• Knowledgeable on fundamental concepts of human biology, sexuality, conception and reproduction in relation to reproductive and child health
  • Able to demonstrate understanding of complexities related to key reproductive and child health issues including gender dimensions
  • Competent in applying core public health science in solving reproductive and child health issues
  • Capable to interpret public policies and programs on the provision of sexual and reproductive health including child health
  • Acquire advanced skills to plan, design and implement public health research and programs focusing reproductive and child health
  • Reproductive and child health covers the spectrum of sexual and reproductive health issues of women, men, adolescents as well as health issues of children. The life course approach recognizes the impact of health of women during reproductive years on the wellbeing of women, newborn and children. Decision-making, providing or accessing essential healthcare for women and children are frequently linked with gender issues.
  • The program introduces and expands into critical thinking on sexual, reproductive and child health issues by students. Identifying priorities of sexual and reproductive health of men, women, adolescents and children are at the heart of developing an accessible and affordable healthcare system. The program helps the students to develop knowledge, attitude and skills to contribute towards improving reproductive and child health issues.

160 credits; minimum 4 years

Every year – 2 sessions (Spring and Fall)

  • A candidate with SSC (Science Group) and HSC (Science Group) or their equivalents is eligible to apply with a minimum CGPA of 2.5 in either one and a combined CGPA of 6.
  • Foreign students with equivalent qualification are eligible.
  • Equivalence will be decided by a committee called ‘Equivalence Committee’ formed by the Academic Council of BUHS.

Research position in the field of public health in government and non-government organization. Various positions in different projects and organizations.