A F M Sarwar
Professor Of Occupational And Environmental Health
M. Phil (PSM), National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), University of Dhaka, 2006
Master of Public Health (MPH) OEH, National Institute of Preventive and Social Medicine (NIPSOM), Bangabandhu Sheik Mujib Medical University, 2002
Bachelor of Dental Surgery (B.D.S.), Dhaka Dental College, University of Dhaka, 1986
Research Experience: 20 years
Teaching: 14 years
- SM Moshlehuddin Ahmed, Sharmeen Yasmeen, AFM Sarwar, Belal Ahmed and Rezia Karim. Epidemiology, Trend and Impact of Lymphatic Filariasis. Bangladesh Med. Coll. J. 2006;11(2):80-83.
- Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, M.H.Salim Ullah Sayed, Manzurul Haque Khan, Md. Mossarof Hossain, Andrew F Trevett, Salamat Khandker, Tabassum Dana, Md. Zakir Hossain, Md. Ziaul Hossain, A.F.M. Sarwar and Nahid Yasmin. 9th South East Asian Regional Scientific Meeting of International Epidemiological Association- Blood Lead Level and Health Problems among Lead Acid Battery Workers. Abstract Book, 9-12 February, ICMH, 2008:105-106.
- Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, M.H.Salim Ullah Sayed, Manzurul Haque Khan, Dr. A K M Zafor Ullah, Dr. Salamat Khandker, Md. Ziaul Hossain, and A.F.M. Sarwar Arsenicosis Case Detection and management, a training manual for the nurses and the health workers, Arsenic Program, DGHS and WHO; May: 2008.
- Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, M.H.Salim Ullah Sayed, Manzurul Haque Khan, MH Faruquee, Nahyd Yasmin, AFM Sarwar, Muhammad Ziaul Hussain, Piarah Begum and ABM Selimuzzaman. Musculoskeletal disorders and ergonomic factors among the garments workers JOPSOM 2007;26(2):97-110.
- Shariful Islam, AFM Sarwar, Umme Salma Abdullah, Parimal Chandra Mallick and Pradip Kumar Debnath. A comparative study of formocresol pulpotomy on vital and nonvital deciduous molar tooth. Journal of Oral Health 2005;7(1):11-13.
- Parimal Chandra Mallick, Morshed Alam Talukdar, Shariful Islam, Umme Salma Abdullah, AFM Sarwar, and Pradip Kumar Debnath. CT imaging is useful for differentiating cysts and benign tumors but radiological appearance of primordial and odontogenic keratocysts are same: case report. 2005;7(1):33 -36.
- AFM Sarwar, Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, M.H.Salim Ullah Sayed, Manzurul Haque Khan, MH Faruquee and Masuma Begum. Exposure to arsenic through drinking water: Pigmentary manifestation in the oral cavity. Journal of Oral Health 2005;7(2):52-58.
- AFM Sarwar, Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, M.H.Salim Ullah Sayed, Manzurul Haque Khan, MH Faruquee and Masuma Begum. Exposure to arsenic through drinking water: Attrition manifestation on tooth. Journal of Oral Health 2006;8(1):13-17.
- Nahid Sultana, M.H.Salim Ullah Sayed, Manzurul Haque Khan, Md. Ziaul Hussain, AFM Sarwar and Sk. Akhtar Ahmad. Respiratory problems among the workers in a poly bag industry. JOPSOM 2008;27(1):60-68
- A.F.M. Sarwar, Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, Manzurul Haque Khan, M.H. Salim Ullah Sayed and Md. Humayun Kabir. Swelling of vallate papillae of the tongue following arsenic exposure. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2010;36(1):1-3.
- Manzurul Haque Khan, Sudipta Sarkar, Nasreen Khan, A.F.M. Sarwar and Sk. Akhtar Ahmad. Assessment of low ABSPI among arsenic exposed and non-exposed populations: A pilot study. Bangladesh Med Res Counc Bull 2010; 36(1): 23-26.
- Misbahuddin M, Khandker S, editors. Drinking water contaminants in Bangladesh. Saarbrücken(Germany): LAP LAMBERT Academic Publishing; 2011. p. 58-89.
- Md. Mizanur Rahman, Wares Uddin, Main Uddin and A.F.M. Sarwar. Management of large mandibular ameloblastoma: A case report. JCMCTA 2011;22(1):39-42.
- AFM Sarwar, B Ahmed, MH Kabir, A Haque , MA kasem, SA Ahmad, PK Debnath, PC Mallick, M Haque, KA Hossain, SI khan, AHHU Ahmed & S Parveen. Oral hygiene practice among the primary school children in selected rural areas of Bangladesh. Northern International Medical College Journal 2011;2(2):135-138.
- Kabir MH, Ahmed AHHU, Mallick PC, Rahman MM, Sarwar AFM and kasem, MA. The Normal and Pathological Pigmentation of Oral Mucous Membrane: A Review. Pioneer Dental Journal. July 2007;3(2):14-22
- Begum M, Mehedi MT, Karim AMMN and Sarwar AFM. Bangladesh Journal of Transfusion Medicine. Awareness of Safe Disposal waste among the service provider of Barishal Sadar Hospital January 2012;2(1):19-23.
- A.F.M. Sarwar, Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, Manzurul Haque Khan, M.H. Salim Ullah Sayed and Md. Humayun Kabir. Melanotic changes of tongue through arsenic contaminated drinking water. J Uttara Adhunik Med Coll. 2013;3(1):40-43.
- MR Bhuiyan, SAS Azam, Moinuddin Ahmed and AFM Sarwar. Contraceptive practice and its influencing factors among villagers of rural Bangladesh. JMCWH. July 2009;7(2):59-64.
- Sarwar A.F.M. and Haque MM.Training Module; Training Module on NCD Management for SACMO/MA, Medical Technologist and Pharmacist. NCD.DGHS, WHO. December 2009:41-48.
- M Begum, MT Mehedi, A Mahmud, AFM Sarwar and A Nasreen. Patient's Satisfaction on Surgical Services in Some Selected Private Hospitals. Bangladesh Medical Journal September
2012;41(3):15-18. - A.F.M. Sarwar, Sk. Akhtar Ahmad, Manzurul Haque Khan, M.H. Salim Ullah Sayed, Md. Humayun Kabir and SM Moslehuddin Ahmed. Oral malodor (Halitosis) related to consumption of arsenic through drinking water in rural Bangladesh. J Uttara Adhunik Med Coll. 2013;3(2):176-180
- Syeda Ara Sultana Azam, Md. Mustafizur Rahman Bhuiyan, Md. Zafor ullah Chowdhury and AFM Sarwar. EWMC Age at first marriage for female: Trends and Determinants in context of rural Bangladesh. Journal July 2012;3(2):21-28.
- Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Khandker S, Sarwar AFM, Yasmin N, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, “Blood Lead Levels and Health Problems of Lead Acid Battery Workers in Bangladesh,” The Scientific World Journal, vol. 2014, Article ID 974104, 7 pages, 2014.
- Sarwar AFM, Ahmad SA, Khan MH, Sayed MHSU, Kabir MH and Faruquee MH. Arsenicosis and Tooth Decay in selected rural areas of Bangladesh. J Cont Dent Sci 2014;2(1)14-17.
AFM Sarwar, SM Moula, MH Kabir, MAI Khan. Myasthenia Gravis and its Implications to Dentistry: A Review.J Cont Dent Sci 2014;2(2):24-30. - Kabir MH, Sarwar AFM, Hossain M and Ahmed I. Etiological Factors, Diagnosis and Treatments of Halitosis: A review Update. J Shaheed Suhrawardy med coll, December ;2013. 5(2):106-110.
- AFM sarwar, Md Humayun kabir,Mohammad Harun Or Roshid, Anwara Haque,Haider Ali Khan, Golam Sarwar, Syed Morhsed Moula,Pradip Kumar Debnath and Shamim Ara Begum.
- Dental Caries among the Dentifrices user due to oral hygiene practice in primary school children of selected rural areas of Bangladesh. The Helear. July2014;18(1):25-29
Pradip Kumar Debnath, A.F.M. Sarwar, and Syed Morshed Moula.A case report on natal teeth with a review of literature. Journal of oral Health. Oct 2013;15(2):25-27. - Sarwar AFM, Ahmed S , Debnath PK , Rahman MZ, Amin MR, Aich SK, Haque J and Khondker MH.Bleaching of vital tooth: A Review Paper.Journal of Oral Health. Oct 2013;15(2):44-48.
- SAS Azam, MMR Bhuiyan and AFM Sarwar. Mortality and Morbidity Pattern and their determinants among infants in selected rural community of Bangladesh. JMCWH July 2011;9(2):58-62.
- Kabir H, Mallick PC, Sarwar AFM, Rizvi HM. Accessory Mental Foramen of the Mandible Found With Radiographic Images: A Case Report. JShSMC, December 2014;6(2):90-92.
- Sarwar AFM, Khan HA, Haque A. Dental Caries Status among the Primary School Children in a Selected Rural Area of Bangladesh. Journal of Oral Health. April 2009;11(1):1-4.
- Sarwar AFM, Kabir MH and Moula SM.Musculo skeletal disorders among the dentists: A Review. J Cont Dent Sci 2015;3(2):29-35.
- Sarwarr AFM. Necessity of Inter Professional Education (IPE). National Conference on Health Professions Education (HPE).27-28 Nov 2015:34-35
- A.F.M. Sarwar, Manzurul Haque Khan, M.H. Salim Ullah Sayed, MH Faruquee, Md. Humayun Kabir, Salamat Khandker and Sk. Akhtar Ahmad. Teeth abrasion among arsenic exposed and non-exposed population. Daffodil International University Journal of Allied Health Sciences Jan-Jul 2015;2(1&2):27-32.
- Manzurul Haque Khan, A F M Sarwar, MH Faruquee and Sk Akhtar Ahmad. Peripheral arterial disease in a rural population of bangladesh and associated conventional risk factors. JOPSOM 2016;35(1):41-47.
- Salamat Khandker1, Sk Akhtar Ahmad, Manzurul Haque Khan, MH Faruquee, Rabeya Yasmin, Shanta Dutta, Mst Mostary Zannath, Sk Md Nafis Kabir, AFM Sarwar. Perceived workplace hazards and health problems among the workers of garment factory in dhaka. JOPSOM 2016;35(2):1-9.
- Rahman MF, Ahmad SA, Faruquee MH, Yasmin R, Dutta S, Zannath MM, Khan MH and Sarwar AFM. Work-related Musculoskeletal Disorders among the Head-Load Brickfield workers. JOPSOM 2017;36(1):1-10.
- Sarwar A F M. Importance of Ergonomics in Dentistry. Universal Journal of Dentistry and Oral Diseases. Oct 2018;(1):1-2.
- The State of Oral Health among the Arsenic Exposed and Non Exposed Persons in some selected areas of Bangladesh.
- Oral health among the villagers of selected arsenic exposed and non-exposed areas of Bangladesh
- Social aspects of access to healthcare for arsenicosis patients. Conducted by Department of Occupational & Environmental Health (DOEH), NIPSOM.
- Nutritional & socioeconomic factors of arsenicosis: a case control study. Conducted by DOEH, NIPSOM.
- Re-screening of arsenicosis patients in UNF funded 3 upazillas. Conducted by DOEH, NIPSOM.
- Arsenic in drinking water and Peripheral Arterial Disease (PAD) in Bangladesh. Conducted by DOEH, NIPSOM.
- Fluoride and its health consequences in a selective areas of Bangladesh conducted by DOEH, NIPSOM
- TOT Manual on Behaviour Change to Minimize Household Exposure to Indoor Air Pollution WHO Environmental Health Program DOEH, NIPSOM. Supported by World Health Organization (WHO), Dhaka Office (Under the Biennial Program of Environmental and Occupational Health Programme.)
- Seminar on arsenicosis case detection management and disease surveillance in Divisional Medical colleges a for direct financial cooperation (DFC) by the technical support by WHO, 2009
- Organize awareness workshop on health impact of indoor air pollution for teaching staff of community medicine department. Proposal for Implementing Direct Financial Cooperation (DFC) activity by WHO, 2010.
- Oral Health strategic plan for most common oral diseases prevention in Bangladesh (2013-2018) , APW by technical assistance from WHO. 2013
Life Member, Public Health Association of Bangladesh