Professor Dr. Sk. Akhtar Ahmad
Professor of Occupational and Environmental Health
MBBS – Rajshahi Medical College, Rajshahi University, 1976
DPH – NIPSOM, Dhaka University, 1980
MPH – University of Malaya, Malaysia, 1984
Certificate – in Environmental Science, AIT, Thailand, 2000
Research Experience: 43 years
Teaching: 42 years
Books and Monographs – as Contributor
- Ahmad SA Occupational Health and Safety in Bangladesh. Published by DGHS, Bangladesh & WHO;1996.
- Ahmad SA, Hadi SA . Think of Arsenic Contamination Problems in Asia. Published by The Association for the Geological Society in Japan, Room No 507, Kawai Bldg, 24-1, Minami-ikebukoro, 2 – Chome, Toshima-ku, Tokyo 171, Japan; Nov 1997.
- Ahmad SA, Hadi SA, Khan AW Arsenic Contamination of Ground Water in Bangladesh- Interim Report of the research at Samta Village, Chapter 1 & 2. Published by Asia Arsenic Network, Research group for Applied Geology and Dept of Occupational & Environmental Health, NIPSOM, Bangladesh. April 1999.
- Ahmad SA, Drinking Water Contamination by Arsenic in Rural Areas in Bangladesh Possible Solution and Awareness Building- A Workshop Report, Chapter 12. Published by Bangladesh Academy for Rural Development (BARD), Kotbari, Comilla, Bangladesh; April 1999
- Ahmad SA. Occupational Health and Safety Guideline Bangladesh. Published by Environmental and Occupational Health Unit, Directorate General of Health Services. 2001.
Ahmad SA. Towards a National Strategy of Occupational Health and Safety in Bangladesh. Chapter in Occupational Heath and Safety Situation Assessment for Development of National OHS Strategy in Bangladesh. Industrial Health Unit, DGHS, WHO, Bangladesh 2006, December: 65-79. - Ahmad SA , Rahman MS, Sayed MHSU Khan MH, Karim N, Faruquee MH, Khandker S. Re-Screening of Arsenicosis Patients in Three Upa-zilla, Applied Research on Arsenic in Bangladesh, WHO, Bangladesh 2007: 75-92
- Islam AZMM, Sikder S, Biswas AK, Islam Z, Hadiuuzaman, Misbahuddin M, Khandker S, Mahmud IA, Ahmad SA , Randomized control trial to evaluate the effectiveness of topical use of salicylic acid for treatment of keratosis in Arsenicosis patients, Applied Research on Arsenic in Bangladesh, WHO, Bangladesh 2007: 93-102.
- Dey RK, Islam AZMM, Khandker S, Mahmud IA, Ahmad SA. Arsenic safe drinking water and antioxidants of for the management of Arsenicosis patients, Applied Research on Arsenic in Bangladesh, WHO, Bangladesh 2007; 103-116.
- Karim MR, Ahmad SA, Sahidullah M. Nutritional Status of Children in arsenic exposed and non- exposed areas. Applied Research on Arsenic in Bangladesh, WHO, Bangladesh 2007: 1-14.
- Khan MH, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU. Detection of Arsenic in Urine by simple affordable and Effective Method. Applied Research on Arsenic in Bangladesh, WHO, Bangladesh 2007: 63-74..
- Akhtar N, Islam AZMM, Mannan MA, Misbahuddin M, Khandker S, Mahmud IA, Ahmad SA. Evaluation of Physical and Mental Development of Children of arsenic exposed areas in Bangladesh Applied Research on Arsenic in Bangladesh, WHO, Bangladesh 2007: 15-30.
- Yasmin R, Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH. Hepatitis B Virus infection among germents worker. LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( 2012-11-29 );76: 2012
- Ahmad SA and Khan MH. Ground Water Arsenic Contamination and Its Health. Effects in Bangladesh. In Hand Book of Arsenic Toxicology, Ed. SJ Flora, Publisher-Elsevier, Academic Press, Amsterdam, Boston, Heidelberg, London, New York, Oxford, Paris, San Diego, San Francisco, Singapore, Sydney, Tokyo, 2015; Chapter-2: p 51-72
- Tanha TI, Khandker S, Ahmad SA, and Mehriban NH. Climate Change Issue on Food Security and Health LAP Lambert Academic Publishing ( Jan 2018 ); ISBN: 978-613-5-67942-7
International Journals:
- Mizuno Y, Furusawa HS, Konishi S, Inaoka T, Ahmad SA, Sekiyama M, Abdoellah OS, Gunawan B, Parajuli RP, IkemotoY, Lam TD, Watanabe C and Umezaki M. Associations between urinary heavy metal concentrations and blood pressure in residents of Asian countries. Environ Health Prev Med 2021; 26 (101): 1-11. doi.org/10.1186/s12199-021-01027-y
- Kabir SMN, Sultana S, Hore TK, Khandker S and Ahmad SA. Respiratory Problems and Associated Factors among Rural Women in Bangladesh: A Community Based Study. World J Advance Healthcare Res 2021;5(5):59-65.
- Riaz BK, Ahmad SA, Islam SA and Ali L. Error! No text of specified style in document. Asia Pacific Journal of Health Management 2021; 16(2):54-64, i571. doi: 10.24083/apjhm.v16i2.571
- Rubel AKM, Sultana S, Alam AKMMU, Nizam S, Yasmin R, Faruquee MH, Ahmad SA. Slips, Trips and Falls among the workers in a garment industry in Dhaka, Bangladesh. Int J Occupational Safety Health 2021; 11(1): 40-47. doi: https://doi.org/10.3126/ijosh.v11i1.36062
- Mizan S, Rahman MM, Safii R and Ahmad SA. Factors affecting Delivery Care of Urban Mothers: A Cross-Sectional Study of the Urban Primary Health Care Project in Bangladesh. The Indonesian J Public Health 2021;16 (1): 1-11. doi: 10.20473/ijph.vl16il.2021
- Khandker S and Ahmad SA. Country Portrait Bangladesh: Social policy, Social work and Social Economy. Socialnet International. 05.11.2020; ISSN 2627-6348. Available from Internet: https:// www.socialnet.de/international/bangladesh
- Akter M, Khandker S, Shaheen M, MehribanN, Ahmad SA. Management of preterm low birth weight infants in Dhaka: a comparison between Standard Care and Kangaroo Mother Care. J Pediatric Neonatal Individualized Med 2021;10(1):1-7, e100111 doi: 10.7363/100111
- Nazneen A, Jahan NA, Khan MH, Rahman MS, Ahmad SA, Hossain I and Mullick AR. Level of Job Satisfaction among Female Garment Workers of Bangladesh. J Med Sci Clinical Res (JMSCR) 2020; 8(10): 1-6.https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v8i10.01
- Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH and Khan MH. Twenty Years of Arsenic Contamination and Arsenicosis Patients in a Village of Bangladesh. American J Public Health 2020; 8(6):184-189. DOI:10.12691/ajphr-8-6-1
- Hossain I, Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Mullick AR, Aktaruzzaman MM, Rahman S. COVID-19 and changing behavior; A cross-sectional survey among students in Bangladesh. European J Pharma Med Res 2020; 7(9): 576-581.
- Hamid Z, Sultana S, Nizam S, Yasmin R, Faruquee MH and Ahmad SA. Socioeconomic characteristics of autistic children: a comparative study. Int J Com Med Pub Health. 2020; 7(8): 2914-2920. doi:10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20203363
- Hossain I, Mullick AR, Khan MH, Ahmad SA, Rahman S and Aktaruzzaman MM. Epidemiology of Coronavirus Disease: Past, Present, Future Prospects and Its Journey Towards Bangladesh. Int Med J 2020; 25(6): 2517-2529
- Riaz BK, Ali K, Ahmad SA, Islam MZ, Ahmed KR and Hossain S. Community Clinics in Bangladesh: A unique example of public-private partnership. Heliyon 2020; 6(5):e03950, doi.org/10.1016/j.heliyon.2020.e03950
- Hossain I, Mullick AR, Khan MH, Ahmad SA, Rahman S and Aktaruzzaman MM. Epidemiology Distribution of 48 Diagnosed COVID-19 Cases in Bangladesh: A Descriptive Study. Texila International J Academic Res 2020; 7(1):1-8 DOI: 10.21522/TIJAR. 2014.07.01.Art020
- Mizan S, Rahman MM, Safii R and Ahmad SA. Does Entitlement Card ensure Utilization of Urban Primary Healthcare Clinic in Bangladesh? J Maternal Child Health 2020; 5(2): 213-225. https://doi.org/10.26911/thejmch.2020.05.02.12
- Chowdhury SK, Ahmed S, Banik PC, Costa PI, Yasmin R5, Faruquee MH, Ahmad SA and Salim AFM. Iron Deficiency, Ferritin and Total Iron Binding Capacity among Bangladeshi Children: Urban and Rural Settings. Acta Sci Nutr Health 2020; 4(2): 156-160. DOI: 10.31080/ASNH.2020.04.0628
- Salam RS, Haque MI, Chowdhury ABMA, Khandker S, Ahmad SA and Khan HTA. Smoking behaviour among Tuberculosis relapse cases attended at tertiary level hospitals in Dhaka city of Bangladesh. Int Med J 2020; 25(1): 69-77.
- Ahmed S, Chowdhury SK, Haque MM, Banik PC, Yasmin R, Faruquee MH, Ahmad SA and Salim AFM. Growing Pain Among Bangladeshi Children Urban and Rural Settings. Acta Sci Paed 2020; 3(2): 21-25. DOI: 10.31080/ASPE.2020.03.0205
- Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Nahar M, Kabir SMN and Khandkar S. Arsenic Exposure of Mothers and Low Birth Weight. Iranian J Health, Safety & Env 2019; 6 (3):.1289-1297
- Wai KM, Ser PH, Ahmad SA, Yasmin R, Ito Y, Konishi S, Umezaki M and Watanabe C. In-utero arsenic exposure and growth of infants from birth to 6 months of age: a prospective cohort study in rural Bangladesh, Int J Enviro Health Res 2019;DOI:10.080/09603123.2019.1597835
- AkhterT, Seoty NR, Chaklader MA, Yasmin R, Yasmin N5, Ahmad SA and Faruquee MH. Risk Factors of Respiratory Problems among Under 5 Children in Bangladesh. Acta Sci Paed 2019; 2(4): 03-09.
- Ahmad SA, Khan MH and Haque M. Arsenic contamination in groundwater in Bangladesh: implications and challenges for health care policy. Risk Management and Healthcare Policy 2018;11: 251–261
- Khan MH, Ahmad SA, Nahar M, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Kabir SMN and Khandkar S. Gestational Diabetes among the Arsenic Exposed Women from Arsenic Contaminated Area of Bangladesh. Malay J Pub Health Med 2018; 2:13-19
- Rahman M, Mizan S, Safii RB, Ahmad SA. Are the urban poor satisfied with health care services for child delivery? Evidence from an Urban Primary Health Care (UPHC) Project in Bangladesh. Family Med & Primary Care Review 2018; 20(2):159-166. doi.org/10.5114/fmpcr.2018.76461
- Ahrned K, Bukhi M, Hossain S, Ahmad SA. Attitude towards plain packaging of tobacco products among the adult population in Bangladesh: a mixed method approach. Tob Induc Dis 2018;16(Suppl l). DOI: 1o.1 ttt32/dd183885
- Haque R, Inaoka T, Fujimura M, Watanabe C, Ahmad SA, Kakimoto R, Ishiiyara M and Ueno D. Dietary patterns and Serum of DDT concentrations among reproductive-aged group of women in Bangladesh. Env Sci Poll Res, 2018; 1-9. doi.org/10.1007/s11356-018-1958-6.
- Jahan I, Ahmed MR, Faruque MH, Banik DL and Ahmad SA. Knowledge Attitude and Practices on Bio Medical Waste Management among the Health Care Personnel of Selected Hospitals in Dhaka City. Int J Advance Res & Tech, 2018; 7 (2): 8-17.
- Murayama N, Magami M, Akter S, Hossain IA, Ali L, Faruquee MH, Ahmad SA. A Pilot School Meal Program Using Local Foods with Soybean in Rural Bangladesh: Effects on the Nutritional Status of Children. Food Nutr Sci, 2018; 9: 290-313 doi: 10.4236/fns.2018.94023.
- Haque R, Inaoka T, Fujimura M, Ahmad SA and Ueno D. Intake of DDT and its metabolites through food items among reproductive age women in Bangladesh. Chemosphere 2017; 189: 744-751. doi.org/10.1016/j. chemosphere.2017.09.041. 0045-6535
- Neupane SC, Ahmed KR, Faruquee MH,Yasmin R, Dutta S, Tani M and Ahmad SA. Food habits among the arsenic exposed population in the rural areas of Nepal and Bangladesh Malay J Pub Health Med 2017; 1(Sp): 48-54
- Islam ANMM, Ahmad SA, Kabir MR, Siddique MKB and Arefin A. Effectiveness of French Physiotherapy in Treating Congenital Clubfoot Deformity. Ortho & Rheum Open Access J. 2016; 2(3): 555588. doi: 10.19080/OROAJ.2016.02.555588.
- Khan MH, Chanda BK, Ahmad SA. Diabetes mellitus among arsenic exposed and non-exposed young adults in Bangladesh. Int J Com Med Pub Health. 2016; 3(11): 3170-3178. doi:10.18203/2394-6040.ijcmph20163931
- Nahar M, Khan MH and Ahmad SA. Indoor Air Pollutants and Respiratory Problems among Dhaka City Dwellers. Arch Com Med Public Health.2016; 2(1): 032-036. DOI:10.17352/2455-5479.000014
- Yoshida N, Inaoka T, Sultana N, Ahmad SA, Mabuchi A, Shimizu H and Watanabe C. Non-monotonic relationships between arsenic and selenium excretion and its implication on arsenic methylation pattern in a Bangladeshi population. Environmental Research, 2015; 140: 300-307
- Ser PH, Banu B, Jebunnesa F, Fatema K, Rosy N, Yasmin R, Furusawa H, Ali L, Ahmad SA and Watanabe C. Arsenic exposure increases maternal but not cord serum IgG in Bangladesh. Paed Int, 2015; 57(1): 119-125. doi: 10.1111/ped.12396
- Karim MR and Ahmad SA. Nutritional Status among the Children of Age Group 5-14 Years in Selected Arsenic and Non-Arsenic Exposed Areas of Bangladesh. J Family Reprod Health, 2014; 8 (4): 161-168.
- Tasmin S, Furusawa H, Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH, Watanabe C. Delta-aminolevulinic acid dehydratase (ALAD) polymorphism in lead exposed Bangladeshi children and its effect on urinary aminolevulinic acid (ALA).Environmental Research, 2014; 136: 318-323.
- Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Khandker S, Sarwar AFM, Yasmin N, Faruquee MH and Yasmin R. Blood Lead levels and Health Problems of Lead Acid Battery Workers in Bangladesh. The Scientific World Journal, 2014, http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2014/974104.
- Mahfuz M, Ahmed T, Ahmad SA, Khan MH. Altered Pulmonary Function among the Transport Worers in Dhaka City. Health, 2014, 6, 2144-2153. http://www.scirp.org/journal/health http://dx.doi.Org/ 10.4236/health.2014.616249
- Rahman MM, Ahmad SA, Karim MJ and Akoi. Factors Influencing Smoking Initiation among the Secondary School Students in Bangladesh: Findings from a Cross Sectional Study. Malay Jour Pub Health Med, 2014; 14 (1): 66-78
- Yasmin R, Ahmad R, Sultana N, Sayed S, Ahmad SA, Zaman F, Moniruzzaman. Eye Problems among the Workers in Re-rolling mill exposed to high temperature. Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment & Rehabilitation. 2013 Jan1; 46 (1) 93-7.
- Rahman MM, Ahmad SA, Karim MJ, Azhar A and Rafidah D. Students’s Perceptions on Tobacco Free School: An Analytic Cross Sectional Study. Malay Jour Pub Health Med, 2012; 12(2): 45-51.
- Rahman MM, Karim MJ, Ahmad SA, Suhaili MR, Ahmad SNW. Prevalence and determinants of smoking behaviour among the secondary school teachers in Bangladesh. Int J Pub Health Res, 2011; 1(Sp): 25-32.
- Rahman MM, Ahmad SA, Karim MJ and Chia HA. Determinants of Smoking Behaviour Among Secondary School Students in Bangladesh. Jour of Community Health, 2011; 36(5): 831-838,
- Davies HW, Koehlmoos TP, Courtice MN, and Ahmad SA, Z. Occupational Injury in Rural Bangladesh:Data Gathering Using Household Surevy Int J Occ Env Health 2011;17(3):214-222
- Courtice MN, Demers PA, Takaro TK, Vedal S, Ahmad SA, Davies HW and Siddique Z. Asbestose-Related Disease in Bangladeshi Ship Breakers: A Pilot Study. Int J Occ Env Health 2011; 17(2):144-53.
- Laskar MS, Rahaman MM, Akhter A, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Ahmad SA, Harada N. Quality of life among arsenicosis patients in an arsenic-affected rural area of Bangladesh. Arch Env Occu Health, 2010,65(2):70-76
- Ahmad SA Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Karim MN, Haque MA, Bhuyian SA, Rahaman MS Aziz RM, and Faruquee. Sociocultural aspects of Arsenicosis in Bangladesh: Community perspective. Jour Env Sci Health 2007; 42(12): 1942-1958
- Hore SK, Rahman M, Yunus M, Das CS, Yeasmin S, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Islam AZMM, Vahter M and Persson LA . Detecting Arsenic-related skin lesions: Experiences from a large community-based survey in Bangladesh. Int Jour Env Health Res 2007; 17(2) 141-149.
- Maharjan M, Watanabe C, Ahmad SA, Umezaki M and Ohtsuka R. Mutual interaction between nutritional status and chronic arsenic toxicity due to groundwater contamination in an area of Terai, lowland Nepal. Jour Epidemiol Com Health. 2007 May; 61(5): 389-304.
- Ahmad SA, Khatun F, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Aziz RM, Hossain MZ and Faruquee. ECG Findings among the Arsenic Exposed persons through Ground water. J Health Nutr Pop 2006; 24(2): 221-227
- Maharjan M, Shresta R, Ahmad SA, Watanabe C and Ohtsuka R. Prevalence of Arsenicosis in Terai, Nepal J Health Nutr Pop 2006; 24(2): 246-252
- Maharjan M, Watanabe C Ahmad SA and Ohtsuka R. Arsenic contamination in drinking water and skin manifestations in lowland Nepal: The first community based survey. Am Jour Trop Med Hyg, 2005;73(2):477-479.
- Ahmad SA, Maharjan M, Watanabe C and Ohtsuka R. Arsenicosis in two villages in Terai low land Nepal. Environ Sci, 2004; 11(3): 179-188
- Ahmad SA, Muyeen-us-Safa AKM, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Faruquee MH, Jalil MA Bhuiyan MSA, Barbhuiya MAK and Elias M. Arsenic in Drinking Water and Urinary Level of Arsenic. Env Sci 2001; 8 (5): 417-423.
- Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Barua S, Faruquee MH, Khan MH, Jalil MA and Hadi SA, Arsenic in Drinking Water and Pregnancy Outcomes. Environ Health Perspect 2001; 109(6): 629-631.
- H. Yokota, Y. Akiyoshi, T. Miyata, K. Kawahara, S. Tsushima, H. Hironaka, H. Takafuji, M. Rahman, Ahmad SA, M.H.S.U. Sayed and M.H. Faruquee. Arsenic contamination of ground and pond water and water purification system using pond water in Bangladesh. Engineering Geology,2001; 60(1-4): 323-331
- Ahasan MR, Ahmad SA and Khan TP. Occupational Exposure and Respiratory Illness Symptoms Among Textile Industry Workers in a Developing Country, Applied Occupational and Environmental Hygiene 2000;15(3): 313-320, DOI: 10.1080/104732200301638
- Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Hadi SA, Faruquee MH, Khan MH, Jalil MA, Ahmed R and Khan AW Arsenicosis in a village in Bangladesh. Inter Jour Environ Health Res.1999; 9:187-195.
- Tondel M, Rahman M, Magnuson A, Chowdhury IA, Faruquee MH and Ahmad SA. The Relationship of Arsenic Levels in Drinking Water and the Prevalence Rate of Skin Lesions in Bangladesh. Environ Health Perspect.1999; 107(9): 727-729.
- Rahman M, Tondel M, Ahmad SA, Chowdhury I A, Faruquee M H and Axelson O. Hypertension and Arsenic Exposure in Bangladesh. Hypertension. 1999; 33:74-78.
- Rahman M, Tondel M, Ahmad SA, and Axelson O. Diabetes Mellitus Associated with Arsenic. Exposure in Bangladesh. Am J Epidemiol 1998; 148:198-203.
- Ahmad SA, Bandarnayake D, Khan AW, Hadi SA, Uddin G and Halim MA. Arsenic in ground water and arsenicosis in Bangladesh. Inter Jour Environ Health Res. 1997; 7(4): 271-276.
- Dhar RK, Biswas V K, Samanta S, Mandal BK Chakraborty D, Roy S, Jafar A, Islam A, Ara G, Kabir S, Khan AW, Ahmad SA and Hadi SA. Ground water calamity in Bangladesh.Current Science 1997; 73(1) 48-59.
- Tarafdar A I, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU. Women, Health and Development in Bangladesh. Asia-Pacific J Pub Health 1991; 5(4): 359-363.
National Journals
- Nabi QMRU, Sanin K I, Sumon MA, Ahmad SA, Kabir MJ and Iqbal MS. Factors Associated with Ophthalmic Complications among Diabeteic Patients aged 40 years or More: Findings of a Hospital-based Study. Sir Salimullah Med Coll J 2021; 29:87-94.
- Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Sultana S, Chowdhury S. Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease among the users of Improved Cooking Stove and Traditional Cooking Stove. Bangladesh Medical Res Counc Bull 2020; 46(3): 211-218, dot: https://doi.org/10.3329/bmrcb. v46i3.52257
- Sultana S, MH Faruquee, Yasmin R, Ahmad SA, Rahman MS. Perceived workplace hazards and health problems among the workers of tannery industries. JOPSOM 2020; 39 (1): 31-42, https://doi.org/10.3329/jopsom.v39i1.51860
- Mullick AR, Rahman MS, Khan MH, Hossain I, Ahmad SA. Socio-demographic factors on food insecurity among rural school going children in Bangladesh. JOPSOM 2020; 39 (1): 67-72, https://doi.org/10.3329/jopsom.v39i1.51864
- Akther P, Yasmin N, Islam JA , Ashraf F, Akther M, Rahman MR, Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH, Islam GMR.Carbetocin Versus Oxytocin in the Active Management of 3rd Stage of Labour Following Vaginal Delivery:An Open Label Randomized Control Trial. The Beacon Medical J 2021; 4(1): 9-13
- Rahman MM, Mizan S, Safii R and Ahmad SA. Willingness to Pay for Health Insurance among Urban Poor: An evidence from Urban Primary Health Care Project in Bangladesh. Bangladesh J Med Sci 2020; 19(3): 433-443. DOI: https://doi.org/10.3329/bjms.v19i3.45860
- Mohiuddin Z, Mahmudul Haque MM and Ahmad SA. Parenting Stress of Mothers Having Children with Thalassemia. JOPSOM 2019; 38 (2): 22-29, https://doi.org/10.3329/jopsom. v38i2.47861
- Sarkar M, Tanha TI, Khandkar S and Ahmad SA. Comparison of Foetal Weight and Birth Weight estimated by Ultrasonographic and Clinical Assessment of Pregnant Mothers. JOPSOM 2019; 38(1):9-14.
- Sultana S, Dutta S, Yasmin R, Ahmad SA, Rahman S, Hossain I, Faruquee MH and Khan MH. Fatigue among the Garments Workers in a Selected Industry. JOPSOM 2019; 38 (1): 45-53.
- Shamsunnahar, Yasmin R, Seoty NR, Chaklader MA, Kabir MH, Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH and Begum D. Handgrip Strength and Work Performance among the Garment Workers in Bangladesh. J Universal Medical College 2018; 2(2): 67-70
- Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Karim N, Khan MH, and Ahmad SA, Health problems among villagers living in Proximity of a polluted river. JOPSOM 2018; 37 (1): 50-60
- Tanha TI, Zinan TI, Khandker S , Manzurul Haque Khan MH and Ahmad SA. Birth Preparedness and Complication Readiness (BPCR) Among the Married Women Attended an Upazila Health Complex. JOPSOM 2016; 37 (1): 9-16 .
- Tajnin R, Chaklader MA, Yasmin N, Hossain MD, Ahmad SA and Faruquee MH. Status of Hearing Impairment, among Handloom Workers in Tangail District of Bangladesh. Mymensingh Med J 2018 Jul; 27(3): 573-57
- Ali M, Faruquee MH, Yasmin N, Chaklader MA, Sohani NZ and Ahmad SA. Status of Blood Pressure among the Population in Selected Saline Prone Area of Bangladesh. SUB J Env Dev 2018; 3: 13-24.
- Khandker S, Ahmad SA, Hossain SB, Khan MH, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Mehriban N, Kabir SMN and Tanha TI. Community Perception on Climate Vulnerability and Adaptive Capacity in two selected Upazilla of Bangladesh. JOPSOM, 2017; 36(2): 1-10
- Rahaman MF, Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, ZannathMM, Khan MH and Sarwar AFM. Work-Related Musculoskeletal Disorders among the Head-Load Brickfield Workers. JOPSOM, 2017; 36(1): 6-15
- Khandker S, Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Zannath MM, Kabir SMN and Sarwar AFM. Perceived workplace hazards and health problems among the workers of garment factory in Dhaka. JOPSOM 2016; 35 (2): 1-9
- Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Khandkar S, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Kabir SMN and Haque R. Blood Cholinesterase Level and Health Effects among the Organophosphates exposed Agricultural Workers.JOPSOM 2016; 35 (1): 1-11
- Khan MH, Sarwar AFM, Faruquee MH and Ahmad SA. Peripheral Arterial Disease in a Rural Population of Bangladesh and Associated Conventional Risk Factors. JOPSOM 2016; 35 (1): 41-47
- Bhuiyan M, Ahmad SA, Shahidullah M and Bhuiyan MR. Nutritional Status and Associated Factors among 24 to 59 months old Urban Slum Children of Dhaka City. JAFMC Bangladesh, 2015; 11 (1): 14-18
- Sarwar AFM, Khan MH, Sayed MHSU, Faruquee MH, Kabir MD, Khandker K and Ahmad SA. Teeth Abrasion among Arsenic Exposed and Non-Exposed Population. Daff Int Uni J Allied Health Sci, 2015; 2(1&2): 27–32
- Sali SP, Khandker S, Ali SMK, Khan MH, Ahmad SA. Choline intake Pattern among Pregnant Women in Third Trimester Attending a Tertiary Level Hospital. JOPSOM 2015; 34 (2): 47-54
- Khan MH and Ahmad SA. Field Detection Method of Arsenic in Urine. JOPSOM 2015; 34 (2):10-16
- Khandker S, Ahmad SA, Ahmed R, Mollah AR, Parvez F and Khan MH. Comparison of Respiratory problems among Women and Children of Rural Households using Improved Cook Stove and Traditional Cook Stove. JOPSOM 2015; 34(1):8-13
- Laskar MS, Gazi EA, Basu BK, Chowdhury S, Ahmad SA, Khan MH. Disability adjusted life years among arsenicosis patients in an arsenic-affected area of southern Bangladesh. J Gazi Med Coll, 2015;2(1):4-12
- Basher A, Nath P, Siddique ZS, Rahman MH, Rubel MA, Sayed MS, Ahmad SA, Mondol GD, Bhuiyan MR. Musculoskeletal Disorder among Agricultural Workers. Mymensingh Med J 2015;24(1):1-8.
- Rahman MM, Ahmad SA, Karim J, Pangkas J, Hun TJ, Suhaili MRB. Teachers Perception on Tobacco Free School in Bangladesh. Ban J Med Sci, 2015; 14 (3): 274-279.
- Yasmin N, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Karim MN. Dietary pattern of rachitic children at selected geographical area. Bangladesh Med J 2014;43(3) 151-156. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.3329 /bmj.v43i3.26299
- Alim MA, Biswas MK, Biswas G, Hossain MA, Ahmad SA. Respiratory Health Problems Among the Ceramic Workers in Dhaka. Faridpur Med Coll J. 2014; 9(1): 19-23.
Sarwar A F M, Ahmad S A, Khan M H, Sayed MHSU, Kabir MH and Faruquee MH. Arsenic and Tooth Decay in Selected areas of Bangladesh. J Contemporary Dental Sciences, 2014; 2(1): 14-17. - Alim MA, Nurunnabi ASM, S Ahmad S, Khan MA, Ahmad SA. Knowledge of Health Hazards and Perception of Prevention Amongst Females Exposed to Biomass Fuel and Gas/Electricity Fuel in A District of Bangladesh. AKMMC J 2013; 4(1): 20-24.
- Sarwar A F M, Ahmad S A, Khan M H, Sayed MHSU and Kabir MH. Melanotic changes of tongue through arsenic contaminated drinking water. J Uttara Adhunik Med Coll. 2013; 3(1): 40-43.
- Rahman MM, Ahmad SA, Karim J, Akoi C, Chowdhury Z. Smoking Behavior among the Secondary School Students in Bangladesh:Results from Structural Equation Modeling. East West Med Coll J 2013;4(2):01-08
- Nath P, Siddique ZS, Basher A, Bhuiyan MR, Rahman MH, Rubel MM, Sayed MHSU and Ahmad SA Status of Blood Pressure among Individuals Consuming Saline Water. Mymensingh Med J 2012; 21(4): 627-632
- Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Tani M, Kobayashi M, and Shinohara H. Arsenicosis: Nutrition and Socioeconomic Factors. JOPSOM 2012; 31(1-2): 52-63
- Sultana S, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Khan MH and Ahmad SA. Health Problems among the Pesticide user Agriculture Workers. JOPSOM 2011; 30(1-2): 54-61
- Sarwar AFM, Kabir MHB, Rahman AFMM, Haque A, Kasem MA, Ahmad SA, Debnath PK, Mallick PC, Haque MA, Hossain KAA, Khan SI, AhmedAHHUand Parveen S J. Oral hygiene practice among the primary school children in selected rural areas of Bangladesh Dhaka National Med. Coll. Hos 2011; 18(01): 43-48.
- Yasmin R, Ahmad SA, Zaman F, Ansari M and Azim E . Hepatitis B Virus infection among workers in selected garments. Bangladesh Med J, 2011: 40 (2):50-53
- Parvin IA, Ahmad SA, Islam MN. Knowledge about inhaler use among the chronic asthma patients in selected hospitals. Med Res Counc Bull 2010; 37(2): 47-50
- Khan MH, Sarker S, Khan N, Sarwar AFM and Ahmad SA,. Assessment of Low ABSPI among Arsenic Exposed and Non-exposed Population: A Pilot study Med Res Counc Bull 2010; 36: 23-26. doi: 10.3329/ bmrcb.v36i1.5426
- Sarwar AFM, Ahmad SA, , Khan MH, Sayed MHSU and K Humayun. Swelling of Vallaite Papillae of the Tongue following Arsenic Expoaure. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2010; 36: 1-3. DOI: 10.3329/bmrcb.v36i1.4479
- Islam ABMR, Asada R, Bhowmick BK, Tazaki K and Ahmad SA. Feasiblilty of Biogenic Removal of Arsenic : an in situ Trial in Bangladesh, JOPSOM 2008;27(2): 30-42
- Sultana N, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Hussain MZ, Sarwar AFM, Ahmad SA. Respiratory Problems among the Workers in a Poly Bag Industry, JOPSOM 2008;27(1): 60-68.
- Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU. Khan MH, Faruquee MH Yasmin N, Hossain ZM, Sarwar AF Musculoskeletal Disorders and Ergonomic Factors among the Garment Workers. JOPSOM 2007, 26(2): 97-110
- Chowdhury NN, Ahmad SA, Uddin S and Chowdhury NS. Depression in Work Place: A Study in Garments Factory in Dhaka, Bangladesh J Psychiatry 2007; 21(2):33-39.
- Sarwar AFM, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Faruquee MH and Begum M. Exposure to arsenic through drinking water: Attrition manifestation on tooth.J Oral Health 2006; 8(1):13-17.
- Yasmeen S, Ahmad SA, Chowdhury SK and Ahmed M. Risk Assessment of Oral Contraceptive Pills (OCPs) on Occurrence of Cervical Cancer, Bangladesh Med Coll Jour 2006;11(1):9-15
Khandker S, Dey RK, Islam AZMM, Ahmad SA and Mahmud IA. Arsenic-safe drinking water and antioxidants for the management of arsenicosis patients, Bangladesh J Pharma 2006; 1(2); 42- - Sarwar AFM, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Faruquee MH and Begum M. Exposure to Arsenic through Drinking water: Pigmentary Manifestation in the Oral Cavity. Jour of Oral Health 2005;7(2):52-58.
- Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Haque MA,Hossain MZ, Ghose KC, Begum M, Bhuiya MAK and Ahmad SA. Quality and Prospect of Modified Dugwell Water as an option of alternate safe water of Bangladesh, JOPSOM 2004; 23 (1): 39-50
- Begum M, Khan MH, Sayed MHSU, Haque MA, Ahmad SA. Comparison of Arterial Blood Pressure between Shift and Non-shift Nursing Personnel, JOPSOM 2004; 23 (2):70-78
Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Bhuyian MSA, Karim MR, Selimuzzaman ABM, Ghose KC, Mia MS, Bhuiya MAK and Ahmad SA. Community Perception and Acceptability of Modified Dug Well Water in Arsenic affected areas in Bangladesh. JOPSOM 2003; 22(2): 57-62 - Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH and Bhuiyan MSA. Relgion, Human Behavior and AIDS. JOPSOM 2002; 21(1): 99-106.
- Mahiyuddin G, Sayed MHSU, Banu B and Ahmad SA Arsenicosis and State of Liver Function. JOPSOM, 2000: 19{2): 6;13.
- Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Faruquee MH, Khan MH, Jalil MA, Ahmed R, Razzaque MA and Safa MU. Arsenicosis: Sex Differentials. JOPSOM 1999; 18(1): 35-40.
- Khan AW, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Hadi SA, Alam KK, Faruquee MH and Khan MH. Living in Dhaka city living with Lead poisoning. Environment on Health Bulletin 1999; 2:1.
- Ali MH and Ahmad SA. Chromium Contamination and its effect on human health. J Dhaka Medical College1998:7 (1): 14-19.
- Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Faruquee MH, Jalil MA, and Ahmed R, Arsenicosis: Neoplastic Manifestations of Skin. JOPSOM 1998; 17(2): 110-115.
- Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH, Sayed MHSU, Khan MH, Jalil MA, Ahmed R, and Hadi SA. Chronic Arsenicosis: Management by Vitamin A,E,C Regimen. JOPSOM 1998; 17(1):19-26.
- Ali MH, Sayed MHSU, Hossain S, Selimuzzaman ABM, Begum P and Ahmad SA. Awareness on Iodized Salt Consumption. JOPSOM 1998; 17(2): 92-96.
- Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Hadi SA and Khan AW, Modified Arsenic Field Test Kit: A cheap and easy device for detection of arsenic in water. JOPSOM 1997; 16(2):143-150.
- Khan AW, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Hadi SA, Khan MH, Jalil MA, Ahmed R and Faruquee MH. Arsenic contamination in ground water and its effects on human health with particular reference to Bangladesh. JOPSOM 1997; 16(1): 65-73.
- Ahmad SA, Sarker AM and Sayed MHSU. Weaving Workers: Assessment of Lung Function by Peak Flow Meter. JOPSOM 1997: 16 (1): 37-43.
- Khan AW, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Hadi SA, Faruquee MH and Khan MH. Arsenic: silent catastrophe. Environment Health Bulletin 1997; 1:1-3.
- Ahmad SA, Ali MH, Sayed MHSU, Hadi MA, Hossain MM and Khan AW. Respiratory Problems among the Workers of a Cotton Industry in Bangladesh. J Dhaka Medical College 1997: 6 (1): 1-5.
- Rahaman MA, Bhuyian MSA, Sayed MHSU and Ahmad SA. Nutritional status of the children of two kindergartens schools. JOPSOM 1995,14(1&2):15-18.
- Khan AW, Begum RA, Ahmad SA, Sayed MHSU, Hadi SA and Sultana S Medicolegal Injuries in Bangladesh-Types & Reasons. JOPSOM 1993,12(4):116-119.
- Chowdhury MP, Bhuyian MSA, Ahmad SA, Khan AR, and Mahtab H. Self-Care Behaviour: Glycosuria Monitoring by Diabetes Patients. JOPSOM 1993; 12(3): 72-75.
- Tarafdar MAI, Ahmad SA and Sayed MHSU. Ecology and Health Aspects of Bangladesh. The Hygeia 1992;6(2):38-42
- Zaman F and Ahmad SA. A Survey on Educational Environment at Dhaka Medical College Dhaka. Bangladesh Medical Journal. (Khulna) 1992; 25(2
Rahaman MM, Tarafdar MAI, Ahmad SA and Sayed MHSU. A Study on Disease Pattern among the Workers of A Paper Mill in Bangladesh. JOPSOM 1991; 10(2): 62-65. - Tarafdar MAI, Ahmad SA and Sayed MHSU. Occupational Health Hazards and Prevention. Bangla Academy Science Journal. Baishakh Chaitra 1398:18(1&2):31-40.
- Ahmad SA. Human Behavioral Aspects of Water Use. JOPSOM 1990; 4-9 (2): 60-62
- Books & Reports- as Editor and Author>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Report on the Different Approaches to In-Service Training. Published by National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Mohakhali, Dhaka-
Arsenic, Water Contamination and Health Hazards Published in February 2000 - Musculoskeletal Disorders Among the Garment Workers. Funded by NIPSOM Expansion Project 1998, (BAN HRH 020), AUS-AID & WHO.
- Survey on Health Hazards Due to Arsenic Toxicity. 1998, Funded by NIPSOM Expansion Project (BAN HRH 020), AUS-AID & WHO.
- Modified Dug Well as a Source of alternate safe water: Quality and Social Acceptability Published by Dept of Occupational & Environmental Health, NIPSOM and Arsenic Mitigation Project in 2004.
- Assessment of Impact of Air Pollution among the Children in Selected Schools of Dhaka City- Funded by UNEP and jointly published Department of Environment and Department of Occupational & Environmental Health, NIPSOM in 2008
- Climate Change and Health Impacts in Bangladesh. Climate Change Cell, Department of Environment, MoEF, Component 4b, CDMP, MoFDM. June 2009, Dhaka.
Bangladesh Global Adult Tobacco Survey Report 2009- Funded by WHO published MOH&FW and WHO in 2009 - Presentations in Conferences, Seminars, Workshops:>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
- International Forum on Environmental Pollution and Health Effects: What are the Lessons from 50 Years of Minamata Disease held at Kumamoto Gakuen University, Kumamoto, Japan from 8th to 12th Sep 2006 by inamata International Forum, Sponsored by Con Organizing Committee
- Seminar on Arsenic Disease organized by Civil & Environmental Engineering and Dermatology Department of University of Miyazaki, Japan from 19 to 22 February 2007, organized by Miyazaki University, Japan
- Faculty Exchange Visits on Occupational Health at Faculty of Public Health, Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand, from 2nd to 15th July 2007, sponsored by WHO.
Conference on Male Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Transboundary Effects for South Asia at Colombo, Sri Lanka, from 19th Aug to 21st August 2008 organized by UNEP - Training of Physicians and Health personnel on Arsenicosis and Seminar on Medical Examination of Arsenicosis at Bahraich, UP State, India from 26th to 29th November 2008, organized by JICA, Miyazaki University, Japan and Eco-Friends, Kanpur, India
- Conference on Male Declaration on Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Transboundary Effects for South Asia at Colombo, Sri Lanka, 19th August to 21st August 2008 organized by UNEP
Workshop on Human Resource Development from 15th June to 19th June 2009 organized at Bangalore, India, by The Union, India and Bloomberg Initiative to Reduce Tobacco.
Training of Physicians and Health personnel on Arsenicosis Patients and Management at Bahraich, UP State, India from 20th June,2009 to 24th June 2009, organized by JICA, Miyazaki University, Japan and Eco-Friends, Kanpur, India - Regional Meeting on Teaching of Public Health in Medical Schools, Bangkok, Thailand from 8th December to 10th December, 2009 organized by WHO
- Resource Person in the Workshop on ‘Air Pollution Health Impact Study and consultation on black carbon’ Under Control and Prevention of Air Pollution and its Likely Transboundary Effects for South Asia Programme orgainsed at Katmandu Nepal by UNEP and Male Deceleration from 23rd March to 28th March 2011
- Resource Person of the Training Workshops ‘Capacity Building for Arsenic Mitigation (CBAM)’ Nawal Parasi, Nepal, From- 18th to 28th August, 2011 Funded by- JICA, Implementing by- Kyushu University, Japan and ENPHO, Nepal
- International Seminar on 'Short lived Climate Forcers in South Asia – Impacts and Action' 17th and 18th October, 2011 at Ruposhi Bangla Hotel Jointly organized by the Ministry of Environment & Forests of Bangladesh, Ministry of Environment of Sweden & Stockholm Env Institute (SEI)
- Regional Training Workshop ‘Health Impact Assessment due to Air Pollution’ NIPSOM, Dhaka, 9th to11th Jan, 2012, Organized by- Dept of Environment, Funded by Male Declaration & UNEP
- Resource Person of the Training Workshops ‘Capacity Building for Arsenic Mitigation (CBAM)’ Nawal Parasi, Nepal, From- 12th to 21st January, 2012 Funded by- JICA, Implementing by- Kyushu University, Japan and ENPHO, Nepal.
Noteworthy Accomplishments
- A special feature on Arsenic Field Test Kit developed by me was reported by Fred Pearce in the Science and Technology Section of ‘The Guardian’ a British Newspaper on 26th Feb 1998
- Out of 13 studies on Arsenic issue throughout the world, my three studies were selected to utilize their findings for development of Proposition 65 MADLs for Arsenic to use in The California Code of Regulations (Title 22, California Code of Regulations, Sections 12801 and 12803 [22 CCR12801 and 12803] ).
Developmental/Innovative Activities
- Involved in the development of National and Regional Protocol on Arsenicosis
- Involved in Arsenicosis Case Definition and Management Protocol for Regional Countries, organized by WHO, SEARO
- Developed Arsenic Field Test Kit, a test kit for detecting arsenic in water which is now being widely used in Bangladesh by national and international agencies.
- Formulated a Chemical Powder to remove arsenic in contaminated water
- Identified index case of arsenicosis in Bangladesh
- Initiated Vitamin A, E & C regimen for the management of Arsenicosis patients
- Conducted a number research works since last 20 years on Environmental Health issues (particularly on Arsenic Contamination), Occupational health and Community Health under funding of DGHS, BMRC, AusAid, WHO, UNICEF, UNEP, DFID, ILO etc.
- Conducted collaborative researches with national and international organizations such as BSMMU, ICDDR’B, DOE, Asia Arsenic Network, Miyazaki University, Tokyo University, CDC Columbia, Murdock University, University of Britsh Columbia, ENPHO Nepal etc. in the field of Environmental Health, Occupational Health and other Public Health issues.
- Conducted researches on environmental issues particularly on arsenic contamination in Nawalparasi, Nepal, Bahraich, Uttar Prodesh, India
- Life Member of Bangladesh Medical Association (BMA)
- Life Member of Bogra Diabetic Association
- Vice president, Public Health association of Bangladesh (PHAB)