Federation of Public Health Association MCH Working Group, Geneva
- 2013 – 2021 Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) University Advisory Council U of T and Ryerson Liaison and Co-Chair, Capacity
Development Program Area (CDPA), Board Treasurer, and currently elected Board Chair CCGHR, Canada - 2009 – Present Founding Member, Scientific Director & Principal Investigator, MCH Handbook Pilot Project in Bangladesh, International Committee on MCH Handbook, Osaka University, Japan;
- 1998 – 2005 Founding Research and Training Coordinator Maternal and Child Health Training Institute (MCHTI) Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- 2013 – Present University Liaison, Canadian Partnership for Women and Children’s Health (Former CAN-MNCH), Toronto, Canada
Previous research and clinical appointments 2010 – 2012 :
- 2010 – 2012 Scientist and Senior Manager, Special Health Projects, The Ontario HIV Treatment Network (OHTN), Toronto, Canada
Other executive appointments 2021 – Present:
- 2018 – Present Region/Zone Chair, Lions Clubs International Lions District A711, Canada
- 2018 – Present Dist. Diabetes Chair and Charter President, Toronto Global Doctors Lions Club, International Lions District A711, Canada
- 2014 – Present Founding Chairperson, ITMDs Canadian Network (ICaN), Toronto,Canada
- 2014 – 2021 Vice Chair, Board Member, Birchmount Bluffs Neighbourhood Centre (BBNC)
- 2012 – 2021 Youth Exchange Chair, Lions Clubs International (District A711) Canada
- 1995 – 1998 Medical Officer, Health Promotion & Community Health, (MCH-FP)
- Director General for Family Planning (DGPF), Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Gazipur, Dhaka, Bangladesh
- 1993 – 1995 Resident Physician & Clinical Associate, Sir Salimullah Medical College & Mitford Hospital Dhaka, Bangladesh
Most significant publications
1. Choi B, Pakes B, Bilotta R, Graham K, Gupta N, King AS, Dimaras H, Wei X, Gibson B, Reynolds DL, Morris SK, Selby P, Harvey BJ, Fox AL, Rachlis B, Bhuiyan S, Nnorom O, Upshur R. Defining Clinical Public Health. Clin Invest Med. 2021 Jun 14;44(2):E71-76. doi: 10.25011/cim.v44i2.36479. PMID: 34152710.
2.Bhuiyan, S. Development of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) handbook digital application to promote MCH services: No one left behind to address SDGs. The University of Toronto Medical Journal. 2020; 97(2). Principal Author.
3.Shafi Bhuiyan. [Technical Brief]: Piloting MCH Handbook for increasing women’s knowledge on maternal and child health in Bangladesh. JICA Technical Brief, JICA. 2017 September.
4.Principal Author Shafi Bhuiyan. [A Handbook]: The Global Impact of the Maternal and Child Health. UN Special Magazine, WHO. 2015 May; Volume 749:14-15. Principal Author.
5.Bhuiyan, S., Linton, V., Stanizai, E., “Creating a roadmap for internationally trained medical doctors (ITMDs) to transition into non-licensed health sector employment: An evidence-based study identifying alternative career pathways. ITMDs Roadmap Study Summary Report, Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Govt. of Ontario 2018 March. Principal Author https://ce-online.ryerson.ca/ce/content/program_area/itmds/roadmap_for_itmds_study_summary_report.pdf
4Selected academic papers published in peer reviewed journals:
1. Shafi U Bhuiyan., et al. “Prevalence of Maternal Depression and Anxiety during COVID-19 Pandemic”. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.11 (2021): 22-32
2. Shafi U Bhuiyan., et al. “A Review of Progress and Challenges of Antenatal Psychosocial Assessment for Decreasing Perinatal Mental Health Morbidity”. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.11 (2021): 07-16.
3. Shafi U Bhuiyan., et al. “Assessment of Community-Based Approaches to Providing Ongoing Maternal and Child Health Care in Low Resource Countries during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Scoping Review”. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.11 (2021): 07-11.
4. Shafi Bhuhiyan, Housne Begum, Khalid Niaz, Eiman Ali, Ishraq Tashkandi, Elahe Ranjbar, Mariano Rubharajan and Hana’a Badran. A Narrative Review of Selected Literature on the Management of Thromboembolism in Patients with COVID-19. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.3 (2021): 17-26
5. Shafi Bhuiyan, Lily Yang, Urvi Rai, Yasmine Shalaby, Connor Kucharic, and Muhammed Awlad Hussain. “Investigating the Face Mask Policies among the High Income – G7 Member Countries”. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.6 (2021).
6. Shafi Bhuiyan, Alexander Olayinka Dare, Monsura Haque, Mustapha Abdulhameed, Najam Ul Saher Faisal, Nibras Sufeian Aldoori, Mohammad Hahsim Zamani and Housne Begum. “Vaccine Hesitancy and Barriers to Vaccine Utilization in the Current COVID 19 Pandemic – Canadian Experience: A Narrative Review”. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.5 (2021): 61-68.
7. Bhuiyan SU, Badran HM, Bhuiyan NT, Kandil SM (2020) The Impact of COVID‐19 Pandemic on Diabetic Children: A Systematic Review on the Current Evidence. Int jou commu med Health Edu: IJCMHE-105, DOI: 10.46715/ijcmhe2020.12.1000105
8. AKM Alamgir, S. Usmani, Shafi Bhuiyan and Axelle Janczur. Structuring a Communication Framework to Address the Challenges of Vulnerable Communities for Building Trust and Ensuring Access to Emergency Health Messages for Compliance during COVID-19. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.2 (2021): 07-16.
9. Shafi Bhuiyan. Evaluating the acceptability and capacity building of health human resource potential of the Internationally Trained Medical Doctors (ITMD) Bridging Program at Ryerson University, Canada. [In peer review- revised & submitted, April] 2021]
10. Bhuiyan SU, Begum H, Azam SF, OrinM, Olang O, et al. (2020) Association between Morality in Covid-19 Patients and Underlying CoMorbidities in Patients above 40 Years of Age: A Rapid Review. Int jou commu med Health Edu: IJCMHE-106, DOI: 10.46715/ijcmhe2020.12.1000106
11. AKM Alamgir, Axelle Janczu, Shafi Bhuiyan, Ted Richmond, and Amal Rezk. Labour Market Barriers and Solutions for Internationally Educated Researchers (IERs) in Canada: Social and Health Implications. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 4.9 [2020] : 129-144 [Senior Author]
12. Bhuiyan, S., et al. (2020). A contemporary systematic review of systematic reviews on the safety and efficacy of the pharmacological treatments of COVID19. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 4.12, 58-73. [Senior Author]
13. Shafi Bhuiyan, et al., A Systematic Scoping Review of Cancer Patients’ Treatment during the COVID‐19 Pandemic. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care. EC Emergency Medicine and Critical Care 5.3 (2021): 17-26 [Senior Author]
14. Bhuiyan, S., Begum, H., Panchoo, K., Khalid, N., Vijeyanathan, A., & Effiom, V. Sleep Duration Related to its Effect on Blood Pressure, Blood Glucose and BMI- A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health. 2020; 4(01), 174. doi.org/10.29011/2577-2228.100074. Principal Author.
15. Ahmed S, Majumder S, Monia ZN, Bhuiyan SU. Assessment of Postnatal Mothers' Knowledge of Newborn Care Practices: A Cross-sectional Study. J Community Prev Med 2019; 2(1):1-6. Senior Author.
16. Ahmed, S., Khan, N., Pulok, M., Majumder, and M., Bhuiyan, S. “Effects of Maltreatment during Childhood in Developing Mental Illness in Canadian Population.” The 3rd Mental Health for All (MH4A) Conference, October 22-23, 2018, Canada. Senior Author.
17. Bhuiyan, S., Begum, H., Tofighi, H., Pathan, S., Hassan, M., and Abdelmalek, M. “Sort, Assess, Life-Saving Interventions, Treat and Transport (SALT) Methodology and its Effect on Patient Outcome During Mass Casualty Incidents: A Systematic Review.” Global Scientific Research Journal of Public Health.2018; Vol 1 (1):1-9. Senior Author.
18. Bhuiyan SU, Begum HA, Thiyagaratnam D, Al-Araji A, Saad W, Dehal N, Micheal M, Naeem F, Anwar M and Choudhury R. Community clinics and primary healthcare facilities utilization by reproductive age women in rural Bangladesh: a systematic review of lessons learned from evidence-based studies. J Pub Health Dev. 2018; 16 (3): 81-94. Senior Author.
19. Bhuiyan S, Begum H, Deena, Ehsan S, Jamal Shah S, et al. Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook and Its Effect on Maternal and Child Health Care: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis. J Community Med Public Health: CMPH-109. 2017; Vol. 2017, Issue 02. Senior Author.
20. Bhuiyan Shafi, Nakamura Y. GO-NGO Partnership Challenges and Opportunities in the New Millennium: A case Study of Reproductive Health Initiative in Bangladesh. The Bulletin of Human Sciences. 2004; Volume 30: 209-220. Principal Author.
21. Bhuiyan Shafi, Qureshi N. Health Information, education and communication needs: a case study of a health education workshop in a public maternity hospital in Bangladesh. Journal of Asian Women’s Studies. 2004; Volume 13: 57-63. Principal Author.
22. Bhuiyan Shafi. An Experience of Low Birth Weight Study: A Major Public Health Challenge in Bangladesh. ‘Syn’ The Bulletin of Volunteer Studies. 2003; Volume 4:59-72. Principal Author.
23. Bhuiyan Shafi, Qureshi N. Skilled Birth Attendance and MCH Handbook: Unmet Challenges for Safe Delivery in Bangladesh. ‘Syn’ The Bulletin of Volunteer Studies. 2002; Volume 3: 33-45. Principal Author.
24. Bhuiyan Shafi. Public-Private Partnership Experiences in Bangladesh. The Journal of Japan Association for International Health. 2002; Volume 17 (Supplement): 89-89. Principal Author.
25. Hasan A., Chompikul J., Bhuiyan S.U. Patient Satisfaction with Maternal and Child Health Services among Mothers Attending the Maternal and Child Health Training Institute in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Journal of Public Health and Development. 2007; Volume 5 (3):23-33. Co-Author.
26. Herfs, P., & Bhuiyan, S. International medical graduates (IMGs) in Canada and the Netherlands: Can the Dutch learn from Canadian experiences? A survey among academic stakeholders in Canada. Health Education and Care. 2020; 4, 1–4. https://doi.org/10.15761/HEC.1000170. Co-Author.
27. Kazi W, & Bhuiyan S. “A Systematic Review of the Literature on the Unsafe Injection Practices in the Health-Care Settings and the Associated Blood Borne Disease Trend: Experiences from Selected South Asian Countries.” J Community Prev Med. 2018; 1(2):1-17.
28. Labay E.M., Bhuiyan S.U., & Hongkrailert N. Risk Factors Relating to the Diarrheal Disease Occurrence among under 5 Children at Samut Sakhon Province, Thailand. Journal of Public Health and Development. 2007; Volume 5 (3): 63-74. Co-Author.
29. Md.Yunus, Jutatip S., Shafi U. Bhuiyan. Acceptance of Family Planning Methods among the Married Women of Reproductive Age at Methapukur Upazila, Bangladesh. Journal of Public Health and Development. 2007; Volume 5 (1):53-62. Co-Author.
30. Monette, L. & Rourke, S.B., Bhuiyan, and the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Team. Inequalities in determinants of health among Aboriginal and Caucasian persons living with HIV/AIDS in Ontario: Results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study. Canadian Journal of Public Health. 2011; Volume 102(3): 215-219. Co-Author.
31. Nguyen H. Thuong, Shafi U. Bhuiyan, Sutham N. Determinants Related to the Utilization of Voluntary Counselling and HIV Testing Service in Vietnam. Journal of Public Health and Development. 2007; Vol. 5 (1): 63-75. Co-Author.
32. Pandara V.E. Isaranurug S., Bhuiyan S.U. Utilization of MCH Handbook & Exclusive Breastfeeding Among Mothers of Children 6 to 12 months old in Manado, Indonesia. Journal of Public Health & Development; 2006; Volume 4 (3): 65-74. Co-Author.
33. Sean B. Rourke, Tsegaye Bekele, Ruthann Tucker, Saara Greene, Michael Sobota, Jay Koornstra, LaVerne Monette, Jean Bacon, Shafi Bhuiyan, Sergio Rueda, James Watson, Stephen W. Hwang, James Dunn, Keith Hambly. Housing Characteristics and their Influence on Health-Related Quality of Life in Persons Living with HIV in Ontario, Canada: Results from the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study. AIDS and Behavior. Nov. 2012; Volume 16(8):2361-2373. Co-Author.
34. Shafi Bhuiyan et al. Maternal and child health handbook: Utilization and lessons learned from selected evidence-based studies. J Pub Health Dev. 2017: 15(2): 87-100
35. Shafi Bhuiyan, Farah Tahsin. Maternal and Child Health in Bangladesh: Transitioning from MDGs to SDGs. International Journal of Current Research. 2017 May; Volume 9 (05):49982-49993. Principal Author.
36. Shafi Bhuiyan. MNCH Handbook in the World: Lessons Learned from Selected Evidence-Based Studies. (Nov 2016, Tokyo MCH Handbook 10th Conference Presentation - Abstract). Principal Author.
37. Shafi U. Bhuiyan, Nakamura Y., Nahid A. Qureshi. Study on the Development and Assessment of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook in Bangladesh. Journal of Public Health and Development; 2006; Volume 4 (2): 45-60. Principal Author.
38. Shafi U. Bhuiyan. Development, field testing and potential benefits of a Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook in Bangladesh. Journal of International Health Development. 2009; Volume 24(2):73-6. Principal Author.
39. Shafi U. Bhuiyan. Nakamura Y., Continuity of Maternal, Neonatal and Child Health Care through MCH Handbook for Ensuring the Quality of Life. Child Research Net. http://www.childresearch.net/papers/health/2009_02.html. Principal Author.
40. Shafi U. Bhuiyan. New Immigrant Health Professional’s Individual, Societal and Economic Impact of Ryerson University’s Internationally Trained Medical Doctors (ITMDs) Bridging Program: Results from a Pilot Bridge Training Program at the Chang School of Continuing Education. Journal of Professional, Continuing, and Online Education (JPCOE), 2018. Vol 3.1: 1-10.
41. Sharmin, M., Zannatul, N. M., Shamim, A., Shafi, U.B. “Knowledge attitude practice of essential newborn care among postnatal mothers.” Journal of Health Research.2018; 6 (1): 1-12.
42. Siswanto E., Bhuiyan S.U., Chompikul J. Knowledge and Perception of Pneumonia Disease among Mothers of Children under Five Years attending Nakhon Pathom General Hospital, Thailand. Journal of Public Health and Development. 2007; Volume 5 (2): 43-54. Co-Author.
43. Tucker, R. and Rourke, S.B., Greene, S., Bekele, T. Bhuiyan, S., and the Positive Spaces Healthy Places Team. Housing and Health Related Quality of Life among Persons Living with HIV/AIDS: Design and Implementation of the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Study. AIDS and Behavior. Sep 2012. (16):2361–2373 DOI 10.1007/s10461-012-0284-0. Co-Author.
Submitted Publication(s)
1. Shafi Bhuiyan et al. MCH services in Japan and Canada: A comparative study [Re-submitted to Report on Global Health Research- May 2021]
1. Bhuiyan, S. (2021, September 03). Internationally trained medical doctors are part of the solution in post-covid-19 Canadian Healthcare System. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://www.ipsnews.net/2021/09/internationally-trained-medical-doctors-part-solution-post-covid-19-canadian-healthcare-system/
2. Bhuiyan, S, et al. (2021, June 15). Developing country health Professionals sidelined in Canadian healthcare. Inter Press Service. http://www.ipsnews.net/2021/06/developing-country-health-professionals-sidelined-canadian-healthcare/.Bhuiyan, S. (2021, September 03). Internationally trained medical doctors are part of the solution in post-covid-19 Canadian Healthcare System. Retrieved September 28, 2021, from https://www.ipsnews.net/2021/09/internationally-trained-medical-doctors-part-solution-post-covid-19-canadian-healthcare-system/
3. Bhuiyan, S. (2021, August 27). Systemic barriers exist in Canadian healthcare for Immigrant health professionals. Inter Press Service. http://www.ipsnews.net/2021/08/systemic-barriers-exist-canadian-healthcare-immigrant-health-professionals/
4. Bhuiyan, S., et al (2021, August 20), Internationally trained medical Doctors sidelined in Canada. Inter Press Service. http://www.ipsnews.net/2021/08/internationally-trained-medical-doctors-sidelined-canada/?utm_sour
5. Bhuiyan, S. (2021). Impact of Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook in Healthcare System. Thai Journal of Public Health (May-August). Retrieved 2021, from file:///C:/Users/S&S/Downloads/253245-Article%20Text-911226-2-10-20210901%20(1).pdf.
News Features
1. Farooqi, S. (2021, September 10). A tale of two internationally trained medical doctors in Canada. Inter Press Service. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from https://www.ipsnews.net/2021/09/tale-two-internationally-trained-medical-doctors-canada/.
2. Farooqi, S. (2021, September 20). Integrating itmds into healthcare could offer a solution for the pandemic crisis in Canada. Inter Press Service. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from https://www.ipsnews.net/2021/09/integrating-itmds-healthcare-offer-solution-pandemic-crisis-canada/.
3. Farooqi, S. (2021, September 1). Is Canada missing out on leveraging itmds in its healthcare plans? Inter Press Service. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from https://www.ipsnews.net/2021/08/canada-missing-leveraging-itmds-healthcare-plans/.
4. Henry, M. (2021, May 11). 'People are dying': Internationally trained doctors forced to sit on the sidelines as Ontario battles pandemic's third wave. thestar.com. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from https://www.thestar.com/news/gta/2021/05/11/people-are-dying-internationally-trained-doctors-forced-to-sit-on-the-sidelines-as-ontario-battles-pandemics-third-wave.html.
5. Evans, L. (2019, February 13). Program empowers internationally trained medical doctors. Canadian Immigrant. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from
6. CBC/Radio Canada. (n.d.). Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan is a professor of Global Health, and the chair of the internationally trained medical doctors network and he says that while medical staff are straining under the pressure of the third wave in several provinces, there are many internationally trained doctors who are forced to sit on the sidelines. CBCnews. Retrieved November 4, 2021, from https://www.cbc.ca/player/play/1896169539746.
7. S3: E14: Interview with dr. Shafi Bhuiyan. S3 | E14: Interview With Dr. Shafi Bhuiyan. (n.d.). Retrieved November 4, 2021, from https://www.audacy.com/podcasts/health-40-leadership-podcast-with-namrata-bagaria-36679/s3-e14-interview-with-dr-shafi-bhuiyan-343341080.
8. Charbonneau , N. (2021, August 28). Provincial Government to fund Ryerson's Brampton Medical School Proposal - on the record. On the Record . Retrieved November 5, 2021, from https://ontherecordnews.ca/provincial-government-to-fund-ryersons-brampton-medical-school-proposal/.
Intellectual Property, Patents & Copyrights 2002
MCH Handbook, Founder Developer and Editor, MCH handbook to promote health in rural Bangladesh through empowerment of women and their families, Bangladesh, Supported by Govt. of Japan and Osaka University, Japan
- 2019 – 2020 Distinguished Leadership Award from Dr Choi, Lions Clubs International, USA
- 2018- 2019 Leadership Award from South Asian Community [CASSA]
- 2014 Global MBA Scholarship (2014-2015), Ted Rogers School of Management, Ryerson University
- 2007 – 2009 Post-Doctoral Global Research Scientist Award, Japan Society for the Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) Fellowship, Osaka University, Japan. Awarded $150,000.00
- 2001 – 2005 Monboshu Ph.D. Study Award/Scholarship, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Government of Japan, Awarded $100,000.00
- 1999 – 2000 UNFPA Fellowship/MPH Study Award, Strengthening of MCH Program in Bangladesh United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), Thailand
Research Grants, Contracts and Clinical Trials
- As principal investigator (PI) for funded peer-reviewed open-competing grants 2018 – 2021:
- 2016 – 2019 Principal Investigator. ITMDs CE Program. Ryerson University Startup Funding: $450,000.
- 2017 – 2018 Principal Investigator. ITMDs Road map development at Ryerson. Govt. of Ontario: $125,000.
- 2007 – 2009 Principal Investigator. Post-doctoral Fellowship Grant and Operation Field Research Grant. Japan Society of Promotion of Sciences (JSPS) at MCHTI Dhaka Bangladesh: $150,000.
- 2001 – 2005 Principal Investigator. Doctoral Program Study Grant at Osaka University. Japanese Government Ministry of Education, Sciences and Technology: $100,000.
- 2000 – 2001 Principal Investigator. Human Resources Development in Reproductive Health (HRDRH) project in Bangladesh. Japanese Technical Cooperation: $1.10 million.
- 1999 – 2000 Principal Investigator. UNFPA Master’s Program Fellowship Award. Mahidol University, Thailand: $25,000.
- 1998 – 2000 Principal Investigator. Front line staff-primary care physician and family welfare visitor (FWV) training and field research operating grant. Maternal And Child Health
Training Institute (MCHTI), Directorate General of Family Planning (DGFP)m sponsored by Japanese International Cooperation Agency (JICA), UNFPA, and UNICEF Bangladesh: 1,126 million Yen. - 1998 – 2001 Project Coordinator. Improvement of MCHTI project: Japanese grant aid project in Bangladesh: $3.5 million.
As co-investigator (PI) for funded peer-reviewed grants:
- 2016 – 2020 Co-Investigator. Canadian Institute of Health Research (CIHR) Centers for HIV/AIDS Research: $3.02 million.
- 2010 – 2012 Fund Management Role. CIHR Fund Management, Hospital and community-based study, NeuroAIDS Project, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto.
- 2009 – 2012 Fund Management Role. CIHR Community Based Research (CBR) grant management: $1.2 million, PSHP, Food Security and ECHO project supported by CIHR. Over $3 million project at OHTN, Toronto
- 2000 – 2001 Co-Investigator. Partnership agreement and grant management consultant for Urban Primary Health Care Project at Dhaka City Corporation supported by Asian Development Bank (ADB) and UNFPA/EC in Bangladesh
Professional Activities
- 2014 – 2016 Global Health Education Consultant, Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), Death 101 Course Development, Center for Global Health Research, St. Michael’s Hospital, Toronto
- 1998 – 2001 National Consultant and Executive Liaison Officer for the United National Fund for Population (UNFPA)/European Commission (EC)- Urban Health Project and JICA MCHTI
- Grant-Aid Project, Dhaka, Bangladesh Professional Associations 2021 – Present Interim Board of Directors, The Canadian Association for Global Health (CAGH) (formerly known as CCGHR)
- 2018 – 2021 Chair, Board of Directors, The Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR)
- 2016 – 2018 Board Member & Institutional Liaison, The Canadian Coalition for Global Health Research (CCGHR) External reviews for funding agencies 2010 – Present Conference Reviewer, Consortium of Universities for Global Health (CUGH)
- 2010 – 2018 Conference Reviewer, International AIDS Society (IAS)
- 2001 – Present Reviewer, Graduate students’ thesis and conference presentation, Osaka University, Japan and Mahidol University, Thailand and Ryerson University and U of T, Canada Journal editorship and peer reviews 2020 – Present Editorial Member, International Editorial Board, Thai Journal of Public Health (THJPH)
- 2018 – Present Editorial Member, Report on Global Health Research
- 2018 – Present CIHR- Grand Challenges funding program
- 2017 – Present Chief Editor, ITMDs Newsletter- Bridge, Ryerson University
- 2016 – Present Editorial Member, Journal of Community Medicine & Public Health
- 2015 – Present Editorial Member, Public Library of Science (PLOS) ONE, and Selected PH International Journals Academic Editor 2013 – Present
- Grant Reviewer, Ontario Graduate Students Scholarship Award 2012 – 2016
- Grant Reviewer, Micronutrient research grant program, Canada 2005 – 2019 Manuscript Reviewer, Selected Global Health academic journals in the world: Journal of Community Medicine & Public health (2016 – Present), PLOS ONE (2015 – Present), Journal of Public Health Development (2016- Present)
- 2004 – 2018 Conference Proceeding Editor, International Committee on MCH Handbook, Osaka University, Japan
Conference presentations:
- keynote speeches, invited speech, and abstracts 2021 Speaker, 52nd Asia Pacific Public Health Academic Conference [virtually host by the University of Indonesia and academic partners]
- 2021 Speaker on the “Management for Tuberculosis Control During COVID-19 Pandemic”, 1st Muhammadiyah International Public Health and Medicine Conference, Indonesia (Virtual), 2021
- 2018 Speaker on The Miracle of First 1000 Days for Sustainable Development Goals (SDG)- MCH Handbook as a Family-based Tool. The 11th International Conference on MCH handbook, Bangkok, Thailand, 2018
- 2017 Distinguished Speaker. Panel Discussion: Responding to Applicants’ Needs for Transitional Programming. Touchstone Institute, Toronto, March 2017. Shafi Bhuiyan.
- 2016 Presentation and Abstraction for Building the Capacity of Ontario’s health care sector through the integration of internationally trained medical doctors (ITMDs): A preliminary result from a pilot bridging program at Ryerson University. Ted Rogers School of Management (TRSM), Ryerson University- (June 2016 Presentation).
- 2016 Presenter on Experience of MCH Handbook in Southeast Asian Countries.
- Paper presented on the 10th International Conference on MCH handbook, Tokyo, Japan.
- 2015 Speaker on A tool to continue progress for MDG 4 and 5 Beyond 2015.
- The 9th International Conference on Maternal and Child Health Handbook, Yaoundé, Cameroon.
- 2014 – 2015 Speaker on Internationally trained medical doctors (ITMDs) capacity building and economic impact: a preliminary result from a global health professional training (pilot bridging) program at Ryerson University.
- Canadian Global Health Conference, Montreal 2015. Shafi Bhuiyan.
- 2013 Presentation and Abstract. Shafi Bhuiyan, Nakamura Yasuhide,
- Usha George, Marie Bountrogianni, (October 2013). MCH handbook international collaboration: ensuring human security, women empowerment and continuity of MNCH care-experience from Japan (poster presentation). 20th Canadian Conference on International Health, Ottawa, Canada.
- 2012 Speaker on Use of MCH Handbook to Accelerate the Achievement of MDG 4 and 5. The 8th International Conference on Maternal and Child Health Handbook, Nairobi, Kenya
2011 Sok, P., Rourke, S.B., Seeman, M.V., Rueda, S., Bhuiyan, S., and the Positive Spaces, Healthy Places Team (November 2011). - Gender Difference: Analyses of Risk Burdens Across Age in People Living with HIV/AIDS (Poster Presentation). The OHTN 13th Annual Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Co-Author.
- 2010 Presentation and Abstract. Mayoh, M., Rourke, S.B., Tucker, R., Hogg,R., Kennedy, R., Chittock, B., Jones, J.E., Jose, M., Monteith, K., Klein, M., Anema, A., Fielden, S., Miewald, C., Bhuiyan, S., Rueda, S., Palmer, A. (November, 2010). Working Towards Harmonization Across HealthResearch Studies: “The Ontario HIV Health Study (Poster presentation). The OHTN 12th Annual Research Conference, Toronto, Ontario. Co-Author.
- 2010 Shafi Bhuiyan. Empowerment of Women in Islamic Society: Through Maternal and Child Health (MCH) Handbook in Bangladesh. Paper presented on the 7th International Conference on MCH handbook, Dhaka, Bangladesh.
- 2008 Presenter. Shafi Bhuiyan. Improvement of maternal, neonatal and child health care services through MCH handbook in Bangladesh. Paper presented on the 6th International Conference on MCH handbook, Tokyo 2008. Bhuiyan Shafi.,
Teaching, Program Design and Research Student Supervision
- Innovations and Development in Teaching and Education:
- 2017 – Present Creating ITMDs Road-map for alternative healthcare employment Ryerson University [Funded by Govt. of Ontario: $125,000; Pilot project from 2018- 2021 Ryerson and Govt of Ontario joint funding $1.26 million dollar]
- 2016 – Present MCH Online –Digital Handbook and Media App University of Toronto Development of Media digital app to address marginalized population such as aboriginal/indigenous communities in Canada (Under Development)
- 2014 – Present Internationally Trained Medical Doctors Bridging Program (ITMD) Ryerson University Development of ITMD bridging program to help support ITMDs for non-licensedjob preparation in Ontario through a cost sharing approach and manage 80 ITMDs financial support (estimated $ 100,000/year)
- 2009 – 2014 Scaling up MCH handbook project through the largest non-governmental organization of the world BRAC, Bangladesh Technical support to scaling up MCH handbook project through BRAC to cover over 1 million pregnant women and their families in rural Bangladesh (from 2009 to 2018) to ensure safe delivery and stringing of health system
(practice into a policy) - 2004 – 2010 Creating an international platform for MNCH care Osaka University, Japan Create an international platform and leading MNCH handbook initiative in many countries since 2009 at Osaka University Japan and organize international conferences in Japan, Thailand, Vietnam, Indonesia and Bangladesh from 2004 to 2010 to share professional
experience; Editor-in-chief: MCH Handbook world report 2010. - 2007 – 2009 Scale up of Maternal and Child Health handbook system Bangladesh Postdoctoral award to scale up MCH handbook initiative through health system strengthening in rural Bangladesh ($ 250,000 from 2007-2009
- 2001 – 2004 Maternal and Child Health Handbook System Bangladesh Development of MCH handbook system in Bangladesh to promote MNCH and empowerment of women with Japanese Government sponsorship: $125,000 (from 2001-2004)
- 1998 – 2000 Maternal and Child Health Training Institute (MCHTI) Bangladesh Development of Maternal and child health training institute (MCHTI) Bangladesh: Founding coordinator and liaison between Government of Japan and Government of Bangladesh: $3.5 million -project development, implementation and management from 1998 to 2001
- 2012 – 2020 47 undergraduate students
- 2015 – 2016 Sarah C. Sutherland, Public Health Sciences, Dalla Lana School of Public Health – PhD Committee
- 2014 – 2018 Practicum/Faculty Supervisor, 37 graduate students, Dalla Lana School of Public Health
- 2010 – 2012 Practicum/Faculty Supervisor, 10 graduate students, Ontario HIV Treatment Network
Community Health Care Services – Humanitarian Assistance through Diversity
- Winner of Melvin Jones Humanitarian Services- Lions Fellowship and Helen Keller Award for services to others [2019-2020]; 2018-2020: Regional Chair, Lions Clubs International District A-711, Ontario, Canada and Charter President, Toronto Global Doctors Lions Club, ON. 2021-2022 Second Vice District Governor Nominee to lead 1,545+ Lions from 82 Lions Clubs to support humanitarian assistance (i.e. childhood cancer, hunger, vision, environmental protection, diabetes prevention & awareness) campaign locally and globally. Youth Exchange and Campus Chair to help support next generation leadership development for community services