Dr. Pradip Kumar Sen Gupta
Professor & Head of the Department & Director, Training Wing, BUHS
MPH – in Epidemiology & Biostatistics – Auckland University, New Zealand – 2004
Certificate course on Entrepreneurship, Business School, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand -2004
Course on Health Economics organized by the Institute of Health Economics, University of Dhaka, Bangladesh-2000
MPH in Community Medicine-Dhaka University- 1998
MS National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine – 1985
MD National Medical University, Kiev, Ukraine – 1982
Academic: 16 years
Administrative: 5 years
- Islam, MS, Rahman,M, Sen Gupta PK, Mithila TT, Disease pattern and satisfaction about health care services among patients attending a selected geriatric hospital in Dhaka city Int J Sci Rep. 2023 May;9(5):145-152 http://www.sci-rep.com
- Anam MR, Shamsi T, Al Amin A, Ahmed N, Hasan MT, Sen Gupta PK, Knowledge, attitude and practice relating to tobacco smoking in undergraduate students in a selected university of Bangladesh; Int J Community Med Public Health 2022 Apr, 9(4) :1637-1642
- Faruque M, Barua L, Banik PC, Sultana S, Biswas A, Alim A, Sen Gupta PK and Ali L. Prevalence of noncommunicable diseases risk factors among nurses and para-health professionals of Bangladesh working at primary health care setting. BMJ Open. 2021 Mar 19;11(3):e043298. doi: 10.1136/bmjopen-2020-043298. PMID: 33741665
- Ahmed S, Ahmed MSA, Banik P, Mondal R, Sen Gupta PK , Association between behavioural, metabolic risk factors of non-communicable diseases and socio-demographic factors among Bihari population in Bangladesh ; .Int J Community Med Public Health. 2019 Oct;6(10):4132-4138 http://www.ijcmph.com
- Sen Gupta PK, Bala KG, Banik PC, Sen Chowdhury R , Need Assessment on Short Training in Public Health amongst Primary Care Physician, Daffodil International University Journal of Allied Health Science, 8(2) Jan-July 2019
- Hossain MM, Sen Chowdhury R, Amin MR, Mohiuddin SM, Mondal R, Sarker RC, Sen Gupta PK, Glycemic Status with Body Mass Index among Type-2 Diabetic Subjects, Dinajpur Med College J, 2018 Jan, 11(1): 92-99
- Sen Gupta PK, Siddiqui Tareque MH, Sen Chowdhyry R, Common dermatological conditions prevalent in Bangladesh and managed by General Practitioners, Journal of Bangladesh Academy of Family Physician, 2018
- Umme Salma M, Umme Sayka, Sengupta PK, How does the type 2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients’ Compliance to Managing Diabetes in Bangladesh? Open Access Library Journal, Jan 2015, 2/e1176
- Ferdaws A, Virasakdi C, Hasib M, Sengupta PK, Comparison of Accessibility among Visually Impaired Patients Visiting Mobile and Stationary Hospital in Rural Bangladesh. J Health, PoplNutr 2013, 31(2):223-230
- Selim Anwar K, Mollah HA, Sengupta PK et al. Socio-demographic characteristics and Public Health situation of Child domestics: Myths and reality for a Safe Community in Bangladesh. InjPrev2012, 18:A178
- Selim Anwar K, Yasmin A, Sengupta PK et al. Consequence of Husband Perpetuated Violence against Women on Child health and Pscho-social state. InjPrev 2012, 18:A179
- Selim Anwar K, Mollah AH, Sengupta PK et al. Perception of School-Bound Children’s Mothers on Road-crossing and other road safety issues in Bangladesh. InjPrev 2012, 18:A83
- Halim S, Sen gupta PK, Zaman F et al. ; Characteristics of Road Traffic Accident in Dhaka City. Bangladesh Physiotherapy Journal, July 2011, 5(2): 21-24
- Sen Gupta PK, Barriers to Use Health Care Services among South Asians in the Auckland, NZ (MPH dissertation) 2004, The University of Auckland, New Zealand; Presented this paper in the Second International Asian Health & Wellbeing Conference in November 2006, Auckland, New Zealand
- Das HK, Mitra AK, Sen Gupta PK, Hossain A, Aslam F, Rabbani GH . Arsenic concentrations in rice, vegetables, and fish in Bangladesh: a preliminary study. Environment International 30, 2004:383-387
- Sen Gupta PK. Environmental Health Situation in Bangladesh; Med J, Vol.7 No.1 July 2002:3-4
- Ahmed B, Keramat Ali SM, Majumdar SK, Sen Gupta PK; A Search for Malnutrition Related Diabetes Mellitus in Bangladesh, Med J Vol.7 No.1 July 2002: 5-7
- Sen Gupta PK, Selim Anwar K, Mazumder SK, Chowdhury MS et al. Review on Child labour and injury in Old Dhaka: Few preliminary Observations. Abstract.9th International Conference on Safe Communities Feb, 2000.
- Sen Gupta PK , Parvin N, Association between Knee Osteoarthritis and Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Case-Control Study ,Abstract, IDF Conference 5-8 December 2022, Poster Presentation, Lisbon , Portugal
- 2022 – Awarded Research Grant on Health Science Research from Ministry of Education and Family Welfare Division , MoHFW, Government of Bangladesh
- February 2020- July 2020 Awarded Research Fellowship, funded by Bangladesh Medical Research Council
- November2018 – April 2019: Awarded Research Fellowship, funded by Bangladesh Medical Research Council
- June-Nov 2014: Awarded Research Fellowship for Innovations in Public Health Education, funded by USAID, Bangladesh
- 2008: Awarded Research Grant from Asian Research Network, Auckland, New Zealand
- 2023- team member Euthyroid project, funded by EU
- Aug-Nov 2022- Consultant Epidemiologist , Baseline survey of the Capacity Building of Nursing Services Phase 2 Project, Funded by JICA
- June-July 2020 – Research Consultant, BRAC, JPGSPH, Bangladesh Health Watch
- Member Royal Society of Medicine (MRSMed ,UK) – 2020
- Member European Society of Cardiology (MESCard ,EU)-2020
- Executive Member, Public Health Association of Bangladesh – 2020
- Member of Epidemiology Foundation of India -2019
- FCGP- Bangladesh College of General Practitioners -1993
- FIAGP (India)-All Indian Academy of General Practice- 1992