Prof. M A Hafez
MSc in Medical Demography University of London 1979
MSc in Statistics University of Dhaka 1967
BSc (Hon’s) University of Dhaka 1966
Academic: Above 35 Years;
- WHO Technical Officer: 06 Years;
- Govt. Job as Statistician: 14 Years.
1. Hafez MA, Mazumder A, Begum J, Tarafdar MAI. A study on the prevalence of Tuberculosis in a Rural Community of Bangladesh. BMRC Bulletin. 1991; XVII(1): 23-28.
2. Hafez MA. Health Information System In: Rashid KM, Khabiruddin M, Hyder Sayeed eds.): Text Book of Community Medicine and Publication Health 2nd edition, Dhaka: RKH Publishers. 1995; 105-108.
3. Hafez MA, Das AM. Statistics In: Rashid KM, Khabiruddin M, Hyder Sayeed (eds.): Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health, 2nd edition, Dhaka: RKH Publishers. 1995: 88-104.
4. Hafez MA. Data Collection, Maintenance & Use in: Salahuddin AKM, Das AM, Islam MS, Ramaiya TJ (eds.): Upazilla Swasthya (Health) Bebosthapona (Management) Manual, Dhaka: WHO and Directorate of Health Services; 1991: 295-317 [Bangla].
5. Hafez MA, Rahim MA, Islam MS, Islam Mazharul AKM. Socio-demographic and cultural characteristics of Malaria Patient in the Plains of Bangladesh. JOPSOM, Journal of Public Health & Social Medicine, 1997; 16(2): 96-1000.
6. Hafez MA, Ullah A, Alam M, Haque A, Begum HA. Extent of utilization and factors influencing antenatal care in rural Rajshahi JOPSOM, Journal of Public Health & Social Medicine, 1999; 18(1): 1-6.
7. Mokarram Hossain AMM, Hafez MA, Begum N. Evaluation of an educational program on proper intrafamilial distribution of food among the women in a village of Bangladesh Rural Development Board and its evaluation. Bangladesh Journal of Nutrition 1990; 3(1 & 2): 71-82.
8. Bhuiyan MSA, Akhter S, Rahman H, Salahuddin AKMA, Hafez MA. Mobile Training Program on Health Nutrition for the Mohila Members of the Bangladesh Rural Development Board and its evaluation. Bangladesh Journal of Nutrition 1990; 3(1 & 2): 35-40.
9. Mokarram Hossain AMM, Hafez MA, Begum N. The Impact of Nutrition on Intrafamilial Distribution of Food among Literate and Illiterate Groups of Women in a Village of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Medical Journal, 1990; 3 & 4: 86-91.
10. Mokarram Hossain AMM, Hafez MA. Assessment of Nutritional Knowledge in a Rural Area of Bangladesh. Bangladesh Journal of Nutrition, 1991; 4(2).
11. Mokarram Hossain AMM, Hafez MA, Begum N. Impact of Nutrition Education in a Community of Bangladesh. The Hygeia 1991; 5(1): 7-11.
12. Hlady WG, Barnett JV, Samadi AR, Begum J, Hafez MA, Tarafdar AI, Boring JR Neonatal tetanus in Rural Bangladesh. Risk Factors of Toxoid Efficacy. American Journal of Public Health 1992; 82(10): 1365-1369.
13. Hamid MA, Salahuddin AKM, Khan A Wadud, Begum RA, Hafez MA. Sustainability of Village Health Volunteers in the PHC Intensification Program at Kalihati, Journal of Public Health Association, Bangladesh, 1992; II(1): 7-13.
14. Akhter SKFU, Hafez MA. Opinion of a rural community about cost sharing in the health service delivery system JOPSOM 1994; 13(1) (Brief Report): 26-27.
15. Basher S. Hafez MA, Rahman M. Drop-out cases of TT vaccine among pregnant women. JOPSOM. 1995; 14(1&2) (Brief Report): 28-30.
16. Ullah MA, Hafez MA, Haque MJ, Alam MR. Incidence of low birth weight and its correlates to socio-economic factors in rural Rajshahi. TAJ. 1999; 12(1): 28-32.
17. Haque MA.,Sabeca MM, Rahman M, Hafez MA. Treatment Outcome of DOTS program in the control of Tuberculosisin three selected districts of Bangladesh. JOPSOM. 2007; 25(1).
18. Islam MS, Hafez MA, Akter M. Characterization of spinal cord lesion in patients attending a specialized rehabilitation centre in Bangladesh. Spinal Cord. 2011; 49(7):783-786.
19. S. Sarkar, S.J. Mumu, M. Shajahan, M.S. Flora, Hafez MA, Prevalence of bronchial asthma among secondary school students in Dhaka City. Bangladesh Medical Journal, 2012; 41(1):28-31
20. Islam M.S., Habib M.M., Hafez M.A., Nahar N., Lindstrom-Hazel D. and Rahman M.K. 2015, Musculoskeletal complaints among physiotherapy and occupational therapy rehabilitation professionals in Bangladesh. WORK: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation 50 (3): 379-386.
21. Habib M.M., Khanam F., Moniruzzaman, Hafez M.A. and Islam MS., 2014, Prevalence of low back pain and its affect on everyday life among female caregivers of children with CP. Indian Journal of Physiotherapy & Occupational Therapy, 8(1):186 – 191.
22. Md. Shahjahan, Hasina Akhter Chowdhury, Jesmin Akter, Afsana Afroz, and MA Hafez. Factors associated with use of antenatal care services in a rural area of Bangladesh. South East Asia Journal of Public Health. 2012; 2(2):61-66.
23. SMZH Asna, S Akter, MM Rahman, N Mohammad, MA Hafez. ESBL positive organisms: method of routine reporting and Pevalence in health care settings. Bangladesh Journal of Medical Microbiology. 2014; 8(2):23-27.
24. M Rahman, AKM Alamgir, MA Hafez, Editors. Rashid, Khabir, Hyder’s Text Book of Community Medicine and Public Health, 5th edition, Dhaka: MAH Publishers, 2012.
25. Afroz A, Chowdhury HA, Shahjahan M, Hafez MA, Hassan MN, Ali L. Association of good glycemic control and cost of diabetes care: experience from a tertiary care hospital in Bangladesh. Diabetes Research and Clinical Practice,(2016). 120:142–148. DOI: 10.1016/j.diabres.2016.07.030. (IF: 3.5).
Community Based Public Health Research
Member of various Research Development Committees/Workshop Organizing Communities of NIPSOM & Bangladesh Medical Research Council (BMRC), Dhaka during Ninety’s.